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When the transfer of modern sciences to and the study of the Black Sea Region (BSR) began in the late 18. century, this area was not yet considered part of Europe. The proposed inter/multidisciplinary research and exchange project’s title refers to that fact. Knowledge and science exchange between Europe and the BSR intensified in the course of the 19th and early 20th century and was interrupted w ...
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Educational for Drone

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The aim of eDrone proposal is to define a learning environment to deliver more opportunities to access new competences related to the use of drone technologies in professional activities. These new competences refer in particular to the use of advanced ICT solutions for the use of drones and of the data acquired through drones that may go a long way towards the goals and priorities in terms of opt ...
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The overall objective of the project is to achive stronger regional partnership and cooperation to realize significant improvements of the wastewater treatment facilities management in the Black Sea coastal states. Achievements: Expert knowledge on the situation of wast ...
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Tourism Paths of the Black Sea Region (BSB-TOUR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

The overall objective of the project is to establish a strong cooperation between the partners' organizations from different social, economical and regional aspect countries in order to achive economic, social and tourism development based on common resources. Achievements: ...
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Improving the economic performance of the border area by facilitating a sustainable modernization of the agriculture. Expected Results: 3 monitoring centers for bovine productions; 2 pilot farms: one in Iasi and one in Chisin ...
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The overall objective of the project is to improve the ability of the Black Sea Basin national and coastal authorities to respond timely and effectively to water pollution and strengthen the joint knowledge and information base needed among partners, target groups and final beneficiaries on addressing the common challenges of water pollution in BS Basin marine and river environment. ...
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WASTEnet is a network joint action which aims at motivating the widest possible audience of local and regional authorities of the participating Black Sea countries (Romania, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, Turkey and Greece) to develop and apply Natural Treatment System (NTS) and in particular the Constructed Wetlands (CWs) for the wastewater treatment of their remote rural communities. ...
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Scientific research is no longer conducted within national boundaries and is becoming increasing dependent on the large-scale analysis of data, generated from instruments or computer simulations housed in trans-national facilities, by using e Infrastructure (distributed computing and storage resources linked by high-performance networks).The 48 month EGI-InSPIRE project will continue the transitio ...
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The overall objective of the project is to build capacities for networking and transnational transfer of good practices of educational management in a multicultural environment, in view of strengthening the Education and Training systems in the Black Sea Basin and promoting regional development of Lifelong Learning (LLL). ...
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...cture, Hungarian riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Moldovan riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Romanian riparian regions• S ...
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 FINISHED of the EU and EECA countries and strengthening scientific collaboration among them. International Cooperation Partner Countries targeted by our proposal are: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. EECAlink represents (i) a measure of active encouragement of the international Health research related cooperation and allows (ii) strengthening of the existi ...
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This project aims to reform higher education in geodesy and cartography in Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova in order to support sustainable development in these countries. The reform will integrate traditional geodesy and cartography with new technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to create modern geographic information technology (GIT) education in the partner countries.The specif ...
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...ct is designed to advance capacity in education, research, innovation and exploitation of knowledge in the area of Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine through cooperation with European Universities within a framework of Doctoral Programme.To meet this overall objective, the project team will:- introduce advanced Bologna-compliant ...
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Student Active Learning in Science

Start date: Oct 15, 2010,

Student Active Learning in Science Project (SALiS) intends to promote and support the contemporary science education by strengthening societal relevant, inquiry-based and student-active science teaching and learning in participating countries. Partner Universities will develop, implement and promote SALiS curriculum for in and pre-service training of school science teachers. For these very purpose ...
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This multi country project will enable PC universities to work with EU partners to develop a range of customized, locally and regionally relevant, ECTS compliant, Masters courses and programmes of study for public health and social services professionals. The project outcomes will include:1. Status Quo report on service and curriculum needs2. Development of new courses, learning and teaching mater ...
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...number of criteria: these included involvement in the area, experience of cooperation and development of the Bologna acquis, countries where the displaced communities from the lot countries (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine) are larger. Significant mobility figures (283), well beyond the lot minimum. These figures have been based on estimates done jointly on the revision of each type of mobility and t ...
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L07 - Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

...number of criteria: these included involvement in the area, experience of cooperation and development of the Bologna acquis, countries where the displaced communities from the lot countries (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine) are larger. Significant mobility figures (283), well beyond the lot minimum. These figures have been based on estimates done jointly on the revision of each type of mobility and t ...
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The objectives of the current project are to create/restructure IPR Management Offices in the partner Universities enabling them to efficiently protect and manage University Knowledge, generate more value and stimulate Technology Transfer, to study and benchmark European and local experiences of University services for Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship support, and develop recommendations f ...
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The project aims at developing university – enterprises relations through: a) studies to define the competencies and skills which that students should acquire to meet the labour market’s needs and the necessary modifications to be made to the programmes, b) the training of academic and non academic staff on issues such as the management and tutoring of students’ practical training, c) the developm ...
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The project aims at harmonising the Bachelor (Licence 3) and Master (M1 and M2) curricula in the field of the Business Management and Public Administrations at the PC universities in conformity with the Bologna recommendations. Students should receive a double, multiple or a common degree. These degrees will be suitable to the needs for the companies in the Belarus, Moldavian, Moroccan and Ukraini ...
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"The project aims at increasing quality of higher education system in the domain of environmental management and environmentally-safe nature management, using experience of EU and Partner countries on application of up-to-date information technologies. The following results are expected: (a) creation of integrated system of single space for higher education in the domain of environmental managemen ...
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The project aims at establishing 4 hotel training schools (école hôtelière supérieure d’application), which are federations of various hotels and restaurants, in each of the beneficiary region for which 8 new curricula (4 at secondary education and 4 at higher education level) will be developed on the basis of the needs expressed by the professionals who have been involved in the project design Th ...
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"Face à la carence en travailleurs sociaux qualifiés et pour combler, à très court terme, les besoins en ressources humaines résultant des nouvelles politiques sociales mises en place dans chacune des 4 régions (Sverdlovsk (RU), Abakan (RU), Moldavie (MD), Kazakhstan (KZ)). Le projet contribuera à la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur, dans une discipline ""le travail social"", qui est une priori ...
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The Innovating Teaching and Learning of European Studies (INOTLES) project contributes to curricular reform and modernisation of higher education in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, by implementing innovative pedagogies in European Studies courses at MA level. Building on a systematic review of pedagogies in European Studies, INOTLES will bring together Eastern partners with EU university centres of ...
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Entrepreneur Alumni Network

