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Broadband Access for Innovation and Regional Development (BIRD)
Start date: Nov 29, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the BIRD project was to exchange experience and expertise on broadband implementation to enhance regional (rural) broadband access and usage. Achievements: and local level, recommendations for broadband as a tool for regional development and has given recommendations for the new spatial agenda of the Programme. Implementing those recommendations and analyses is a process which was started with BIRD and which is still ongoing on regional as well as international level. As a final result seven regional broadband development concepts have been carried out during the project.Additionally 25 best practices and eight case studies were worked out by the partners on the basis of a common methodology. For instance the best practise in Värmland, Sweden has succeeded in increasing knowledge of e-commerce and stimulating as well as promoting e-commerce development in the region. The region invested in a portal ‘Meetingpoint Wermland’, in short, this is a digital toolbox filled with services for sending and receiving electronic invoices, where companies and municipalities can operate e-commerce.Another example was the initiative E-courses for Teacher Training in Groningen, The Netherlands. This best practise was about learning & teaching by use of broadband technology and provide recommendations for instance about how to increase IT-skills of teachers and students.
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  • 50%   325 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 North Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants