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28 European Projects Found

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Project in brief The need for integrated governance, involving multi-level decision-makers and cross-sectoral stakeholders, is getting higher in the Mediterranean Sea Basin. This is particularly true in costal urban areas, which are increasingly affected by urbanisation and environmental issues. Whereas coastal management requires local actions, local authorities are not systematically involved in ...
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Project in brief It is a general assumption that benthic communities* are relatively well preserved in areas exploited mostly by artisanal fleets. The richness of these communities depends on the presence of so-called ecosystem engineer species (corals, sponges or sea grasses), which provide a three-dimensional habitat structure and significantly increase biodiversity and productivity creating bre ...
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International Augmented MED (I AM)

Start date: Oct 19, 2012, End date: Oct 18, 2015,

The project in briefThe Mediterranean as a whole attracts around 30% of international arrivals and of tourism receipts. Increased international competition is nevertheless impacting the position of the Mediterranean region as a leading destination in the global market. Product diversification and innovative tourism services are key drivers to maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the Mediterr ...
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The intensification of maritime traffic, both in terms of goods and passengers, needs to be accompanied by an environmentally sustainable management of port areas so to reduce harmful consequences for local populations. MESP addresses the reduction of water, air and noise pollution deriving from port activities through the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach, which encompasses technolog ...
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A study on fatal accidents of professional drivers in Finland (Laapotti & Peräaho 2011) has revealed that the risks in loading and securing of cargo comprised 12 % of all vehicular risk factors. This was more than the proportion of risks connected to tires and brakes together (10 %). Europe is an area where goods and products can move around freely, without any checks at the national borders. Thi ...
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Start date: Feb 16, 2012, End date: Feb 16, 2015,

The Mediterranean area has a rich history of city markets which have for many centuries acted as focal points for social, commercial and cultural activities. Markets represent an important part of the Mediterranean heritage and are still catalysts for local development. However, the traditional functions of markets are currently being eroded raising concern over their future viability. MARAKANDA a ...
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...egion Intermunicipal Community & Univ. of Aveiro(PT); Univ. of Debrecen, Centre Environmental Management&Policy, Trans-Tisza region Environmental & water inspectorate(HU); Bremerhaven(DE); Univ. of Genoa, Imperia(IT); Grand Lyon(FR); Sofia(BU). Knowledge institutions are carefully selected on their expertise on applying science in practice, they make state of the art methodologies available for th ...
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 FINISHED meeting the next international activities (Steering Committee meetings, Workshops and Working Groups) have been rescheduled accordingly: Meeting in Kristiansand between on the 24-25 September; Genoa between 11-14 November, as well as a draft proposal of dates for 2013 meetings. COMPONENT 2: COMMUNICATION: The Lead partner presented the activities, schedule and outputs of this component during ...
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... aimed to be improved.PARTNERSHIPSeveral big and medium sized European cities are represented in the consortium (Lisbon, Piraeus – lead partner, London Borough of Merton, Gdansk, Leipzig, Genoa and Ljubljana), which is supported by the National Technical University of Athens, who specialises in mobility management analysis. ...
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The Mediterranean region accounts for 97% of the worlds olive production. About 11 million tons of olives are produced each year out of which nearly 2 million tons of olive oil is extracted. The estimated waste generated annually by olive oil processing is 9 million tons: this can potentially cause serious environmental harm if not disposed properly. MEDOLICO specifically targets the issue of oliv ...
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The intensification of trade in the Mediterranean area has been identified as a top priority under the European Neighbourhood Policy. In particular, the Action Plans for Lebanon and Jordan stress on the importance of improving the export potential of both countries by further liberalising trade in goods and simplifying customs legislation and procedures. Taking into account these objectives, CUSTO ...
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... Malta. Elaboration of first publication Elaboration of the second newsletter. Steering Committee in Valencia Implementation of the website. Elaboration of the third newsletter. Steering Committee in Genoa. Elaboration of documents relating to the component Transport Systems (Feasibility Studies). Steering Committee and Second Dissemination Conference in Koper (September 2012).Latest project activ ...
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...6 QMB meetings held the Starting Report and 5 Progress Reports were submitted a budget change request was submitted. 6 Technical/Scientific Meeting and Steering Committee were held. Port Authority of Genoa and Barcelona joined the partnership as observer. All components were completed and results presented. All results are available in the project web site, specifically the Local Adaptation Plans ...
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Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Eco Towns (GRaBS)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Aug 30, 2011,

