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ARCHI-MUNDUS: Building up Quality in Architectural Education
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

The ARCHI-MUNDUS project will enhance the links, information flow, communication and mutual understanding among European, Latin American and USA partners in order to investigate together the question of quality in contemporary architectural education. The project will develop to achieve the following aims: To bring our non-European partners closer to the way European Schools of architecture adapt their curricula in the contemporary request for quality in Architectural education as it is expressed and defined in the under-construction European Higher Education Area. To collaborate with them on the further development, and the implementation of competences-based architectural quality, as (according to our appreciation) the most appropriate learning environment for the internationally increasing demand for transparency, quality, communication and mobility. To collaborate with them and exchange ideas and practices related to the development of pedagogical strategies, teaching practices and methods assuring the requested quality. To disseminate the results of this collaboration in the broader regions of the partners. To create the conditions for future mobility between the partners on the ground prepared by this project. To establish links, communication channels and partnership for further collaborations and future projects.

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  •   299 791,00
  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\Erasmus Mundus\Promotion of the European Higher Education
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

35 Partners Participants