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22 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


CLean INland SHipping (LIFE CLINSH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Background Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) causes considerable emissions of the air pollutants NOx and PM10. Many European regions are struggling to tackle air quality problems, though the often expensive measures implemented to meet air quality limit values are mainly directed at industry and road transport. However, it is increasingly recognised that in ...
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Start date: Jan 15, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

De introductie van LNG als nieuwe brandstof en energiebron voor de industrie brengt een onder-zoeks- en ontwikkelingsbehoefte met zich mee. Investeringen op dit gebied zullen de kwaliteit van de regionaal gevestigde onderzoeksinstellingen ten goede komen en de vestiging van hoogwaardige technologische ondernemingen op het gebied van logistiek, voertuigbouw, scheepsbouw, energietechniek en energiev ...
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The scientific targets of the EUROSUNMED project are the development of new technologies in three energy field areas, namely photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and grid integration (GI), in strong collaboration with research institutes, universities and SMEs from Europe in the north side of the Mediterranean sea and from Morocco and Egypt from the south of the sea. The focus in PV ...
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In addition to the innovation-related services offered by EEN Northern Netherlands, this H2020 project will provide in-depth services enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs. Due to several reasons (f.e. a lack of offers, unaffordable market prices or poor quality), consulting service offers enhancing the innovation management capacity of companies are not readily available to SMEs in many ...
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European North Sea Energy Alliance (ENSEA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The European North Sea Energy Alliance (ENSEA) aims to increase the competitiveness of research-driven energy clusters through better coordination and exploitation of research. A key driver for cluster policy definition in ENSEA will be the adoption of an energy system approach by all four partner regions, focusing on how to handle the rising share of renewable energy production in the existing en ...
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Bio Base NWE

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

... This model can not be sustained in the long run. In the bio-based economy. biomass replaces non-renewable resources for the production of materials (e.g. plastics). products (e.g. paints). fuels and energy The transition to the bio-based economy combines necessity with tremendous opportunity for sustainable growth and competitiveness in new economic sectors based on the development of innovative ...
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...ementation of participative governance processes and consultancy instruments for policy makers and regional authorities. AlpBC capitalizes on the outcomes of previous projects on building culture and energy efficiency (e.g. project AlpHouse). Achievements: The main acti ...
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DIFASS aims to unlock potential for innovation, internationalisation and sustainable growth of SMEs in Europe by improving access to finance.Innovative SMEs are often faced with problems when obtaining loans from commercial banks and intermediaries as valuing risks in technology innovation or foreign markets is problematical and as SMEs often cannot provide sufficient collateral. Resulting from th ...
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Mit diesem Projekt soll an einer Veränderung im Gebrauch von fossilen Kraftstoffen beigetragen werden. Die Nutzung von LNG bedeutet eine saubere und nachhaltige alternative zu Diesel und anderen luftverschmutzenden Kraftstoffen. Auch kann die Benutzung von Biomasse zur Vergruenung von LNG fuehren. In den Niederlanden und in Nord Deutschland bestehen seit einem Jahr Initiatieven, die sich mit der ...
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The central Europe is a highly urbanised area with a huge stock of existing public and private buildings with low energy efficiency. Great efforts are necessary to overcome the problem of energy consumption. To reach the goal of a nearly-zero energy demand buildings there is a great need for new techniques, methodologies and investments. The overall objective of the project CEC5 is the promotion o ...
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The sector of distribution and logistics of agricultural and food products in the Adriatic area lacks institutional and economic governance such as to make it possible to establish an Adriatic transnational economic cooperation system capable of balancing and harmonizing technical, managerial, financial and innovation service (certification) issues among the two Adriatic coasts (eastern and wester ...
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Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

...Aquaculture based on new, environmentally friendly technology and combined, integrated mariculture systems• Blue Biotechnology for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and industrial purposes• Wave Energy to support alternative local energy production• Additional Uses at Offshore Wind Parks for efficient use of Baltic Sea space The impacts of these new marine uses on the environment, their economic feasibilit ...
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Energy Vision North Sea Region (EVNSR)

Start date: Jan 15, 2012, End date: Jul 1, 2013,

The EVNSR Project is clustering the INTERREG IVB renewable energy projects. EVNSR is drawing on the value and strengths identified in the individual projects in order to increase the deployment rate of renewable energy in the NSR. EVNSR will interconnect the different individual results and will amplify the successes in order to build an Renewable Energy Strategy. The project consists of three par ...
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Improving Innovation Capacity in European Chemical Clusters (ChemClust)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The project Chemclust is a cooperation between 10 chemical regions from 7 Member States with the objective to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies in the area of innovation and cluster policies for the chemical sector by means of interregional cooperation and exchange of best-practice. The project has the aim to 1. accelerate the innovation capacity in chemical clusters in c ...
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...s to enhance the competitiveness of regional SMEs by providing them with the knowledge, skills and tools for top-quality renovations of Alpine old buildings. These shall meet the highest standards of energy efficiency and at the same time preserve the regional characteristics and the endogenous wisdom of Alpine architecture. To this end, AlpHouse will develop and implement a comprehensive program ...
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The strong increase of total transalpine traffic and its further growth is a heavy strain for Alpine regions. Effective measures are necessary for enabling a sustainable development.iMONITRAF!s objectives are to develop common strategies for transalpine traffic and to put them into action. A long-lasting political network shall be established, which serves as common voice of the Alpine regions and ...
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The project is focused on strengthening SMEs in the building sector because of their great importance as employers in alpine valleys. New developments and changes concerning building techniques of energy saving and producing buildings (ESAP buildings) require cross-sectoral networks and collaborations of SMEs. Because of the increasing complexity in this field there is the need for customers, espe ...
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Bio Base Europe

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

Het project heeft tot doel twee knelpunten op te lossen. Enerzijds de lacune in de innovatieketen en een gebrek aan goed opgeleide procesoperators te beperken en anderzijds de grensregio op de kaart te zetten als een Europees cluster van biogebaseerde activiteit.Het project voorziet in de opbouw van onderzoeks- en opleidingsinfrastructuur in de vorm van een polyvalente Pilootinstallatie voor Indus ...
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At present, the Alpine Space is characterised by strong territorial discrepancies with regard to (conventional) energy supply. Rich endogenous renewable energy sources (RES) like hydropower, solar and wind energy, wood and other biomass exist throughout the Alpine Space, but equal access to their use is even more restricted because the need to balance electricity production and use requires a stro ...
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Bioenergy Technology Transfer Network (BTN)

Start date: Jun 4, 2002, End date: Sep 3, 2005,

...uel production and its use support both mitigation of the climate change and creation of new businesses for rural areas. As a result, EU has set a goal to double the share of utilization of renewable energy sources by 2010 from the level of 1998. The target for the increase of bioenergy usage is even more ambitious.The bioenergy sector in Europe has traditionally been operating mostly on local or ...
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The Legends intergenerational learning project with partners in the UK, Spain, Germany & Turkey aimed at motivating adults over 40 to return to lifelong learning. The project involved many learners over retirement age and also worked with adults at risk of social exclusion due to financial hardship, bereavement and rural isolation.The key activities were organised around the following themes and i ...
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This project aims to develop a certified technical training programme for graduates and technicians in the field of decentralized solar energy systems. Such a project fits within the Lisbon strategy, which aims to stimulate growth and create more and better jobs, while making the economy greener and more innovative. The decentralized systems to be taught during the programme will rely on using PV ...
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