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The E-SCHOLAR project (European Schools Cooperating: Healthy Organisations Learning, Achieving Reviewing) is a three-year project being delivered in the context of Sunderland and Saint-Nazaire’s longstanding partnership. In each region it brings together 2 secondary and 4 primary schools to work with the local authority and an additional expert partner. Half of the pilot schools in each region hav ...
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Career Management Skills - A New 'Literacy' for Sustainable Employment

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

... developed the necessary skills should be able to assess where the labour market is going; consider new skill areas that are appropriate to their own strengths and preferences; develop a personalized learning plan and map-out their career pathway to sustainable and rewarding work based on an understanding of potential future skill needs. Successful career management is accomplished through regular ...
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Commitment, Communication, Community

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Commitment, Communication, Community are the three concepts that give name and purpose to this project. Our institution is situated within a well-established, seasonal touristic location, which has and will continue to have a great impact on the community and its inhabitants. Tourism is the foundation for most of the economy in Mallorca and provides employment to a large part of our student popula ...
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Youth Marketing Policy Makers for Sustainable Development

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

...tan; Nepal; Poland; Romania; Slovakia and Slovenia.Focus will be on creating synergies between the next objectives:1.Capacity building and networking of consortium members: NGOs, education (community learning centres) and business sector from Africa, Asia and Europe;2.Rising knowledge for SD (Economic, Social and Environmental well-being for today and tomorrow);3.Creative contribution of 3 existin ...
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With the Recommendation 18 december 2006 European Union has identified 8 Key Competences for lifelong learning: a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for self realization and delf development, inclusion, activie citizenship and employability. Several countries have embedded the Key Competences framework in the school reforms, starting a change of paradigm that integrates the ...
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...- Remarkable gain in skills for the participants (vocational, organising, social, personal, intercultural skills as well as language skills. -Thus increasing chances on the labour market. -Using the learning outcomes and the skills from the project within the BSZ to develop quality, organistion structures and the strategy of internationalization. - Gaining a better position for the BSZ on the mark ...
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De Morado

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

...ontribute to the dismantling of gender stereotypes.These activities will be carried out through a participative methodology in which the participants themselves will be the main protagonists of their learning. The real purpose is to make this learning as meaningful as possible so they incorporate it into their daily life. It is expected that all these will served to foment personal and professiona ...
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This project has been thought up and designed by a group of NGOs in Alta, Norway, in May 2015 thanks to the effort of NaturKultur e.V. and Leppe¬Ganespalte Foreningen in Langfjord. The Youth Exchange deals with negative developments in the globalized chain of food producers, food processing enterprises and the final consumers. The exchange aims to to raise awareness among youth to improve their c ...
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"Spinach for Popeye - Young in Europe, Today and Tomorrow"

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...ple, aged around 14 to 16, and 2 young peer mentors (participants from previous exchange – host country only) the opportunity to participate in an invaluable learning and fun experience. All the participants are those within the transition stage between school and world beyond, but as yet do not have positive destinations. All are those with fewer opportunities who face a range of issues and nee ...
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The main aim of the project EU-StORe - European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources is to conceptualise and implement a European inventory of open learning resources, to analyse open learning scenarios and open learning resources, and to create shared common European standards and guidelines for open learning. Open education and open learning resources are actually one of the ...
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From idea to enterprise

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

... become responsible and create their own jobs. NGOs can help young people to develop employability skills and involve them into entrepreneurship. At the same time NGOs also can benefit a lot from learning social entrepreneurship as they also face with the different problems and cannot be sustainable. But there are not many NGOs which are competitive enough in the issue. The training course “From ...
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Spinach for Popeye

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

... 5. Organize and plan for students participation and influence in school and community as a whole. 6. Develop the partnership between schools and parents. 7. Take measures to promote children’s learning 8. Provide accessible cultural and leisure activities to all children. Profile of participants The participants at the conference consists of 32 professionals from the four participating countries, ...
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Happy Ever After

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The main activity, the Happy Ever After seminar (A1) was held in Kobuleti, Georgia for five programme days in October 2015. The arrival day was the 11th of October and the departure day was the 17th of October. The participants came from Finland, Georgia, Denmark, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Turkey and Armenia. Each country will send 2-4 participants each, so there were 22 participants in total. The ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

