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The European Qualifications Framework (EQF)has foreseen that Member States relate their national qualifications systems to the EQF by 2010 and that their qualifications contain a reference to the EQF by 2012. Enabling therefore individuals and employers to use the EQF as a reference tool to compare the qualifications levels of different countries and different vocational training systems.This project has collaborated to the transparency of qualifications elaborating a European reference of the qualifications existing in the fish and seafood cannery sector to compare the qualifications levels in the vocational training systems of different countries in Europe. This proposal has transfered the innovation from other similar project that developed this European reference in other food industry sector.The organizations that took part of this project are related with the fish and seafood cannery sector and/or are vocational training institutions working on the development of the vocational training systems, with a lot of experience in Leonardo da Vinci projects.The tangible results have been a reference tool, with the European Reference of the qualifications existing in the fish and seafood cannery sector in order to be used by the stakeholders and policy makers responsible of the development of the national qualifications systems, to give them a reference to the EQF. This document was meant to be a proposal on a transparency and mutual recognition system.The intangible results have been the transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications in the fish and seafood cannery sector, include those acquired through non-formal and informal learning, supporting to the EQF to establish the European qualifications in this field. The results have also been a reference to promote the transparency of qualifications; to promote the lifelong learning; the mobility throughout Europe of people involved in initial vocational education and training and in continuing training related to this sector; and have improved the quality of the national vocational training systems.

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