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DISCO II - European Dictionary on Skills and Competences II

DISCO II provides a much needed and so far at European level not available terminological support for the description and translation of knowledge, skills and competences in the context of labour market and education. Transparency and comparability of competences is supported by DISCO II, based on a common terminology offered for competence descriptions in European transparency instruments and learning outcome (LO) descriptions that can be used both in a labour market context as well as in an educational context or different ECVET and EQF implementation instruments. Thus DISCO II offers a basis for workforce and educational mobility within Europe and the transfer of competence based LO descriptions in education to labour market oriented skills and job profiles. DISCO II produced an adapted multilingual thesaurus including new languages and competence based LO phrases; a new website for DISCO II was created, including new functionalities to create, compare and translate qualification and occupational profiles as well as European transparency documents, like Europass CV, Certificate Supplements or Mobility Pass.The aim of the TOI project DISCO II was to bring together the labour market and the educational system via connecting skills and competences with LO, so it will further enhance the attractiveness of VET and mobility of employees, learners, and individuals within Europe. Based on the existing thesaurus of approx. 10,000 skills/competence terms in 7 languages (CZ, EN, FR, GE, HU, LT, SE) 3 new languages are introduced (IT, ES, SK). Furthermore the existing competence terms of the branches ‘health’, ‘social work’, ‘environment’, and ‘information technology’ are enlarged by phraseological competence and LO descriptions in 10 European languages (CZ, EN, ES, FR, GE, HU, IT, LT, SK, SE). The development of a multilingual taxonomy bridging education and work contributes to the work of DG EMPL, DG EAC and Cedefop who are intending to develop a common language of skills, competences and occupations: the ESCO-taxonomy. The European transparency instrument Certificate Supplements and national occupational profiles have been used to identify LO descriptions and new competence terms for the thesaurus. The project consortium consisted of experts in the field of VET and competence classifications, researchers, promoters of transparency documents, universities and educational consultancy institutions.
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17 Partners Participants