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10 European Projects Found

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Increasingly challenging global and environmental requirements have resulted in agricultural systems coming under increasing pressure to enhance their resilience capabilities in order to respond to the abrupt changes in resource quality, quantity and availability, especially during unexpected environmental circumstances, such as uncertain weather, pests and diseases, volatile market conditions and ...
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Agricultural Skills Go Sustainable

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project proposal “Agricultural Skills Go Sustainable” (AgriSkills) is based on various local, regional, national and European debates and development processes - The ongoing structural change in agriculture that requires new forms of vocational training and further education, - A critique of today‘s vocational training in combination with demands for a stronger orientation in the political sph ...
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EUROMEAT “ Transparencia de cualificationes en el sector de industria carnica de la Union Europea” tends to improve transparency of workers qualifications in the food industry particularly the meat industry which represents a large part of its activities. The partnership composed by 4 training institutions and 1 professional organization (from Spain, Germany, Italy and France) wants to realize a s ...
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The FO.MA.AGRI project aims to develop a training programme focusing upon the correct use of farm machinery, as regards safety and proper handling, thus contributing to a reduction in the high number of workplace accidents in the farming sector. Target groups for the training programme include SME’s, self-employed workers, young people and immigrants employed in farming. Project partners will init ...
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SEGURALIMENTARIA will develop continuous and professional training modules relating to food safety.Following an initial training needs analysis in each participating country, the project will develop two training modules - a 'training for trainers' course and a module for 'employees' introducing the concept of food safety.The training modules will represent 20 hours of learning for end users and w ...
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This proposal was created to take advantage of the achievements got in the training materials developed in the framework of the project 'Formagri' and the experience that has been got in the development of the previous educational materials. By this way the contents have been transferred and updated using a visual methodology based on signs and symbols. The contents have been transferred to the op ...
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The main objective of the Open New Food project is to increase the awareness and competences of the managers of the Traditional Food Industries SMEs, about Collaborative Food Product Development in order to boost the “integrated value chain model” of food production, through the cooperation of transnational partners.
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Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector shape a significant factor in the economy of any country that may eventually change the lifestyles of communities, make geographic location and influence the life expectancy of individuals and even in its physical transformation. The role of agriculture is crucial in producing high quality food, maintaining rural areas alive to protect the natural enviro ...
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Restaurants and school canteens are small places that serves many people. These enterprises are inadequate in food safety and hygiene issues due to that overnumbered small business and their incapable controls. An effective food safety and hygiene education are needed at EU level in restaurants and school canteens in consequence of people from all walks and especially for children who covers the l ...
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The European Qualifications Framework (EQF)has foreseen that Member States relate their national qualifications systems to the EQF by 2010 and that their qualifications contain a reference to the EQF by 2012. Enabling therefore individuals and employers to use the EQF as a reference tool to compare the qualifications levels of different countries and different vocational training systems.This proj ...
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