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Improving Innovation Capacity in European Chemical Clusters (ChemClust)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Chemclust is a cooperation between 10 chemical regions from 7 Member States with the objective to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies in the area of innovation and cluster policies for the chemical sector by means of interregional cooperation and exchange of best-practice. The project has the aim to 1. accelerate the innovation capacity in chemical clusters in chemical regions by (a) improving the organisation of chemical clusters towards knowledge sites, (b) focussing specifically on the implementation of the open innovation concept in chemical clusters, (c) involving R&D providers, local and regional administrations in cluster partnerships for innovation and (d) developing an innovation friendly regulatory framework in chemical clusters throughout Europe; 2. to transfer experience and jointly implement successful practices in three pilot actions focussing on improving the organisation of chemical parks towards knowledge sites, on theimplementation of the open innovation concept in chemical clusters and on skills foresight for the chemical industry, 3. to develop a joint benchmark and monitoring tool to regularly assess the rate of innovation in chemical clusters 4. to articulate the experience in joint policy recommendations at European and regional level to ensuring an innovation friendly regulatory environment and 5. to use the results of the co-operation to improve regional innovation and cluster policies and in particular the efficient use of structural funds mainstream programmes. The cooperation is based on the partnership of the European Chemical Regions Network and a result of the discussion in the framework of the High Level Group for the competitiveness of the chemical industry in Europe, chaired by the Vice-President of the European Commission Günter Verheugen. The partners are regional authorities and development agencies from Saxony-Anhalt, North Rhine Westphalia, Asturias, Masovia, Usti,Cheshire, Novara, Limburg, Teesside and Schleswig-Holstein responsible for the establishment and support of clusters and the implementation of regional innovation policies. Achievements: The ChemClust project aims to improve the innovation and knowledge capacity of European chemical regions, which are faced with increased competition. Therefore 10 regions have teamed up to share their experiences on innovation promotion within the chemical industry in order to enhance thier regional policies. In February 2010 the ChemClust partners came together in Brussels for the initial meeting of the Interregional Working Group (IWG), where they discussed the planned activities for the exchange of experience in the development of chemical parks as knowledge sites, skills development and open innovation. The 1st seminar was organised in June 2010 in Leuna / DE nearby the local chemical park. Under the topic "Chemical Clusters and Innovation Promotion" the partners discussed strategies and the following challenges to be considered for the development of clusters: Cooperation of clusters with outside stakeholders, e.g. industry and academia for Open Innovation; Crosssector cooperation with other industries; New financing models for research infrastructure; Improving the image of chemical industry through clusters. The 2nd seminar "Skills for the Future" took place in Tees Valley / UK in September 2010. It focused on measures to secure the supply of skills to the chemical industry. Partners shared their experiences and introduced practices to attract interest of young people for the chemical industry, to improve the skills and training standards for employees as well as to develop qualifications to meet the future demand of skills in the sector. The topic of the 3rd seminar (November 2010, Maastricht / NL) was "Open Innovation". The hosting partner explained the theory of increasing innovation through close cooperation of industry, universities and administration as well as ist implementation within the Province of Limburg and the Chemelot chemical park. Within 2010 the project partners also contributed to the 1st benchmarking report, which analysed profiles of chemical clusters and industry in the partner regions, examined exisiting approaches to promote innovation and identified needs for action to improve the individual innovation capacity within the regions. Favourable practices to foster the innovation capacity and strenghten the competitiveness of the chemical industry were described in 25 good practice examples, ranging from the establishment of jointly used R&D facilities through training to soft support services. In March 2011 the Steering Group initiated 3 pilot actions on the topics of the initial seminars. In 4 workshops partners of the "Open Innovation" pilot compared the instruments used in Limburg to the existing measures to promote cooperation of chemical industry stakeholders in Asturias, SchleswigHolstein and Novara. They discussed the requirements to implement open innovation and how to promote the approach on regional and interregional level. Within 2 workshops partners from Usti, Saxony-Anhalt and Northrhine-Westphalia shared their experiences on the development and management of chemical clusters and agreed to support Usti region in the process of establishing a new cluster. They also addressed strategies of chemical parks to promote innovation, e.g. through the provision of R&D facilities or the development of innovation profiles. Partners of the "Skills" pilot from Tees Valley, Cheshire West and Chester, Masovia and Novara have analysed the skill requirements of the industry, measures to attract further and future interest in the chemical industry of children and younger people. In consequence a trainings for teachers have been organised in Mazovia and a new curriculum has been developed in Novara. The findings of the pilot actions are being summarized in final implementation reports and it is planned to disseminate them in and across the regions through seminars and other videos.An update of the ChemClust benchmark report on the development of the chemical clusters is currently being finalised.

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  • 76.2%   1 342 200,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants