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Commitment, Communication, Community
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Commitment, Communication, Community are the three concepts that give name and purpose to this project. Our institution is situated within a well-established, seasonal touristic location, which has and will continue to have a great impact on the community and its inhabitants. Tourism is the foundation for most of the economy in Mallorca and provides employment to a large part of our student population. Thus, employability is one thing we can contribute to.Although a majority of the students are diverse in key competences, they can be can categorized into three main groups according to their needs and origin.The first group consists of students who dropped out of secondary school before graduation, probably due to a history of absences and lack of motivation. Despite the lack of formal education, many of these students have an acceptable understanding of various foreign languages. The second group is made up of foreign students who come to our institution in search of training, either to become literate, or to achieve basic linguistic competency in any of the official languages. In this diverse group we find a wide range of people including immigrants, refugees, and a large population of German residents that have moved to the island. However, due to various circumstances they have not learned the native language. For this reason their assimilation into the culture is not easy. Language competency is essential in order to be able to integrate into our community without facing communicative obstacles. The third group consists of those who work and study to further their education through the preparation of standardized access exams. Students will be required to be proficient in foreign languages, mainly English. The faculty of our school is more than qualified in their areas of expertise, but still there is a need for improvement in foreign language competence following the new standards that the European Union promotes for 2020. Linguistic competence is essential for social cohesion, personal and economic development, and professional mobility. From our perspective, multilingualism is a key value that not only favours different cultures living together, but also greatly increases the probability of job placement.Our objective as a professional institution is to not only work towards improving the linguistic skills of our staff in order to strengthen the European dimension of our school as a whole, and break communication barriers, but also to develop strategies to minimize the student drop out rate. If the linguistic competency in foreign languages is not proficient this has a direct impact on the range of courses that we can offer, as well as the communication with the students. By eliminating these barriers of communication it may enhance the dedication of the students within their educational communities. On a broader scale the advancement and the impact of this project will be disseminated in different ways throughout the community. On the one hand institutions related to adult education in other European countries, will host us for job shadowing and serve as a platform for future collaborations. On the other hand the conclusions extracted from this job shadowing experience regarding the diminishment of the drop out rate will be diseminated to other teachers throughout organized conferences in the regional teacher training centres in our area. Lastly, on a local level, our training courses will be able to meet the needs of the touristic development plan, “Arta Sorprén” (Arta Surprises), which is designed to offer, among other things, language courses that focus on English for specific purpose, in order to meet the needs of businesses in the area.
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