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...ssociatedtraining materials and examination scheme.CONSORTIUM: The consortium is constituted by 4 partners. TWI will act as Project Coordinator, in direct contact with theNational Agency from the UK. EWF is the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, with a Training and Qualificationnetwork covering 31 member countries that will be essential in the implementation and dissemination of ...
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The world is facing an unprecedented displacement crisis. Today, almost 60 million people are forcibly displaced as a result of violent conflicts and natural disasters. By end of February 2016, over 1.1 million people – refugees, displaced persons and other migrants – have made their way to Europe either escaping conflict and serious threats in their country or in search of better economic prospec ...
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...agement in the mentioned industrial fields, based on the API 581 recommended practice in America, the RIMAP project in Europe and the ISO 31000 and ISO/IEC 31010 standards. Furthermore, by having the EWF as partner in the consortium, the project will benefit from its vast experience in organizing training courses in welding and disseminating results though the member network. The main goal of the ...
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Taking into account the hazards of the workplace for the environment and safety personnel specifically related to welding (fume, radiation, noise, vibration), factors with potential high risk on the health and safety of welders, and also its significant impact on the environment, the necessity of management system implementation and personnel training has a major importance, both for employers and ...
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The main aim of Let’s Make It Happen – a Shift into Learning Outcomes in the Welding Sector / MAKE IT project, set to address the Manufacturing & Engineering sector, is to develop a European sector-oriented qualification system through the exchange among EU partners of an innovative training curriculum.The curriculum is designed for an intermediate level of qualification named “Welding Practitione ...
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The recent economic and deep political crisis in the South Mediteranian (SM) region show that access to higher education is NOT a sufficient prerequisite for economic stabilty and job creation. The mismatching between academic programmes and labour market has created a political and economic void where young, high educated people have difficult to build careers in the industrial sector.The SM Wel ...
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...materials for the training of personnel. CONSORTIUM: The consortium is constituted by six partners. UPORTO will act as Project Coordinator, in direct contact with the National Agency from Portugal. EWF is the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, with a Training and Qualification network covering 31 member countries that will be essential in the implementation and dissemination of ...
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...ourse support, presentations, videos, teaching software, etc.) and an evaluation tool. The achieved outcomes of the project will be the base for an ulterior approval of the developed Guideline by the EWF commission for Guideleines. That will become a harmonisation of all the existent bonding personnel qualification methodologies. The main objectives of MICROBOND project are:1. introducing new qual ...
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Welding is your chance

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Shortage of welders at European and world labor market, perception of welding as a “dirty” job that negatively influences young people when choosing their future profession and lack of uniformity of welder competence depending on the country of origin for one and the same welding process were foundations and starting points for this project.The main goal of the project is improvement of educationa ...
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Globalisation dictates that EU 2020 will only be successful if member states bring out the best in people and their potential and extend education opportunities to all. The project is designed to contribute to the debate on policy reform by drawing lessons from good practices and expertise already existing in the partnership and by strengthening the connection between policy makers and practitione ...
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Health and Safety in Electromagnetic Fields in Welding

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

...eation of a Professional profile for EF-HSOW. CONSORTIUM: The consortium is constituted by five partners. SZA will act as Project Coordinator, in direct contact with the National Agency from Austria. EWF is the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, with a Training and Qualification network covering 31 member countries that will be essential in the implementation and dissemination o ...
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Senior Plus

Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2017,

Senior Plus is a 2 year strategic partnership project involving 6 organisations from 5 different European countries: Cemea del Mezzogiorno (ITALY) as applicant and coordinator, Pistes Solidaires (FRANCE), Associaçao Mais Cidadania (PORTUGAL), Community Action Dacorum (UNITED KINGDOM), Gulbene Municipality (LATVIA), View from Here (UNITED KINGDOM) as knowledge partner. Senior Plus deals with adults ...
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Language Training

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2017,

...d using modern technology. The project itself is an ongoing learning process which initially began in October 2014 and will continue into 2015 and thereafter. In October 2016 it will be possible for Newfield to build on the initial implementation. The LFEE will support the candidate support, during and after the immersion course. The objectives of the project will be to improve the candidates pers ...
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Transparency of credit allocation in VET and HE in Manufacturing

