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26 European Projects Found

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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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"Knowledge Society" is undergoing tremendous changes which significantly influences business and industry field but even more education. The rapid growth of social computing and web 2.0 applications and supporting technologies (E.g. blogs, podcasts, wikis, social networking sites) has dramatically changed the way we communicate and we get the information and without no doubt has become an importan ...
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...ogies. The eBayesMet consortium consists of partners who are well experienced in EU and international projects: CASPolska (Poland), University of Birmingham (UK), AMC Amsterdam (Netherlands) and EMMERCE EEIG (Sweden). The tangible outcomes will be a project website with eBayesMet e-learning platform, teaching materials, a universal tool to appropriately process meta-analyses and a discussion fo ...
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The GRIN-CH Project developed Sustainable ICT job profiles, identifying knowledge, skills and competence needs in order to support transparency and increase the availability of professionals at European level. These were mapped with established frameworks such as EQF and eCF and contributed to reach the policy goals of the EU. The job profiles are accompanied by training guidelines, specially ...
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...IDEAS, (Ireland), BFW (Germany).-Universities: CERES (Italy). Subcontracting: Grupo Cifo-UAB (Spain). -Consultancy: Europroject (Bulgaria), KAI (United Kingdom).-Technological partner: EMMERCE (Sweden).
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Materials from the lead partners' existing social entrepreneurship programme, Ignite, were adapted and developed by the partners. The partners ensured that the new learning materials reflected the situation in each of their countries and that they met the needs of specific student groups. The original Ignite Europe comprised materials for the delivery of motivational and enterprise skill modules. ...
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Significant part (63%) of emerging companies is founded by persons of age of 30 or more. These persons have practical experience but obsolete knowledge. This result in a 30% failure rate of these companies connected with untimely termination of life cycle of businesses. The aim is to increase the viability, competitiveness and dynamics of these enterprises. To meet this aim it is necessary to upda ...
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The proposal aims to educate farmers who have inherited their business from their families, as well young farmers, and provide the necessary training to convert them into successful SME entrepreneurs through the use of ICT technologies, traditional distance learning methodologies and mobile learning guidelines and solutions. The project results will include: training curricula for SME business and ...
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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TAQC&MOLE&GAP means” Creating an Observatory on Europe wide Transparency of Academic Qualifications and Competences(TAQC)for Catching the Mobility of Labor in Europe(MOLE)and Filling the Generalized Academic Policy(GAP)” Eleven partners out of eight countries participate in this “Reference Material Project” dealing with easier recognition of academic diploma as well in the academic area as in the ...
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Das Projekt zielt auf die marktreife Entwicklung und Einführung von blended-Learning basierten Trainingsprodukten für Mitarbeiter vor allem mittelständischer Betriebe in den Bereichen: 1. Internationale Rechnungslegung/Jahresabschluss mit IAS / IFRS; 2.Individuelles Unternehmensrating und 3. Projektmanagement und Reorganisation.
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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The project responds to the need for equivalency and comparability for know-how, training and skills of people across Europe. It intends to transfers the strategy, curricula and learning and training resources of the new professional supplementary qualification "Euregio competence" of the Euregio Maas-Rhein to other EU border regions with equal needs for integration of regional competences into th ...
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Every European country has a group of "youth left behind". Across Member States they share the common fact of being disadvantaged, in many cases from the day they were born. These are mainly young people who never entered a formal path of education / come from an immigrant background / live in remote neighbourhoods. Their situation is changing into even more difficult while economic crisis hits Eu ...
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The project is targeted to teachers, trainers and pedagogues in continuous training in any professional area and aims at adaptation of educational and pedagogical methods based on Emotional Intelligence skills to the continuous training. Emotional Intelligence includes personal skills (as adaptability, reliability, self-control, adaptability) and social skills (as leadership, team working, conflic ...
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Many projects in developing innovative training content and tools have failed due to a lack of versatility and user-friendliness and were not endorsed by trainers on a large scale. The V3 project wants to challenge these problems and is aimed at designing, implementing, deploying, evaluating and exploiting a versatile, user-friendly, ICT-based Vocational and Educational Training framework suited f ...
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This project responds to the need to develop a tool to identify, measure and document competencies developed informally and non-formally through life experience. Informed by initial research and using a 'bottom up' approach, the partnership will design, develop and test (piloted with 150 persons) a series of self-assessment tools specifically designed for disadvantaged persons accessing IVT/labour ...
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The project intends to develop an instrument, incorporating cross-cultural indicators/descriptors, to better measure impact of VET programmes on the quality of life of people with disabilities in employment so that service providers will be able to improve the quality of VET provided, better match clients to employers and increase the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The instrument w ...
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The proposal aims to educate farmers who have inherited their business from their families, as well young farmers, and provide the necessary training to convert them into successful SME entrepreneurs through the use of ICT technologies, traditional distance learning methodologies and mobile learning guidelines and solutions. The project results will include: training curricula for SME business and ...
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Das Projekt zielte auf die marktreife Entwicklung und Einführung von Blended-Learning basierten Trainingsprodukten für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter vor allem mittelständischer Unternehmen in den Bereichen: 1. Internationale Rechnungslegung/Jahresabschluss mit IAS / IFRS; 2.Individuelles Unternehmensrating und 3. Projektmanagement und Reorganisation.
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The project aims at establishing an international training partnership offering blended training for certificates in relevant areas of ICT, reflected in nine courses ranging from wireless LAN to optical networks. The target groups vary from ICT professional and managers to unemployed and students. Each course starts out with e-learning on the theoretical background for each subject, later followed ...
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The partners elaborate a recognition procedure, consistently linked to the Europass system, with the aim of evaluating the four basic abilities as well as the phonetic, grammatical, semantic systems in the different work sectors and validating the professional linguistic key competences; the prototypal procedures are technologically advanced because they can be directly adopted online, and are ava ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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DISCO II provides a much needed and so far at European level not available terminological support for the description and translation of knowledge, skills and competences in the context of labour market and education. Transparency and comparability of competences is supported by DISCO II, based on a common terminology offered for competence descriptions in European transparency instruments and lea ...
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The ROSAE project aimed at improving road safety in Europe with a focus upon educating adults on issues such as the effects of alcohol, medicines and other substances on driving, responsible driver behaviour (e.g. the use of seatbelts and helmets) and important road safety measures (e.g. visibility on the road). Working with a range of adult educators, including driving instructors, project partne ...
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The ABCD project responded to an identified need for new didactic concepts and approaches for adult educators working specifically in the fields of e-Learning or blended-learning. Following an initial analysis phase, partners worked together to develop and test a new training course aimed at - new or existing - course designers and practitioners which targets enhanced blended-learning provision. T ...
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