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

Wider objective of the EANET project is to establish Entrepreneur Alumni Networks (EAN) at 11 HEIs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia which support the entrepreneurial spirit among students, scientists and alumni and raise an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Georgia, Moldova and UkraineSpecific project objectives are - to create entrepreneurship-related associations at HEIs- to create international entre ...
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...ts in both the health technology industrial sector and the health delivery system through the appropriate management and safe use of medical devices. The BME-ENA project will enable Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to face the challenges of biomedical technology through capacity and institutional building measures. BME education at university level in these countries is underdeveloped. Labora ...
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RETHINK is an idea for new Curricula, a plan for connecting HEIs to the world of business/industry, and a wish for a better ENVIRONMENT.The project intends to establish connections, strengthen educational/cultural/business bridges and to construct a common language on the sphere of Higher Education and Society- under the theme of ENVIRONMENT (a priority).The RETHINK project intends to develop and ...
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The main goal of the project is to create e-Library for academic community in Moldova, which support education and research process according to international requirements. The information system infrastructure will be created and advanced integrated Library Information System will be implemented into seven Moldovan universities. This will ensure document cataloguing according international standa ...
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ATHENA will contribute to the modernisation of HE systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Partner Countries of Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia by improving framework conditions for HEIs. Its general objective is to enhance institutional and financial autonomy and accountability, and thus the capacity, of HEIs. ATHENA, a structural measure, adopts an inclusive approach: involving HEIs, national public aut ...
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The project targets all 6 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) of Lot 5 and all three target groups. It will provide students and staff from these countries, as well as from EU countries participating in the project, mobility opportunities that will greatly enhance their experiences and provide them with skills that will be valuable for their careers. The partners ...
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INFINITY project intends to become an INternational Fellowship IN transdisciplinarITY; its main theme is “Urban Agriculture”. INFINITY is about sustainability, and aims to strengthen a viable partnership of EU and all of lot 5 countries - aligning the Lisbon Strategy with the EM programme’s objectives. INFINITY is set in a transdisciplinary framework in the following thematic fields:01 Agriculture ...
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...rope vision, especially in view of introducing former Soviet Union countries. The project aims mainly at launching a research and education network comprising HEIs from the European Union, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. Most of partners have experience with Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programmes but some of them are new in this kind of collaboration. The power of our consortium consis ...
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...8 EU partner universities from Austria, France, Germany, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland and Spain and 11 partner universities from all 6 targeted countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). The 12 associate partners of the project include 6 universities from the targeted countries, the Ministries of Education in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, AUF and 2 student associ ...
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The Moldovan HEIs have QA structures in place, but their activity remains at a very formalistic level. A pre-project needs analysis conducted by the UL demonstrated that the main reasons for the low impact of QM structures at HEIs are a lack of training in self evaluation, a lack of understanding of the idea behind a quality culture, a very low level of students’ involvement in QA, a lack of dialo ...
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The La MANCHE project is implemented by a consortium of 6 EU partners (from 5 countries) and 23 HEIs from 5 Partner Countries (PCs). The project’s overall objective is to promote the modernization of PCs’ higher education (HE) by building governance and management capacities at PC HEIs and initiating sustainable dialogue on HE reforms among relevant interest groups. Specific objectives are:- to ma ...
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...otion; establishment of system of training for trainers and LLL and retraining in the field of innovation policy development in PCs. We propose to establish 4 Start-up centers in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova; to organize interactive international Informational-Analytical network for innovation projects and ideas support, WEB-portal for Start-Up Centers communication and e-platform for distance lea ...
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General objective:-Reform of university governance and modernisation of central university services in the Republic of Moldova.Main output:Elaboration of legislative proposals to modernise the university governance and autonomy, as response to:- main objectives of national policies in the field of high education related to increasing institution autonomy - Consolidated Strategy of Education Develo ...
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...-The establishment and launch of a national network of promoters of Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education for the support and implementation of innovative education in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.The specific objectives will lead to the achievement of the wider project objective, which is “To contribute to the development and implementation of Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Educati ...
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EMINENCE II is a partnership of 20 universities from 5 EU and 6 Eastern Partnership (EaP)countries. EaP universities have joined EM programme for the first time only in 2012- within EMINENCE I project, whereas the EU part of consortium combines both EMA2-experienced and less- or no-experienced partners. The project offers 155 scholarships for staff and students of all levels, including 15 individ ...
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The problems of the education systems of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia for the recent transition period arequite similar. Although the problems are not academic in nature, they do have a negative impact on the outcomes andoutputs of the latter. The main difficulties refer to absence of economic sustainability in the new political, economic, andsocial paradigm. Yet another problem is the ab ...
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