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Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER)
Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Baltic Sea faces significant challenges: fishery declines, severe marine pollution, the effects of climate change as well as an increasing competition for space. At the same time new scientific and technological developments provide opportunities for innovative uses of marine resources which do not only have the power to generate sustainable regional economic development but also proactively contribute to improve the state of the ecosystem. SUBMARINER focused attention on:• Macroalgae Harvesting & Cultivation for nutrient recycling&biogas• Microalgae Cultivation for biofuel production• Mussel Cultivation for nutrient recycling, feed and fertilisers• Reed Harvesting for nutrient recycling, biofuel production&construction material• Fish Aquaculture based on new, environmentally friendly technology and combined, integrated mariculture systems• Blue Biotechnology for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and industrial purposes• Wave Energy to support alternative local energy production• Additional Uses at Offshore Wind Parks for efficient use of Baltic Sea space The impacts of these new marine uses on the environment, their economic feasibility and regional applicability are still poorly understood. This makes it difficult for decision-makers to judge which uses are most desirable and how they should be promoted, while discouraging potentially damaging ones.The SUBMARINER Compendium is the first ever assessment of the potential of these new sustainable uses in the environmental, socioeconomic and legal conditions of the Baltic Sea. The SUBMARINER Roadmap identifies those activities which are necessary to be undertaken in the coming years. They will be promoted and facilitated by the SUBMARINER Network, which has been recognised as a flagship initiative under the Priority Area Inno of the EUSBSR.ACTIVITIESI. Compendium: A comprehensive inventory of current and new uses taking into account opportunities and resources across the BSR,environmental and socioeconomic impacts, state and availability of technologies, market chances as well as the current regulatory framework.II. Regional Strategies: Testing new uses in real conditions through feasibility studies, pilot cultivations as well as development of regional roadmaps.III. BSR Roadmap: Recommending necessary new actions to further promote beneficial uses of Baltic marine resources.IV. BSR Network: Bringing relevant players together through cooperation events, roundtables and seminars and a virtual information and exchange platform, by developing a selfstanding Network structure (mission, business plan, etc.) which has successfully gained flagship project status under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).SUBMARINER was led by the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk in collaboration with nineteen partners from all EU countries around the Baltic Sea Region, including applied research institutes, regional & national authorities as well as NGOs. Achievements: The SUBMARINER Compendium is the first ever comprehensive overview on the current state and future perspectives for applying sustainable and innovative uses from Baltic marine resources. The Compendium provides an overview on the following aspects:• Experience of the SUBMARINER topics on global scale,• Basic description of the marine resource within the BSR,• Availability of resource in the BSR and resulting potential in the BSR,• Available technology & research,• Environmental Assessment,• Legal aspects & underlying political strategies,• Economic aspects, showing cost drivers and, if possible, cost/benefit analysis,• SWOT analysis for the BSR,• Knowledge Gaps and conclusions,• Overview on related studies, pilot projects, research institutions/companies, references.Based on the findings of the Compendium, the SUBMARINER Roadmap promotes new initiatives in the field of sustainable and innovative uses of Baltic marine resources.The focus is on the key issues that require joint efforts in the Baltic Sea Region in order to enhance blue-green growth in the region while sustaining and improving its natural capital and, in particular, the Baltic Sea itself.The SUBMARINER Roadmap serves as the reference document for the SUBMARINER Network which will serve as an umbrella for new initiatives in the field of innovative and sustainable uses of Baltic marine resources. It is a new flagship of the priority area Innovation within the revised EUSBSR Action Plan. The Ministry of Economic Affairs in Schleswig-Holstein together with the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the Maritime Institute in Gda?sk act as SUBMARINER Network flagship project leaders.The SUBMARINER Network was officially launched during the projects final conference"Innovative Uses of Baltic Marine Resources in the Light of the EU Blue Growth Initiative" held in Gda?sk on 5–6 Sept 2013.The conference, which weas held under the patronage of the Polish Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, brought together more than 150 participants – high-level policy makers and representatives of companies and research institutions dealing with new marine uses around the Baltic Sea Region.The SUBMARINER Compendium and SUBMARINER Roadmap are based on the results of various SUBMARINER activities on sub-regional level where new marine uses have been tested in pilot cases and/or sub-regional strategies for specific uses have been formulated. These regional activities included micro- and macroalgae cultivation pilots in Finland and Lithuania, a roadmap for the development of Polish coastal areas, a Masterplan Blue Biotechnology for Schleswig Holstein, zebra mussel cultivation at the Curonian Lagoon as well as experiments on using Baltic blue mussels for feed and harvesting biomass from an offshore wind park in Southern Denmark.
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  • 78.9%   2 821 948,05
  • 2007 - 2013 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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18 Partners Participants