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...s to allow the transferability between VET and HE. CONSORTIUM:The consortium is constituted by five partners. TWI will act as Project Coordinator, in direct contact with the National Agency from UK. EWF is the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, with a Training and Qualification network covering 31 member countries that will be essential in the implementation and dissemination o ...
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Harmonized Laser Technology Training across Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

REASON FOR THE PROJECT: The increasing need for developing new technologies, that allow the production of new items, characterized by higher quality level and performance, results in a high need for personnel capable of using advanced manufacturing processes for new materials, with a longer lifetime. This projects supports EU polices of free movement of personnel providing equal training backgroun ...
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...tries, which have strong knowledge and expertise in training and qualification at a sector-based level. All partners also have plenty of experience in the implementation and training of EN standards. EWF will act as Project Coordinator, since it has considerable experience in managing this sort of action but, most importantly, its Training and Qualification network covering 30 member countries wil ...
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Context/background: The context of the Skillstube project is the implementation of the ECVET principles of precise descriptions of Learning Outcomes (LOs) structured into units. Even though descriptions of LOs are highly precise through differentiating them into specifications of Competences, Knowledge and Skills, however this form of competence documentation may still fail to capture tacit knowle ...
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 FINISHED in education and training in joining technologies: Romanian Welding Society (ASR), RO as Co-ordinator, The Italian Institute for Welding Ente Morale (IIS), IT, European Federation for Welding (EWF), BE, The Institute for Welding and Quality (ISQ), PT, and The Institute for Welding Technology (ISPL), PL. The objectives: 1. Specific activities to create the training system, according to European ...
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From Theory to Reality

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2015,

Many organizations are struggling with finding volunteers, motivating young people, project implementation or financial management. The reason behind this that youth workers, directors or project coordinators are missing some skills such as efficient communication with volunteers or employees, delegation of responsibilities, dealing with difficult situations etc. As result, the work of NGOs are mi ...
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Youth Empowerment Meets Conflict Transformation

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The project ?Youth Empowerment Meets Conflict Transformation? took place in Misaktsieli, Georgia, from 18.04.2014 to 26.04.2014 with a total of 33 participants being youth workers, youth leaders and youth activists from Croatia, France, United Kingdom, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Against the background of a great variety of societal ...
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Logout and be active!

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The project called Logout and be active! is a 9-days Mobility of youth workers of Key Action 1 (KA1) of programme Erasmus+. It will gather 36 participants from 15 countries (Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine) around the themes of social exclusion, addiction on internet and digital technologi ...
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O'Captain My Captain

Start date: Feb 12, 2015, End date: Jul 12, 2015,

O' Captain My Captain training course project hosted 24 young people from 11 countries in Eskisehir, The project's aim was to develop the skills such as; cultural ethical values, democratization, visional perspectives, innovation in young people whom we believe are carrying a potential within themselves to unite different cultures at several different grounds. The realized objectives of our proje ...
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SEED: Strategic Experience for European Dimension

Start date: Feb 6, 2015, End date: May 5, 2015,

The Study Visit “SEED: Strategic Experience for European Dimension” intends to offer an experience to youth and social organizations and their workers inspired in our strategic plan for internationalization, sharing visions about methodologies to bring European Dimension to our daily work involving local partners and improving realities by discovering and networking good practices. This Study Visi ...
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Spraycan - The Power of Street Art

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The youth exchange “Spraycan - the power of street art” is a project aimed at promoting active youth participation and European citizenship through using street art and the theater of oppressed. It will involve 38 young people from 6 countries (Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, UK, Urakraine). It will last 10 days. The youth exchange will cover the themes of social activism, inclusion of urban y ...
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Music Unites Us All!

