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28 European Projects Found

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The students’ stay with professional practice in Italy is consistent with the long term goals of our school, i.e. preparation of an educated professional with an appropriate portfolio of professional competence. It's the best way of getting innovations in the study field, exchange of experience and materials to motivate students to education. The Italian experts’ know-how transfer will lead to the ...
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Ze Slavkova u Brna do Evropy 2016

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Project aims to promote vocational education of students of ISŠ Slavkov u Brna.Our goal is to provide opportunity to participate on learners mobility to 22 students from 4 branches. Participants will be students of3rd and 4th grade of vocational school from branches of car mechanic, cabinetmaker hotel industry and cook/waiter.Students will undertake 4 week long internships in private companies fro ...
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Získání nových zkušeností a dovedností v zemích Evropské unie

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Partner schools, ISŠ Vysoké nad Jizerou (the Czech Republic), ZESPÓL SZKÓL Nr. 5 im M.T. Hubera Walbrzych (Poland) and Stredná odborná škola lesnícká v Tvrdošíně (Slovakia), take part in the project. Eight teachers and twelve pupils attending vocational courses 41-56-H/02 Mechanic Repairman of Forest Machinery and 23-68-H/01 Mechanic Repairman of Motor Vehicles aged between 17-19 years will take ...
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The project is focused on the mobility of students of vocational and educational field of study provided by secondary vocational school to increase knowledge level and the expertise of students with competencies for sustainable development in forestry.The main objective is to increase vocational and educational level of the chosen students in the field of forestry primary production, diagnostics a ...
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Pour une insertion professionnelle européenne réussie2

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This mobility project, conceptualized and implemented by both the teaching and the administrative staff of Lycée Régional Polyvalent Stanislas, would apply to a group of 30 second and final year secondary school Baccalauréat Professionnel (French vocational school diploma) students, with the goal of preparing them for careers in cookery, restaurant service and bakery. These economic sectors are a ...
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Enterpreneurship: A Serious Game

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

To create more employment & prosperity we must engage young people in delivering the key social & economic aims of boosting productivity, increasing competition & innovation. All young people will need to develop entrepreneurial skills that will make them more innovative and creative. But how do we make entrepreneurial learning attractive to them? This project and its partnership are designed to: ...
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Pour une insertion professionnelle européenne réussie

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

This mobility project, conceptualized and implemented by both the teaching and the administrative staff of Lycée Régional Polyvalent Stanislas, would apply to a group of 30 second and final year secondary school Baccalauréat Professionnel (French vocational school diploma) students, with the goal of preparing them for careers in cookery, restaurant service and bakery. These economic sectors are a ...
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Zahraniční odborné praxe - zkušenost a poznání

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Partner schools, ISŠ Vysoké nad Jizerou (the Czech Republic), ZESPÓL SZKÓL Nr. 5 im M.T. Hubera Walbrzych (Poland), authorized service centers Citroen Vega Car M. Chojwa, j. Kowalski Spółka Jawna Walbrzych (Poland) and Stredná odborná škola lesnícká v Tvrdošíně (Slovakia), take part in the project. Eight teachers and twelve pupils attended vocational courses 41-56-H/02 Mechanic Repairman of Fore ...
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Zvyšování kompetencí techniků v odborné přípravě

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

:: Context / background The project was created in reaction to the 2015 Call for proposals Erasmus+ Mobility of individuals. Objectives • Initiate productive collaboration between students, teachers, and cooperating companies • Establish intercultural connections between students, teachers, and institutions of the involved countries • Implement new knowledge and experiences - when developi ...
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The project is focused on the mobility of students of vocational and educational field of study provided by the secondary vocational school to increase knowledge level and the expertise of students with competencies for sustainable development in forestry. The main objective is to increase vocational and educational level of the chosen students in the field of forestry primary production, diagnost ...
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Project “PRACTISE in EUROPE – increasing employment opportunity for students and teachers“ was prepared for 20 students from the 1st and 2nd grade of secondary education whereas the third grade students had their final exam at that time + 2 accompanying people and also 10 teachers became a part of this mobility. 10 students in the field of chef-waiter and 10 students in the field of tourism and ...
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Odborné stáže pro studenty středních škol a dospělé odborníky

Start date: Nov 15, 2014, End date: Nov 14, 2015,

Project Vocational intership for secondary school students and adult professionals aimed to promote vocational and technical education in region of South Moravia. Project is based on cooperation between District Chambre of Commerce Hodonin and six vocational schools from this region. Our goal is to provide opportunity to participate on learners mobility to 29 students of vocational schools and 6 v ...
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Odborné stáže techniků v Evropě

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

Twelve pupils attending vocational courses 41-56-H/02 Mechanic Repairman of Forest Machinery and 23-68-H/01 Mechanic Repairman of Motor Vehicles aged between 17-19 years will take part in the Internship Programmes. The internships will take place in partner organizations in Poland and the Slovak Republic. Four pupils will attend the internship in the Slovak Republic and eight students will attend ...
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Mobility žáků ISŠA ve Francii a Velké Británii 2014

