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22 European Projects Found

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Entrepreneurial Learning in Art Schools 2.0

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

EL Art 2.0 builds on the project ‘EL Art ’ that was developed and successfully executed between 2012-2014. The project EL Art set out to close the gap between skill-based training and the ‘real world’ by encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and multidisciplinary cooperation within the creative industries. The project was focused on strengthening the core entrepreneurial qualities of art students d ...
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Learning through mobilities - part 2

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The requirements to work in a multicultural society increases continuously and the labor market is constantly looking for workers who have good self-awareness, good self-confidence and who are tolerant , flexible , stress resistant and able to handle the challenges of working life today. The characteristics mentioned above are developed during an international mobility in a way that would not happ ...
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Completing Secondary Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Early school leaving causes an increasing level of concern in many countries. Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Iceland and Norway all has well-financed, well-approved and well-structured upper secondary school systems. All the same, the proportion of students not completing their upper secondary education is worringly high in all these countries. Early school leaving is known to be link ...
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Who? Turku goes Europe–Erasmus+ -KA1 -project is aimed at Turku Vocational Institute’s 18–25 year-old students of various fields. The students are mainly third year students. Turku goes Europe–Erasmus+ -KA1 -project is aimed also at apprenices of various fileds. Also staff members are projects target group: expecially the project is indirectly aimed also at teachers who instruct and support studen ...
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Provehicle 3

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The context/background of project our project is the needs of a flexible workforce that can respond to increased competition and rapid technological change by enabling vocational training and education (VET) to respond and adapt to the demands of the labour market. The consortium wants to carry out this project in order to meet the demands created by the increased international competitiveness by ...
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Euroopas õppides meistriks

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The basis for the „Masters through studies in Europe“ project application within Erasmus+ Programme has served the Action Plan of the Development Programme of Narva Vocational Training Centre. The priority activities at NVTC are directed to the practical training of the learners and trainees, as well as to the professional development of the staff. We have set the task to be trainee-focused and w ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Context/background of the project: Our project addressed the industry needs of a constant influx of competence. Skilled workforce in the industry is an essential asset to develop a competitive, sustainable and innovative economy in line with Europe 2020 goals and flagship initiatives as well as the Swedish national goals of economic growth. The European commission identifies the problem as a skill ...
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Energy Vision North Sea Region (EVNSR)

Start date: Jan 15, 2012, End date: Jul 1, 2013,

The EVNSR Project is clustering the INTERREG IVB renewable energy projects. EVNSR is drawing on the value and strengths identified in the individual projects in order to increase the deployment rate of renewable energy in the NSR. EVNSR will interconnect the different individual results and will amplify the successes in order to build an Renewable Energy Strategy. The project consists of three par ...
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Broadband Access for Innovation and Regional Development (BIRD)

Start date: Nov 29, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

The main aim of the BIRD project was to exchange experience and expertise on broadband implementation to enhance regional (rural) broadband access and usage. Achievements: and local level, recommendations for broadband as a tool for regional development and has given re ...
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Main aim of the ICTs for SMEs project was the strengthening of the region by spatial and structural changes in order to form a balanced region. The tools to reach this aim were Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The project worked towards enhancing the implementation and usage of ICT in SMEs. In particular the formation of a SME support structure was an important aim of the project. ...
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Adaptable training for career counsellors : The project has responded to a need for training in careers guidance which is adaptable to the introduction of new technologies and changing social conditions by introducing a professional profile and study materials. This project started in 2001 and lasted 24 months.
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Adapting education to business developments : Due to the ever-changing business environment, educational programmes are often out of step with the needs of enterprises. This project has developed a methodology for monitoring trends which will enable training programmes to keep pace with the changing needs of the private sector. This project started in 2001 and lasted 36 months.
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ICT Employee empowerment : A portal and online learning tool are in the process of being refined. They will provide work guidance counselors with the skills to train ICT company employees in personalised career management. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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The strained situation on the European professional training and job market is pretending new ways of information, of the consultation and the matchings of supply and demand, increasing mobility requirements in the vocational orientation phase as well as qualification phase. As early as the end of the 1990’s, an Internet-based internship exchange to bring together internship and job seekers, schoo ...
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Intercultural train the trainer : Web-based training on intercultural competence is being provided to vocational trainers. This will take the form of a modular course and will allow trainers to adapt to an increasingly multi-cultural workplace. This project started in 2001 and lasted 24 months.
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So far, two questions have been dealt separately, and sometimes have even been considered as contradictory :- consolidating the jobs of younger workers, as well as those of women arriving or coming back on the job market- keeping senior workers (above 55) at work.The Lisbon agenda decided that in 2010, 50% of people aged between 55 and 64 should still be at work. In 2006, (according to Eurostat), ...
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In December 2008 EU leaders adopted a comprehensive package of measures to reduce the EU's contribution to global warming and ensure reliable and sufficient supplies of energy. To increase the use of renewable energy sources the EU has set itself the objective of increasing the proportion of renewable energies in its energy mix by 20% by 2020. Wind Power is by far the most important energy source ...
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Early school leaving is the result of a long and complex process. It’s s not only about school, it’s a social problem. Nevertheless the prevention of drop outs seems either the responsibility of the ROC (Regional Training Centre) or once they have left school, from other organisations such as youth care and social welfare. In the Province of Groningen (NL) all those parties are working together to ...
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In Europe, the use of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) in vocational education and training is regarded as a priority since a couple of years. Despite a lot of successful programmes, (pilot) projects and initiatives, significant differences in the member states of the EU exist with regard to the implementation of E-learning in vocational schools and institutions of vocat ...
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XENOPHON II will design and introduce a series of procedures, manuals and standards with regard to the development of a competence-based, European certification system in the field of customer services within the Telecommunications Industry.Building upon work undergone in the previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project 'XENOPHON', this new phase will focus upon the implementation and further expan ...
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In line with the Dutch Government's 'employability agenda', this project will set up an international pilot programme to assess and certify key competencies for the lower levels of vocational work. Led by a consortium of Dutch vocational training organisations, the project will interview companies in the partner countries, to analyse the required competence structure of trade union representative ...
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The strained situation on the European professional training and job market is pretending new ways of information, of the consultation and the matchings of supply and demand, increasing mobility requirements in the vocational orientation phase as well as qualification phase. As early as the end of the 1990’s, an Internet-based internship exchange to bring together internship and job seekers, schoo ...
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