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Zvyšování kompetencí techniků v odborné přípravě
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

:: Context / background The project was created in reaction to the 2015 Call for proposals Erasmus+ Mobility of individuals. Objectives • Initiate productive collaboration between students, teachers, and cooperating companies • Establish intercultural connections between students, teachers, and institutions of the involved countries • Implement new knowledge and experiences - when developing the preferred and supported technical programmes of education according to the needs and demands of the school promoter and the cooperating companies - when the future graduates of the technical programmes of education enter the European labour market - when planning, preparing, and organizing practice periods of our students and apprentices in the cooperating companies :: Number and profile of participants The study stay was intended for students of the study programmes • Machinery and equipment mechanic • Electrical engineering mechanic • Chemist operator The activity was attended by 20 students and 2 educators. :: Description of activities In the frame of the ERASMUS+ Programme, the activity KA1 was carried out: Mobility project for VET learners (a vocational training placement in an enterprise). The project had three phases: • The practical training at enterprises in Martos, Spain • The evaluation of the project from the points of view of working positions of the particular participants • The dissemination of the results to the target groups :: Methodology used in the project The school headmaster supervised the realization of the project. The contact person (coordinator) • Coordinated the project activities of the mobility project team • Communicated with the partner organizations The direct participants of the stay and the accompanying persons cooperated on the creation and realization of the project. Other teachers, not directly participating in the abroad activities, participated in the preparation of the direct participants. The coordinator and the school management evaluated the project. :: Results and impact • improved competences, linked to the professional profiles of the participants (for details, see F.1) • improved foreign language and communication competences • new experiences, knowledge, and working habits • knowledge of foreign technologies, work organisation, working resources management, and information technologies • development of personal independence and responsibility of each participant • ability to cooperate under new conditions :: Long term benefits After the key activity had been accomplished the results of the project were disseminated in the form of presentations, presented on the school website, published in the regional press. The results of the project will bring long term benefit when cooperating with the partner schools and companies. The outcomes of the project will be further shared with the partner companies and schools in order to intensify the long term development of the technical study programmes offered by the school.
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