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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is focused on the mobility of students of vocational and educational field of study provided by the secondary vocational school to increase knowledge level and the expertise of students with competencies for sustainable development in forestry. The main objective is to increase vocational and educational level of the chosen students in the field of forestry primary production, diagnostics and repairing agricultural and forestry technology. Next objective is to gain intercultural competences in the European labour market, reinforcement and acquisition of key competences in environmental education, understanding of natural processes and the need for application of the philosophy of sustainable development in forestry management in protected areas. At the time signified for a lack of job opportunities for the youth and quality European labour market, there is a priority objective to support educational and training methods for an implementation of needs of forest sources management as well as management of forest land in a sustainable manner in order to fulfil social, economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual needs of the present generation and future generations. Participating organisations are certified institutions in the field of education and training of students and also protectionist organization dealing with maintenance, protection and environmental research, natural assets of the world´s signification. Together with participating organizations, we have signed contracts about our cooperation in the field of education and training of our students. To be more specific, our first partners are: - Secondary Vocational School of Hotel Gastronomy and Forestry Bzenec, Czech Republic - Integrated Secondary School Vysoké nad Jizerou, Czech Republic (ISS Vysoké nad Jizerou) - Babiogorsky National Park Zawoja in Poland The participants of the project are students of The Secondary Vocational School of Forestry in Tvrdošín, Slovak Republic from the age of 17 to 19 years old. These students are chosen of the following vocational and educational field of study. - 4 students with specialization: 2466 H 04 - mechanic, repairman for forestry machinery and equipment - 8 students with specialization 4524 H - agro-machinery operator, repairman The apprenticeship graduates are able to carry out technical diagnostics, maintenance, trouble tracings and they repair all kinds of vehicles and forest machinery as well as setting and vehicle verification of special forest and agricultural machineries. They will gain a mobility experience at ISS Vysoké nad Jizerou. - 6 students with specialization: 4575 H - machinery operator of forest production. The apprenticeship graduates are able to carry out professional work activities in the forest management, silvicultural and logging operations. They are able to work with all kinds of mechanisation means which are used in the forest management such as power-saw, forwarders, brush-saw and vehicles for wood transportation) They will gain a mobility experience at Secondary Vocational School of Hotel Gastronomy and Forestry Bzenec, Czech Republic. - 12 students with specialization: 4556 4 - forestry machinery operator The graduates of the field of study which lasts for 4 years are skilled to do all operations associated with servicing and maintenance of forest machinery in the silvicultural and logging operations, arch skidding, hauling woods and wood-yards. They are able to manage and organize the work in the workgroups in forestry production, consider the suitability of uses and machine employment of forestry machinery and equipments, also read mechanical drawings and diagrams and assess the appropriateness of the use and deployment of forest machines that are operated by themselves. The students can gain the mobility experience according to the selection criteria at Babiogorski National Park Zawoja in Poland. All students of these fields of study will have to undergo the selection according to motivation criteria. All criteria will be defined by specialist subject committees in the connection to increasing of training and knowledge level of students with competencies in sustainable development in forestry. The short-listed students will become familiar with the objectives of the planned mobility. The students will undergo a cultural, vocational and language training to the extent so that they will be able to understand mentor instructions, to learn to cooperate with people from other cultures, to explore and accept their cultural traditions and customs. Moreover, they will undergo trainings and courses aimed at psychological phenomena in the group, safety at work and they will be familiar with partner institutions. During the mobility, students will work according to the intership work program that will be enclosed to the partnership agreement and will be approved by subject commission of vocational subjects of Secondary Vocational School of Forestry Tvrdošín.
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4 Partners Participants