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Do Európy za vzdelaním
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"To Europe for education" it is a project focused to category of young people, students in their initial education. They prepare in the area of automotive technology, automotive industry and information technology. Due to the fact, that the automotive industry is one of the preferred and rapidly developing sector, we consider the following project focused sufficiently well founded. Internship participating the third-grade students a three-year course apprenticeship and fourth –grade a four -year graduation study. These students have already acquired enough knowledge and professional skills and are ready to take advantage of mobility to build the superstructure in areas of their profession, which they aren`t able to obtain in our school. Professional internship will focus on the repair and maintenance of cars of various brands, in the fields of mechanics, electronics, bodywork and bodypaint or to diagnose those areas directly in production. The project also responds to the Bruges Communiqué in 2010, which updated the Copenhagen process and in which emphasizes on "enhancing the attractiveness, quality and performance of vocational education and training ..." These intentions are considered the main targets in our project. Within mobility cooperation with partners we provide for our participants so attractive working conditions which we aren`t able to provide in our country. In addition to professional skills our students become familiar with the complex system works in real workshops, verify their ability to integrate into the work team in a different language seting, the ability to communicate with superiors, as well as with customers. The project is implemented from July 2014 to June 2015 in six countries: Czech Republic, Austria, Portugal, Turkey, Italy and the United Kingdom. We expect the participation of 7 groups , which will form 5 trainees and accompanying teacher. Preparation of mobility participants will be ongoing and include: the intercultural, technical, linguistic and organizational preparation. The project is also justified because of the support the possibility of success on the international labor market. We consider this as an important contribution of the project and thanks Europass - Mobility to each participant, the internship will not be only registered but also applicable to find future employment. There are the expected outcomes as to improve the professional skills of individual profession, acquired language skills and also social competencies in communication and assimilation into different language environment. All participants of the project will be integrated into the process of lifelong learning and we hope that in their young age they begin to realize its importance to their professional development throughout their entire career. We consider this factor the long-term impact of the project.

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