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Jul 14, 2015,

We have been organizing student scholarship programmes at our school for many years. So far we have run scholarship programmes in France only and as a result of long-lasting highly positive experience, we have decided to organize a scholarship programme in the UK as well. Such programmes are highly popular among our students and are in their ever increasing demand as the participants of former pro ...
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Do Európy za vzdelaním

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

"To Europe for education" it is a project focused to category of young people, students in their initial education. They prepare in the area of automotive technology, automotive industry and information technology. Due to the fact, that the automotive industry is one of the preferred and rapidly developing sector, we consider the following project focused sufficiently well founded. Internship ...
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The project is focused on the mobility of students of vocational and educational field of study provided by the secondary vocational school to increase knowledge level and the expertise of students with competencies for sustainable development in forestry. The main objective is to increase vocational and educational level of the chosen students in the field of forestry primary production, diagnos ...
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Das Projekt zielt auf die Erhöhung des technisch-technologischen Niveaus der Wirtschaft im grenzübergreifenden Fördergebiet ab. Es bein-haltet den Aufbau zweier sich ergänzender Automatisierungsanlagen AKONA 1 und AKONA 2 in Sachsen und Tschechien zur Ausbildung, Demonstration und Applikationsforschung. Weitere Meilensteine sind die Einführung des neuen Unterrichtsfaches Mechatronik/Robotertechnik ...
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Robotics doesn´t know borders (Robotika nezná hranice)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012,

Contribute to convergence of regions by interships of students and mutual communication activities of pedagogues, increase the competences of pedagogues and studetns. They will get the quality education in automatization and work with CNC units Achievements: The lead pa ...
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Traditions without border (Tradice bez hranic)

Start date: Oct 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

Propagácia miestnych kultúrnych tradícií a vzájomné oboznámenie sa s históriou obidvoch regionón, výmena skústeností medzi študentami a pedagogickými pracovníkmi obidvoch regiónov v oblasti gastronómie Achievements: Promotion of local cultural traditions and mutual acqu ...
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TRAining for ELEctric Vehicles

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Europe's commitment to the quest for alternative means of transport is evident (Kyoto protocol, PPP Green Cars Initiative) and, consistent with this involvement, it is promoting the development of electric vehicles in the European continent.Practically all the countries of the E.U. are implementing policies to support electric vehicles, with the advantages this entails. It is well-known that the ...
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In theoretical education it is sometimes impossible to show students aparticular part of an engine, a vehicle or a working cycle. Up to now thisproblem is handled using dummy parts, projected drawings, etc. Studentsvisualize, imagine how the real part looks like, works or how a process iscompleted within an engine or a process is carried out. With this kind ofeducation students need additional tim ...
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Ecological Agrarian Tourism is a concept for changing agricultural structures in Europe. Its aim is to develop professional resources and create tourism programmes in agriculture. These professional resources can be drawn on to implement tourism programmes in the agricultural sector. To this end, a further training concept applies country-wide advanced training and synergies. This concept was devi ...
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The project promotes technical German language skills for young trainee machine-builders in CZ, SK and F. The language partners are based in D and A. Language learning materials are to be developed for nine core areas of machine construction/mechanical engineering, based on communications-oriented multimedia learning methods. The learning and teaching materials will first be tested in language cou ...
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The project will focus on the need to develop new methodologies in vocational training and modernising technical equipment for the rapidly evolving motor vehicle market. The project is also intended for staff training in private vehicle workshops. Lifelong learning as a support for ongoing development of new competencies will form the basis of a system where teaching and learning are combined with ...
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Ecological Agrarian Tourism as solution in changing agricultural structure in Europe. Develope professional ressources to realise touristic concepts in agriculture. Creation of professional resources for the conversion of concepts in the agriculture. For this the production of a further training concept applies landspreading advanced training secures and synergies. Co-operation partners from Denma ...
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Retraining for more environment-friendly motorcycles : The European Service Technician Motorcycle (ESTM) project is developing curricula, with partners from Germany, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for vocational advanced training of motorcycle mechanics and their trainers, which will familiarise them with the new technologies for electronic engine management. The project ...
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Transnational training for the handling of the latest motorcycle technology : The aim of the project is to prepare employees in the service and maintenance areas of the motorcycle industry for forthcoming changes in motorcycle technology via continuing and further training. This project started in 2001 and lasted 32 months.
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CETRAEL project is mainly based on previous project EURCERT (CZ/00/B/F/PP–134005, „European Certification of vocational education in the energy development and distribution sector”). Considering the dynamic technological development in the field of electricity generation and distribution in recent years, training materials, including documents used for verifying students´ knowledge and skills, sho ...
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