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ENERGY Efficiency and Renewable Energies in the BUILDing Sector (ENERBUILD)
Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is focused on strengthening SMEs in the building sector because of their great importance as employers in alpine valleys. New developments and changes concerning building techniques of energy saving and producing buildings (ESAP buildings) require cross-sectoral networks and collaborations of SMEs. Because of the increasing complexity in this field there is the need for customers, especially public builders, to have a better basis for decision-making. The key topics of the project are: 1. Providing latest technical know-how for craftsmen and architects; 2. Developing tools for public builders which act as decision guidance; 3. Providing customers with innovative financing tools concerning the energy production of buildings. All in all the craftsmen will be supported in this period of change and the demand for ecological building will be raised. To reach these objectives the PPs form transnational expert groups and their results are implemented in pilot actions. Achievements: ENERBUILD reached the following outputs so far: Learning contents including examination questions for energy-efficient construction for apprentices are produced and a training program for teachers is developed. The comparison of existing labels and the list of killer arguments against passive houses are nearly concluded. The buildings for long-term measurements of user behavior and building data are defined and equipped. A common set of indicators for assessing ecological construction between the partner coun-tries with different standards is defined. The definition for energy saving and producing buildings and the technical evaluation is completed. The online directory with contacts in the field of energy is implemented. As a result it can be argued that ENERBUILD with its participating experts and leading organizations forces the debate on energy efficient buildings in the participating countries and influenced and accelerated the process towards ecological sustainable buildings.
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  • 72.1%   2 134 339,92
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants