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Zahraniční odborné praxe - zkušenost a poznání
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Partner schools, ISŠ Vysoké nad Jizerou (the Czech Republic), ZESPÓL SZKÓL Nr. 5 im M.T. Hubera Walbrzych (Poland), authorized service centers Citroen Vega Car M. Chojwa, j. Kowalski Spółka Jawna Walbrzych (Poland) and Stredná odborná škola lesnícká v Tvrdošíně (Slovakia), take part in the project. Eight teachers and twelve pupils attended vocational courses 41-56-H/02 Mechanic Repairman of Forest Machinery and 23-68-H/01 Mechanic Repairman of Motor Vehicles aged between 17-19 years took part in the Internship Programmes. Four pupils attended the internship in the Slovak Republic and eight students attended the internship in Poland. During four days the teachers studied the local system of vocational education, learned about the methodology of teaching and training, identified the system´s coherence and cooperation with the social partners in Polish conditions and requirements of the labor market integration and social partners into vocational education. An integral part of the exchange was obtaining information about the system of lifelong education and opportunities for further education of teachers. The project is specifically aimed at obtaining information and experience in the teaching field - Mechanic Repairman of Motor Vehicles. Teachers who professionally auspice the field and contribute to its further development participated in the exchanges. Exchanges within the Erasmus+ programme allowed them to get the most of theoretical and practical knowledge, experience and skills that they can pass on to their pupils and incorporate them into their curricula. Representatives of individual sections of the sending organization were present in the work group – vocational education and training. Each group followed one specific goal – comprehehsively acknowledge the system of education in the fields of car industry, compare the ways and forms of education in the Czech Republic and in Poland and implement new and innovative teaching methods, techniques and procedures. Participants worked in specialized school classrooms, specialized workshops, they visited social partners to gain the overview of the organization of education, studied educational programmes, methodology and organization of teaching. They attended auditions of special lessons, participated in vocational training and compared the outputs considering the needs of the labor market. The output of the exchange is a comprehensive overview of education in the field of cars. All materials were completed and submitted to the field subject committees. The findings of „good practice“ are included in the SEP and used in the theoretical and practical teaching. Each internship lasted two weeks and students worked in partner schools´ specialised workshops, in specialised classrooms and in contracted workplaces of the schools - authorized service centers Citroen (Poland). The main aim of the project is the enhancement of professional competence and knowledge of the pupils as well as their personal development. This informal way helped the pupils to learn about different countries and experience different work and social culture, ethics and lifestyle. This intercultural aspect represents and integral part of the work mobility project. Pupils had the opportunity to check and compare their skills in their professional fields and their knowledge in the world of real practise, not only in direct confrontation with adult workers, but especially with students of partner schools. The purpose of the internships is to motivate pupils to further self-education, that will enable them to start and integrate more succesfully into the real working life. The internships developed the pupils professional competence in the area of automotive and special forest machines repair and maintenance, fault diagnosis and removal, special welding methods used in the repair practice, fault simulation on training panels and working with diagnostic equipment. Professional competence were developed both in theoretical education in laboratories and in vocational training in technical workshops and, in particular, in the real workplaces of the contracting company Citroen The Europass Mobility is a very important outcome, which confirms and guarantees the foreign students' professional experience and The ECVET Certificate describing the completed units of educational results. Other outputs were presentations, photo documentation and evaluation reports produced by the pupils after the completion of the internship programmes. Experiences and results of the work placements are presented in various school activities, on the school website and in regional press. The project´s outcome is also a unique personal and professional experience of the pupils.

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