...strong network of practitioners, involving youth workers as participants and also NGOs from the community to an open and constructive dialogue about the power of education for youth through life long learning programs. 37 participants from 9 countries had the opportunity of sharing, stimulated by interactive exercises, study cases of best practices, workshops for designing activities with long ter ...
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Bořiči Euromýtů

Start date: May 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2015,

The Czech Republic and Slovakia have been EU member states for almost 11 years. Nevertheless, the fact that the voter turnout in European Parliament election has been the lowest (when compared with the voter turnouts in other elections held in both countries) clearly indicates that the public interest in EU membership has been decreasing in both countries. Population’s lack of interest and its inc ...
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Cultural Learning through Greek Mythology

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project "Cultural Learning through Greek Mythology" is an innovative learning approach that was developed by a group of young people active in the field of youth work. The project provides the opportunity of drawing on the experiences of the first event of this kind and further developing the approach in an international setting. The basic idea is for different youth groups to choose a mytholo ...
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Un territoire commun (ACT)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

ACT is seeking to support the arts and stimulate creativity around shared cross-border activities on culture and heritage. Achievements: THURROCK (ESSEX) IN JULY 2013 AT FRANCO-ENGLISH PERFORMANCES AND WORKSHOPS ORGANISED BY THE ACT PROJECT. Thurrock International Celeb ...
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...ical education institutions - Plenary session in the City Hall of Krakow " The needs of music education in European countries ." - Workshop co-managed by the participants : 1 ) Building capacity for learning " body + mind + emotions" 2 ) Musical education both formal and informal - working methods 3 ) Dance as a form of expression 4 ) Music and movement for therapeutic treatment 5) Music activit ...
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"Young in Europe- Today and Tomorrow"

Start date: Jun 22, 2014, End date: Dec 22, 2014,

...r own potential and that they have learned to build up self-confidence and motivation. It was accompanied and guided by educationalists who made it possible to experience intercultural learning and a European awareness by means of non-formal methods. Thus, apart from the increase of individual competences and the outlines of the young persons’ lives, the chance of taking responsibility for a comm ...
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Cultural Learning through Story-based Role-Playing

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Nov 15, 2014,

The project "Cultural Learning through Story-based Role-Playing” was conceived as an innovative learning approach developed by a group of young people active in the field of youth work. The project provided the opportunity of testing the idea in an international setting and it proved to be extremely successful. The basic idea was to choose a mythological background for a role-paying game and meet ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Nov 15, 2014,

TÍTULO : NUEVO PROGRAMA - NUEVO FUTURO TIPO DE ACTIVIDAD: Curso de formación / seminario internacional TEMA : Curso de capacitacion para los trabajadores de juventud en el ambito de los Programas Internacionales de la UE , dirigida principalmente a organizaciones que trabajan con jovenes con menos oportunidades (areas rurales, los discapacitados, los abandonos de la escuela , las dificultades econ ...
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Social exclusion and deprivation can be strongly linked to the lack of opportunities in education and training. The Learning Cities project intends to improve the quality of life for the hardest-to-reach groups through the development of a broad framework of learning opportunities and engagement in life-long-learning by:- Creating a city-wide, learning-friendly environment linking educational acto ...
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The project is designed to encourage more employers to take on workers from abroad, thus facilitating mobility. It will provide employers with a model induction programme (IP) and with support materials (SM). The project is a development from another Leonardo pilot project, the "Placement Support" pilot project (NL/01/B/F/PP-123135). This new project will build on the success of the previous one a ...
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The seminar gathered appr. 40 representatives of school, youth welfare, social work, vocational training, the employment sector, parents and politicians from Scotland, Sweden, Italy and Germany, who all work with young people with fewer opportunities with or without a migration background. The main aim of the seminar was to improve the possibilities for those target groups for the transition from ...
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Intercultural dialogue is our task!

