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V3 – Versatile Vocational en Educational Training Vehicle

Many projects in developing innovative training content and tools have failed due to a lack of versatility and user-friendliness and were not endorsed by trainers on a large scale. The V3 project wants to challenge these problems and is aimed at designing, implementing, deploying, evaluating and exploiting a versatile, user-friendly, ICT-based Vocational and Educational Training framework suited for both young people in initial training as well as adults involved in lifelong learning activities, requiring a limited investment from the trainer to achieve a performing competence building process with his/her trainees. Seminars presented by the trainer on his own computer will be recorded with the help of an open-source, ad-on software merging screen and voice activities. Versatility of the content will be achieved through the capture of screen shots, enabling to embed not only slide presentations, but also demonstrations, etc. Life broadcast through computer networks will be considered as well as a secondary objective. Automatic indexing tools will be applied to the resulting audiovisual file, in order to enable searches through a collection of files and to facilitate navigation with each of them. The audiovisual files will be made available through the Learning Management System of the trainers’ organisation, where a personalised learning process will be organised to the benefit of the trainee, by drawing a pathway across the available modules, taking into account both his/her formal and informal skills. Information of the project will be distributed using a dedicated website, publications into portals, promotion in existing networks, contributions to journals and conferences. Further dissemination will be obtained via testing of the open source recording software, users’ feedback and existing third-party LMS platforms.

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