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Provehicle 3
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context/background of project our project is the needs of a flexible workforce that can respond to increased competition and rapid technological change by enabling vocational training and education (VET) to respond and adapt to the demands of the labour market. The consortium wants to carry out this project in order to meet the demands created by the increased international competitiveness by increasing competence, flexibility and employability of VET-learners, VET- staff and participating organisations in the Vehicle sector. The objective of the project is European mobility for VET learners and Staff in the vehicle sector. The objectives in this project are: a) Increased skills and competences for VET-learners to improve their flexibility, employability and transition to the labour market by VET learners traineeship in companies in EU. b) Update, upgraded skills and competences for modernising and internationalising their mission by understanding the skills demand in the European Vehicle sector and VET through staff training abroad at a European VET-provider. c) Creating a network of VET-providers, social partners and companies to understand European VET and vehicle sector skills demand to reinforce capacity of managing international collaboration and increased international scope. Number of participants: 50 VET-learners and 50 VET-staff Profile: The project is intended for VET-learners and VET-Staff in the Swedish Upper secondary school national programme The Vehicle Programme (fordons- och transportprogrammet) that provides Vocational education training. The mobility project focuses on the three sub-programmes to The Vehicle Programme: 1) The Lorries and mobile machinery programme; 2) The Body work and paint spraying programme; 3) The Passenger cars programme. The activities of the project are: a) VET learners traineeship in companies in EU; b) Staff training abroad at a European VET-provider. The methodology that will be used in this project is the European Quality Charter for Mobility. We address quality and management issues by implementing the EQAVET model in the project work plan and in the design of the work packages in order to address quality and management issues in a sustainable way. The EQAVET model consists of four stages for the quality assurance cycle for VET-providers: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Review. The methodology used for learning will be mobility, through personal experience and observation increase participant’s knowledge. The methodology for project management will be work packaged based and enforced by agreements. The main result and outcomes of the project are increasing competence, flexibility and employability of VET-learners, VET- staff and participating organisations in the Vehicle sector. We will create professional/personal development of the participants in the project with regard to their relevance for the vehicle sector labour market needs through mobility. The results for participating organisations will be developed reinforced capacity of managing international collaboration and increased international scope. The long-term benefits are the dynamic transformation of VET to better match training and education to European labour market skills demand and by so creating employability and flexibility and in the long-run contributing to the EU2020 objective of growth that is: smart; sustainable; and inclusive.
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