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How could the logistics and the safety of the transports of chemicals be improved in the Mediterranean area (LOSAMEDCHEM)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project originates from the development of the traffic of chemicals in the Mediterranean and aims to reach these main objectives: 1) promote cooperation among chemical districts and between them and the main harbours 2) improve integration between harbours/hinterlands 3) sustain intermodality 4)reinforce the railways/waterways transportation for chemical products 5) promote a transfer of know-how and safety technologies 6) harmonize regulations and policies. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startFirst and second versions of the project elaborated and submitted. Preliminary conference held in Novara. Steering Committee in Thessaloniki. Realization and enhancement of the web site. Introduction of the communication plan. Elaboration of documents relating to the component Analysis (SWOT Analysis and Best Practices). Elaboration of the first newsletter and brochure First Dissemination Conference in Malta. Elaboration of first publication Elaboration of the second newsletter. Steering Committee in Valencia Implementation of the website. Elaboration of the third newsletter. Steering Committee in Genoa. Elaboration of documents relating to the component Transport Systems (Feasibility Studies). Steering Committee and Second Dissemination Conference in Koper (September 2012).Latest project activities and outputsThe period in question has focused particularly on the development of feasibility studies foreseen in the Application Form. As stated in the progress report for the previous period, the various project partners have worked on subcomponents depending on the context in which they operate. An example is the subcomponent Harbours that as in the case of the Province of Novara, of course, has played a marginal role in 'evolution of the work for this phase. Consequently, in some cases, the feasibility study has led to the preparation of a document focused on one of the subcomponent. Issues related to studies have been the subject of several exchanges between the various partners and the manager of the technical project. In the Steering Committee Meeting in Genoa, all the various partners have shown the progress of the proposed studies. At that time, the scientific coordinator commented on the presentations, introducing suggestions for the implementation and completion of the activity.Next key steps for the projectAfter the Steering Committee Meeting in Koper (September 18, 2012) and the second dissemination Conference September 19, 2012), a new newsletter will be prepared by the Consell General de Cambres de Comerç de Catalunya. The feasibility studies will be the subject of the second publication by TCCI. Also the last phase of the project Strategies will start. Finally SC Ltd will develop the database foreseen by the Application Form.
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  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants