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Agricultural Skills Go Sustainable
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project proposal “Agricultural Skills Go Sustainable” (AgriSkills) is based on various local, regional, national and European debates and development processes - The ongoing structural change in agriculture that requires new forms of vocational training and further education, - A critique of today‘s vocational training in combination with demands for a stronger orientation in the political sphere towards vocational training for sustainable development and organic farming - A European debate about professional and personell competencies as well as transparency and implementation in national education systems. The aim of this project is the development of an educational module and its testing, that meets the requirements of vocational training for sustainable development in agriculture and that is applicable in various countries with very different systems of vocational training can be used and transferred (at first: Germany, Spain, Bulgaria). With the practical and theoretical findings of the project the stakeholders involved will be enabled to qualify the debate about the development of vocational training towards sustainability on local, regional, national and European level. The “Educational module „Agri Skills – BBNE“ discusses exemplarily the conversion of conventional to sustainable production in stock breeding (in cattle and pigs) taking into account economic, ecological and social dimensions. Besides the professional competencies a special emphasis is put on social competencies being particularly important for sustainable education. The strategic partnership involves three trade unions, three educational institutions, one chamber of agriculture and one organic farm. The educational module is developed together, by 1 - 3 experts of each of the partner organisations. The educational module consists out of 5 high quality products: - guidelines/manual (print) for trainers - training program for students (print) - learning software (APP); open license - analysis of practical test /study - helpful arguments for social partners The products will be produced and disseminated electronically and as print (excluding the learning software). The testing of the educational module takes place in all three partner countries, taking into account the different structure of agriculture in East and West Germany. In 1-2 one-week courses 10-15 young professionals/students of agriculture will participate. The project is divided into ten work/production steps. During the first four work steps/phases the educational module will be developed, in two further steps it will be tested, then the results will be evaluated in step 7. After that the educational module will be evaluated as a whole and adjusted if necessary. Two work steps are foreseen for dissemination of project results and the last step will be scheduled for the report. During the project period it is envisaged to hold five transboundary meetings and one transnational conference for dissemination of results. The products will be used on various levels: The guidelines/manual (print) for trainers, the training program for students, learning software (APP) and the analysis of the practical test will be used most on local and regional level in schools and other educational institutions in practical training as well as in the political discussion about education. The partners involved (Educational Institutions, Chamber of Agriculture) will use the module in the future and disseminate it via their specific networks. Independent educational institutions are able to raise funds via the ELER programme (European Agricultural Fund). The argumentation aid for social partners will be disseminated in the political discussions about education on regional, national and European level and is meant to qualify the discussions by the practical experiences from the educational module. The educational module AgriSkills – BBNE and its dissemination will - on the longer run - support the difficult transformation of national and European education policies into the direction of more sustainable development in agriculture.
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7 Partners Participants