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...rcultural dialogue is our task!” is dealing with the following topics: Youth work, Intercultural dialogue, Acceptance of diversity, Intercultural learning, challenges and solutions in implementations of interethnic / interreligious / intercultural activities, leadership, teamwork, conflict transformation, communication, Grant application writing, Youth in Action programme, Youth exchanges and new ...
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...ntances, experiences and good practices. A tangible outcomes was a repertory of digital portfolio of VET trainers, that could be used by trainers as an instrument for the self evaluation and for self learning; an intangible outcomes was the implementation of a culture of personalization in the VET system and the improvement of VET trainers competences, professional flexibility and employability. T ...
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 FINISHED the userfirst and foremost in designing the technological solution to meet that individuals needs.The network will perform the following important functions:• Facilitation of exchange and mutual learning between education and training providerswithin the health and social care sector regarding the development and exploitation ofPCT for the benefit of staff and end users, and identification of g ...
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This project will target older isolated people through using the technique of reminiscence work as a method to incorporate the objectives set out in the Life Long Learning programme and will involve a range of contexts, including rural areas, care/residential homes, ethnic minority communities and terminally ill older people. The project will support older people through reminiscence and heritage ...
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Immigrants have a special tendency for self-employment (and, consequently, for entrepreneurship). However, the way towards opening their own business is jeopardized by cultural and linguistic barriers, as well as by lack of knowledge of legislation (in tax and labor, for example) and of other entrepreneurial aspects. Mainstream entities and migrant-oriented associations intend to contribute to sur ...
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 FINISHED and quality of services. Learners-refugees had benefit from the project results in terms of improved training programs, that take into account the diversity of cultural, cognitive and motivational learning schema, also valorizing informal learning schema. Decision makers and experts had benefit by getting insight into learning behaviors diversity and, finally, VET sector had benefit on competen ...
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The project intends to improve the access to vocational training and the lifelong acquisition of skills, with a view to increasing and developing adaptability and chances for unemployed older and disabled people. This will be achieved by application of innovative counselling and guidance approaches and the establishment of a mentoring scheme linking older unemployed people to employers. This schem ...
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...urse for the support of teachers, trainers and vocational counsellors as well as accompanying materials for better understanding of e-portfolios as a method for self-organised and competence-oriented learning.- conduct a study on the special qualification and skills needed by teachers when teaching adolescent students.- develop a MOSEP train-the-trainer course concept for secondary school teachers ...
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Putting the disabled on an equal footing : The project has produced a training curriculum together with an assessment tool aimed at both professionals working with the disabled and the beneficiaries themselves. It will contribute to improved standards of care for the disabled. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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The non profit sector has experienced many attempts of training the volunteers and the employees through distance learning and also of producing e.learning courses. But without an appropriate methodology all those experiences got meagre results. Therefore the current projects aims at making a repository of methodologies for e.learning and through the involvement both of training agencies and of tr ...
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...urse for the support of teachers, trainers and vocational counsellors as well as accompanying materials for better understanding of e-portfolios as a method for self-organised and competence oriented learning.- conduct a study on the special qualification and skills needed by teachers when teaching adolescent students.- develop a MOSEP train-the-trainer course concept for secondary school teachers ...
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...s in Europe that are intended to benefit older employees (age over-45) at risk of dropping out of their current employment. Target groups include job centres consultants, over-45 employees, trainers, learning facilitators and SMEs consultants. Project partners will investigate best practice teaching tools and also benchmarking methodologies to develop what is being called the OVER approach. Throug ...
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Many persons with disabilities throughout Europe receive support by a service providing organisation. The quality of the provided service depends mostly on the quality of the staff of the service providers. Though staff education and training differs from country to country almost nowhere persons with disabilities act as trainers. The project aimes at training persons with disabilities to become t ...
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Students with proven entrepreneurial characteristics should be stimulated to continue after graduation. There are difficulties for this group of starters in fact: colleges take care for students and not for entrepreneurs (after graduating) and support organisations (mainly) support entrepreneurs (registered at the Chamber of Commerce) and not students. The project aims to bridge this gap in suppor ...
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The main aim of the project is the creation of elements for methodology of teaching, education quality, the settlement of a general European teaching/training environment meeting the teaching/training needs of the target groups. Primary target groups are teachers and trainers of young students from 14 – 16 years, secondary target groups are educational institutions and organisations. The planned a ...
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The project sets out to improve the quality of mentoring programmes in Europe that are intended to benefit young people and employees typically identified as marginalised and/or 'at risk' of dropping out of educational and training programmes. The primary target group for the project is mentors themselves. The project will build upon mentoring ideas from the previously funded CAMEO project (DG Emp ...
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