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Inclusive governance for sustainable Mediterranean coastal metropolis (MEDSEATIES)
Start date: Dec 30, 2013, End date: Dec 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project in brief The need for integrated governance, involving multi-level decision-makers and cross-sectoral stakeholders, is getting higher in the Mediterranean Sea Basin. This is particularly true in costal urban areas, which are increasingly affected by urbanisation and environmental issues. Whereas coastal management requires local actions, local authorities are not systematically involved in the design of policies and programmes due to the lack of financial and technical capacities. In addition fragmented efforts and limited capacity building act as a major barriers which have to be overcome to enhance the sustainable management of coastal urban areas. The participation of civil society also constitutes a major challenge. In order to contribute to a better management of coastal cities, MEDSEATIES aims to empower Mediterranean local authorities (both decentralized authorities and State local agencies) and private stakeholders in multilevel and participatory decision-making processes. Specific objective To initiate a participatory process involving local authorities from 6 Mediterranean territories together with international actors, businesses, universities and civil society stakeholders in order to identify, assess and recommend innovative governance systems and policy tools aiming at a better management of urban coastal areas Expected Results: • A set of tools defined for governance of coastal zones • Developed local and cross-border cooperation between key stakeholders through networking and clustering • Mobilised local stakeholders to adopt tailored governance process following the signature of 6 Memoranda of Agreement • 6 urban authorities and 800 decision-makers with reinforced capacities • Increased awareness among decision-makers and elected officials concerning the importance of integrated management of coastal areas • Increased number of actions related to the management of coastal cities implemented by local stakeholders
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  • 5451.1%   99 999 999,99
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants