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The Spatial Development Concept of Interregional Co-operation in the Danube Space (DONAUREGIONEN+)
Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

(1) The project origin arises from the ARGE DONAULANDER - Working Group of spatial planning (ARGE) where since 1993 the idea of the Concept of the cooperation of the Danube regions, cities and ports was permanently developed. Up to now the common methodological model was elaborated and approved by the ARGE members. (2) The model consist of Three phases. Each phase is divided into four sectoral general scheme namely sectors of (a) Environment, (b) Settlement Structure & Human Resources, (c) Transport &Technical infrastructure and (d) Economy. Each phase ends with integration of particular sectoral aprroaches. (3) According the ARGE plan the Donauregionen project, which was implemented in InterregIIIB CADCES programme represents the 1st -analytical phase. (4) The project Donauregionen+ represents the 2nd - synthetical phase with Joint Danube Regions Development Strategy (D+ strategy) as main project objective. (5) The 3rd - implemntation phase, the last one according present ARGE methodological model will be Donauregionen++ project, with the support of implementation of the D+Strategy in the planning of involved Danube regions, cities and ports. (6) As communication and information tool an INFORM-ARGE has been setup. As its 1st phase PHARECBC/Interreg IIC project Donaudatenkatalog was implemented. The project has developed a metainformation system of available data sources for planning activities in Danube space. This was further updated in Donauregionen project supported also by development of GIS. Achievements: • Analysis of natural and socio-economic conditions in 48 NUTS 3 regions located along the Danube supported with maps• Interregional analysis and development scenarios for Danube areas• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Croatian riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Hungarian riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Moldovan riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Romanian riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Serbian riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Slovak riparian regions• Sectoral strategies for improving natural assets, settlement structure and human resources, transport and technical infrastructure, and economy structure, Ukrainian riparian regions• Strategy for balanced development of cross-Danube regions in Bulgaria and Romania• Strategy for balanced development of cross-Danube regions in Croatia and Hungary• Strategy for balanced development of cross-Danube regions in Croatia and Serbia• Strategy for balanced development of cross-Danube regions in Romania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine• Strategy for balanced development of cross-Danube regions in Serbia• Strategy for balanced development of cross-Danube regions in Slovakia and Hungary• Summary report on the cross-Danube development strategies prepared by Donauregionen+For more information see:
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  • 85%   1 770 380,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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18 Partners Participants