...City Council and the London Borough of Sutton in the UK; Klaipeda University Coastal Research and Planning Institute in Lithuania; Etnambiente and the University of Catania in Sicily; the Province of Genoa in Italy; and REC Slovakia. In addition to understanding how each host partner was progressing with building adaptive capacity and delivering adaptation actions, a key aim of each visit was for ...
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ENhanced and SUstainable TReatment for URban Stormwater (ESTRUS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2005, End date: Sep 30, 2008,

Background Storm water runoff in urban areas can contain high levels of pollution. The ‘first flush’ of rain is often the most polluted. First flush detention tanks have been successfully tested but the system presents some problems that are not easily solved, such as the availability of space. In addition, these systems require very sophisticated num ...
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The project is aimed at ensuring the achievement of important scientific objectives in the framework of European research, and is strictly connected with the current debate about a Europe necessarily open to meeting the alter in the respect of unalienable rights.The research, in fact investigating the existing relationship between the objective right and the subjective right in Vitoria and Grotius ...
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Problems addressed• Cross-border practices are emerging throughout Europe, and require an appropriate training organisation for the practices and requirements of the Interreg programmes financing them.• There are many sources of training for cross border cooperation - these require organisation and adaptation for cross border professions and activities. • An extremely diverse range of initiatives ...
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Novel Technology to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (NOTRE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2005, End date: Sep 30, 2007,

Background In the refrigeration sector, the control of temperature and relative air humidity during storage and transport of goods, consumes large amounts of energy. In fact, when applying best available technologies to control temperature and relative humidity of air, a large amount of electrical energy is needed because water vapour in air causes ice fo ...
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The overall objective of the SCEE project is to contribute to increasing attractiveness of European higher education in the Asian part of the Russian Federation. More specifically objectives of the project are: • to open the Siberian Centre of European Education (SCEE) which will bring together universities of Siberia and Europe for sharing and spreading European experience in the sphere of higher ...
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URBAN EMPATHY will consolidate a permanent structure to work on transforming existing results from preselected MED projects and key European programmes into effective policies related to Sustainable Urban Models (SUMO). - 1st (WP3), the results will be evaluated through a set of transferability criteria and cross checked to ensure that they comply with the SUMO shared by the partners. In parallel, ...
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PICASA (PROMOTING INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HEIS IN EASTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD COUNTRIES THROUGH CULTURAL AND STRUCTURAL ADAPTATIONS) is a three-year multi-country project, under the Regional Priority for Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call, Structural Measures action. The wider objective is to promote recognition of Eastern Neighboring Area HE systems- Armenian, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine - ...
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...European universities having already an expertise and well-established programmes in this field (Leiden University, the University of Lodz, the University of Lusophone and the University of Genoa). This programme will facilitate further cooperation between all involved universities and contribute to the sustainability and dissemination of project results.
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Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The VET QI (VET QUALITY ICT) project, wants to promote and disseminate the adoption of innovative quality systems in vocational education applied to small and medium enterprises in ICT sector: the final goal is to improve the exploitation of market opportunities and the promotion of vocational education.The main need that project wants to address the application of EU quality policies in vocation ...
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The ARCHI-MUNDUS project will enhance the links, information flow, communication and mutual understanding among European, Latin American and USA partners in order to investigate together the question of quality in contemporary architectural education. The project will develop to achieve the following aims: To bring our non-European partners closer to the way European Schools of architecture adapt ...
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Information technology at the service of logistics and transportation : The aim of the LOGIS project was to create a training course in Logistics Information Systems (LIS) for specialists in the transportation sector. The course specifically focused on modern information technology methods and techniques. This project started in 2000 and lasted 19 months.
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EBDIG-WFSV provides innovative professional development training and networking to commercial marine industry employees (Naval Architects, project managers) by transferring embedded practices within interior design and the leisure marine industry (superyachts) which has enabled the European commercial marine sector to understand and exploit growing design opportunities in the wind farm support v ...
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The project aims to develop a model – a generalised algorithm - for professional recognition of foreign qualifications in RU, based on the field of civil engineering. At present, professional recognition in RU is restricted to the field of healthcare. The objective is to enhance the quality of the international labour force, promote international mobility and co-operation, enhance links between un ...
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Improving online skills online : The project has designed an open distance learning course on business-related ICT skills. By improving these skills, employees will help their companies to remain competitive and productive. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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