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Kompetenzen ohne Grenzen - Berufspraxis im Dreiländervergleich in der vollschulischen Berufsausbildung im Bereich Kinderpflege und Ernährung und Versorgung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of the project: The phrase from the title "skills without frontiers" is a slogan leading throughout the project. It has a double meaning: - students from a vocational education in school in childcare and in home economics move beyond the frontiers of their country, may be even beyond their inner frontiers of their thinking to go on a workplacement in Ireland or Norway. Once this decision is done they experience such a gain of different skills that also this seems to be without frontiers. Objectives of the project: Going through a work placement of 3 or 4 weeks the participants should feel himself and be considered as part of the staff. This should especially be true for participants going for a 6 or 10 months work placement after the final exams of the vocational education programs. They are supposed to learn what the daily routines at work are in their special place of work, compared to what they know from their home country. As it is typical in childcare and home economics these routines may change with seasons, special events or holidys throughout the year. Another objective is an increase of work placement periods within a vocational education that´s done in school. Thus the project favours vocational skills that in the long run improve the chances of the participants on the labour market. Improving the language skills is another important point within the project. The point is to use English for communication at the work placement as well as in mormal life situations. Thinking of work mobility within Europe this is an important point but also in regard to having to deal with migration in many life situations, using language skills as a helpful tool for integration. Being challenged to work and to live in a completely new setting offers the opportunity to learn a lot of daily life skills. Number and profile of participants: - 211 participants go for work placement in the period of 2 years. - This number splits up into 2 departments (childcare and home economics) and 2 countries the participants go to (Ireland and Norway). - Additional accompanying persons to cover the needs of minors The participants live in the city of Regensburg in Bavaria or they come from the surrounding areas which can be very rural. Quite often they have a background of socially poor and problematic families, which is especiallyy tru in the field of home economics. Description of activities, methodology to be used in carrying out the project: - There are about 20 partners in Ireland and Norway offering work placements for the participants. - These partners are small facilities for childcare and home economics taking 2 students at a time. - All working days of the stay are covered by work placement. - A 3 to 4 weeks stay is offered within the vocational education program. - After the final exams participants can choose a 6 or 10 months period of work experience in the host countries. - There is a direct cooperation between the BSZ and the partners, no othe organisation that needs to be paid is involved. - Very good communication structures including all the persons being involved help to keep the project running. - Mixed groups of participants from childcare and from home economics for each trip, having groups from 4 to 22 participants. - Each trip includes a week of holidays in school. - Accommodation for the participants within a network of host families, student housing or housing opportunities offered by the partners. - There is a team at the BSZ supporting with help in organising travelling, mentoring, evaluation and administration matters. The main responsibility is in the hands of the project leaders. Results and impact envisaged, the potential longer term benefits. - Remarkable gain in skills for the participants (vocational, organising, social, personal, intercultural skills as well as language skills. -Thus increasing chances on the labour market. -Using the learning outcomes and the skills from the project within the BSZ to develop quality, organistion structures and the strategy of internationalization. - Gaining a better position for the BSZ on the market of education, in the pubilc appearance and in relation to authorities. - Contribution through intercultural learning to understanding and broad-mindedness in a community where people with different cultural background live together.
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12 Partners Participants