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20 European Projects Found

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Covilhã.Forma II

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The Covilhã.Forma consortium was created in 2014 with the goal of giving a response to the will of the five schools of the municipality of Covilha (ES Qta. Das Palmeiras, AFTEBI, ES Campos Melo, EPA Qta. Lageosa and the ES Frei Heitor Pinto). Having the last participants from Covilhã.Forma returned in December 2015, it was considered that were created the conditions to propose a new edition of the ...
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The city state of Berlin has a youth unemployment rate of roughly 9.5 % as of December 2015, the highest figure among all 16 German states. This problematic situation leads directly to the most important goal of the project – improving the employability of apprentices, students in full-time vocational training as well as those who have just completed their vocational training course. We want to re ...
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ERASMUS+ step by step

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

“Decebal” Technical College aims that through "ERASMUS+ step by step” Mobility Project, the placements will become applied, attractive and useful for the participants (people in the initial training) in order to their access for a job after graduation.The mobility goes beyond the pure labour aspect, it can contribute significantly to the fight against the school dropout, emphasizing new perspecti ...
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National System of Professional Qualification issued by the Ministry of National Education, envisages measures to provide of graduates a profile required by economic sectors and services, in order to integrate them on the work market, by creating partnerships between vocational schools and companies, to adapt vocational education to the labor market needs and to reduce unemployment.Under these con ...
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Nowe Oblicza gastronomii-praktyki zawodowe w Grecji

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Representatives of Tempus Futurum through projects that promote the development of professional skills of young people from rural areas want to create concepts of integrated tools to support young people in search of work.The idea of ​​the "new face of gastronomy-apprenticeships in Greece" is to realize the two-week apprenticeships high quality, having a real impact on increasing the skills of you ...
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1 – ContentNowadays, in times of global and fast-paced competition, businesses gravitate towards innovative practices in savings of time and labor, producing higher quality products with less time and cost. One of the main innovative applications within the manufacturing sector for machinery parts is mechanical simulation. It is a technique that forecasts potential failure and deficiency by projec ...
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EURnation_Broadening Horizons through Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project was elaborated by taking into account the various lacunas identified by Epralima and members of the EURnation consortium (ACIAB, ADERE-PG, Social Recreational Association of Vila Fonche, EPATV and Fun Languages) such as: technical, professional, linguistic and soft-skills, to improve qualification/employability of 3 target groups with 3 key activities: - Mobility for 65 IVT’s: profess ...
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During the project timeframe the "Berufsbildungswerk Neckargemünd" (BBWN) sends a total of 26 trainees and apprentices abroad for internships or practical stays who all have very specific special education needs and come from various apprenticeships and training programs within the Dual Training System. At the BBW, young people are trained outside of a company, i.e. the practical part takes place ...
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As part of the network of the "Hanse", the city of Bremen has a long tradition in international trade. Still today, world wide trade has an important influence on the region as a location for business and industry. Headquarters and production of large companies are located within the area, they benefit of the harbour as link to overseas markets. At the same time the unemployment rate in Bremen is ...
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Yetişkin Öğretiminde de Birleşiyoruz

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

Nowadays in our life,all of the negative and positive behaviors are related with education.So, all of us know well that we should educate the mothers and fathers as much as their children,otherwise we can’t get the results on the education which we would like.And also, to solve the personal problems,on the efforts of imroving themselves and on continueing the creativity and productivity, shortly w ...
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Erasmus+Drumul spre Succes !

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project " Erasmus - The road to success " initiated by Tehnological Highschool Constantin Brancusi, Pestisani, the VET coordinator of a consortium: ,,GJ VET-Education Consortium for Europe,, aimed at preparing future graduates of technical schools in rural areas of the county Gorj for responding to the demands of the labor market and to the future employers through internships , practical t ...
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Start date: Sep 29, 2014, End date: Sep 28, 2016,

The project "LET's BUILD TOGETHER THE FUTURE" is initiated by a VET consortium consisting of 3 technical colleges of the West region, coordinated by Colegiul Tehnic Ion Mincu Timisoara, applicant. The members of the consortium are Colegiul Tehnic Henri Coanda Timisoara and Colegiul Tehnic Transilvania Deva. Both the consortium and the project have emerged of the need of change and differentiatio ...
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IT for a better Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

The project " IT for a Better Europe " aims to be a tool that contributes decisively to the personal and professional empowerment of 17 of the best students of the Computer Management EEA - ESA . Upon expiry of their training , young people will be more apt to participate creatively and actively in the development and planning strategies for IT Management Professional . All beneficiaries have a co ...
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FIAT Laboratuvarlarında Mesleki Eğitimde Birlik Projesi

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Our project will be newly graduated young people; In Turkey, will be used extensively in the automotive industry in the near future electric vehicles technology (EV) and the hardware, Europe aims to provide on-site experience of seeing in practice. In particular, a significant element of the sector vulnerability in the electric vehicle maintenance specialist staff, increased professional skills, e ...
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During the project timeframe the „Berufsbildungswerk Neckargemünd “(BBWN) sends a total of 28 trainees abroad for internships or practical stays who all have very specific special education needs and come from various apprenticeships and training programs within the dual training system. At the BBW, young people are trained outside of a company, i.e. the practical part takes place in well-equipped ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Religion education changes according to the results of both events happening in the world and the conditions which the country faces. Ergo, it is necessary that people working on this field have to advance themselves in a lot of areas. Even the smallest awareness which will be gained in this field intended for all ages will be a key role in their lives. The knowledge gained at schools doesn't ...
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Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor (BGLC)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

The railway infrastructure of the Bothnian Corridor is of great importance for transnational cargo flows within EU and to the rest of the world and it is listed in the Baltic Sea Strategy action plan as an optional flagship project. The corridor is of great importance for all the states in the Baltic Sea Region and central Europe, for transports of cargo as well as for sustainable passenger transp ...
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North Calotte transports

Start date: Aug 3, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The purpose is to improve accessibility for sustainable transport facilities in the North Calotte area. The aim is to realize activities that develop possibilities for sustainable transport facilities in the North Calotte area.
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The project will establish a cooperation network to address mobility, vocational training and lifelong learning problems in the cement industry. The groups targeted comprise employees, new entrants, graduates, employers and instructors. The products include a lifelong learning paper, operational guidelines, common professional qualifications in 5 specific areas, common training programmes and mat ...
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The developmentof the work-linked professional training widely opened the debates about workplace but very few about academic tutoring. As a key actor in the work-linked training system, the academic tutor appears as an easy maker, a mediator, a bridge between learners, companies and training organizations.The PROCERTU project aims to highlight this function, to strengthen and to develop the train ...
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