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The Legends intergenerational learning project with partners in the UK, Spain, Germany & Turkey aimed at motivating adults over 40 to return to lifelong learning. The project involved many learners over retirement age and also worked with adults at risk of social exclusion due to financial hardship, bereavement and rural isolation.The key activities were organised around the following themes and involved the target group of older adults and local secondary school pupils (Years 8 & 9).ORGANISED SPORT: Bringing together two generations from a variety of stadium neighbourhoods and using the experiences of former players, photographic archives and other activities to break down communication barriers.HEALTHY LIVING: Focusses on growing and preparing food and how the two generations eat very differently and the general promotion of a healthy lifestyle.TRADITIONAL CRAFTS: Older learners have skills that are rapidly disappearing in the modern world and these can provide a useful medium for intergenerational contact.The project involved an extensive exchange of good practice and innovative approaches within the above three themes. These are illustrated on a project DVD and an on-line report ( The project provides useful evidence ahead of the EU Year on Active Ageing & Intergenerational Solidarity in 2012.

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