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"Spinach for Popeye - Young in Europe, Today and Tomorrow"
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth Exchange “Spinach for Popeye”"Young in Europe – Today and Tomorrow"5Our “Spinach for Popeye” programme has run for just over 15 years and it incorporates two strands – a training seminar for practitioners (which is not part of this application) and a youth exchange. Programme partners are Scotland (UK), Germany, Sweden and Italy.The origins of the name “Spinach for Popeye” is based on a TV cartoon character “Popeye” which featured in a popular worldwide children’s programme during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. “Popeye” the “sailor man”, got himself into all types of difficult situations, and in times of need he ate spinach to give him power and strength to tackle things and overcome adversity .... and it always worked. Our “Spinach for Popeye” programme is based on the concept that we (practitioners, the youth exchange programme, and approaches we adopt) can be the spinach to give young people the additional strength to tackle the situations they face.This youth exchange will give 32 young people, aged around 14 to 16, and 2 young peer mentors (participants from previous exchange – host country only) the opportunity to participate in an invaluable learning and fun experience. All the participants are those within the transition stage between school and world beyond, but as yet do not have positive destinations. All are those with fewer opportunities who face a range of issues and needs at school, in the community and / or within the family, and many have low levels of confidence and self-esteem. The exchange will be held in Falkirk, Scotland, and will run from the 28th June till the 5th July. The programme will consist of - participative creative workshops, cultural presentations and activities delivered by the young people, group and individual activities and tasks, reflection activities, team building activities, visit to a local school and local attractions, outdoor activities, as well as a trip to our capital city – Edinburgh. We are hoping that the project will support the young people to develop longer term employability skills, life skills, and positive attitudes / behaviours that will help them when entering into the labour market, and life in general. As partners we are realistic about our anticipated outcomes - we know we can’t and won’t completely turn around the lives of all the young people who participate, however, we know from our experience of previous exchanges, that there will be noted differences to varying levels (some quite remarkable) in all who participate, around e.g. - attitudes, tolerance and respect for others, motivation, ambition, self-worth and self-esteem, peer support, sense of achievement, changes of behaviour, being more approachable, being more open and responsive to taking part and listening to others, awareness of European culture, and generally becoming more informed and active EU citizens.Lastly we all share the belief in the value and importance of non-formal learning methods and the learner centred approach.
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