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

All of us, consciously or subconsciously, deal with music every day. It may be claimed that music creates our environment, surrounds us. We very often do not even pay attention to the fact that It is with us almost always, at home, at school, or during shopping in a supermarket. To talk about music, one should first consider the variety of styles offered by this form of expression. Each person ha ...
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Decoding Conflicts through Dialogue

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Project DECODE aims to raise awareness on the topic of intercultural communication as well as to equip the participants with appropriate skills concerning dialogue and negotiations that would allow them to solve conflicts more efficiently. The main goal of the training is to share knowledge and skills in the field of communication and conducting negotiations in different cultural environments, bot ...
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Integration and Identity

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"Looking at the reality of contemporary Europe it becomes clear that the European motto of "United in Diversity" is becoming a more and more important topic not so much in between nations but within the nation states itself. The migration flows of the last decades let to situation in which the percentage of migrants or people with migration background living in today's Europe is on a new high and ...
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GREEN: Practice what you preach!

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The Training Course “GREEN: Practice what you preach!” intends to train mainly youth and social workers to use eco-friendly tools and approaches at work and provide them with the competences to act as multipliers in their own organizations and projects. This training course is one of the projects that resulted as a follow-up activity of GO GREEN II organized by SALTO - Eastern Europe and Caucasus ...
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Start date: Jul 20, 2014, End date: Jul 28, 2014,

In the Youth Exchange “Babel” the participants will get a chance to share their ideas and thoughts about cultural identity, tolerance and (European) citizenship with the help of theatre techniques as well as other non-formal learning methods. The Youth Exchange will focus on different theatre types, meaning that the participants will learn how to express themselves in new and different ways. The p ...
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The project intends to create a train-the-trainers program dealing with quality assurance of outsourced processes. During the project the program will be developed, tested and validated within the mechanical industry, and disseminated to the stakeholders. A web site will also be produced, publications will be made and an online conference held. The target groups are industrial companies, VET schoo ...
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Shortage of water and non-effective pipelines (due to corrosion) will increase the need for new advanced plastic pipelines; this in turn necessitates new training to the use of new methodologies. The promoter intends to develop both a train-the-trainers training programme as well as a model for transfer of competencies from SMEs in the sector of plastic pipes and structures of plastic pipes to oth ...
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This project, as originally specified in its proposal, which aims to harmonize the training of personnel involved in the management and control of welding process in the industrial manufacturers across various European countries, one of the needs of business, implementation and application of EN ISO 3834. Once the project and prepared the various manuals to be used, these must be transferred to th ...
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The concept of welding multimedia dictionary is based on the list of welding terms, the explanation text supported by figures and video records when suitable.
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...on of “dirty, dangerous, dusty” with welding technology. The international community is nowadays developing a marketing campaign to change this view (ASW video “Welding is so hot it is cool”; EWF slogan “Welding cool, clean and clever”) to attract and increase the interest of youngsters for professions in welding. Estimates from the International Institute of Welding indicate that the number of ap ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Thracian Past aˆ“ European Future is a short-term group EVS project (Action 2) under the Youth In Action Programme. Fourteen volunteers from seven countries aˆ“ Poland, Rmania, Italy, Turkey, Azerbajan, Armenia and Belarus will take part in it. The project will be held in archeological preserve Sboryanovo and it will take place between 14th August and 14th September 2012. The activities will inclu ...
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The training will gather 24 youth workers from 6 coutnries and will take place in the area of Tbilisi in September 2013. The international training course Development of Social Enterprises as a tool for employment of young people is aimed at promoting the model of social economy amongst youth organizations from Central-East Europe and Caucasus countries as a tool for raising employment of young eu ...
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... training objectives. Aware of the importance of current competence andconstant upgrading of skills in the field of welding and manufacturing technologies, through thesupport of EUROWELD project, the EWF coordinated the development of Harmonised guidelines fordifferent categories of welding personnel. These are now operational in 29 European countries but thefinal training exam procedure needs to ...
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...l education in this field and to contribute to the continued implementation of European standards.An important contribution to the project partnership will be that of the European Welding Federation (EWF), which takes an active role in education and standards promotion and whose member associations act as examination bodies. Actual project activities will include: preparation and agreement upon a ...
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Local Democracy in a Changing World

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

"Local Democracy in a Changing World" is a seminar hosted by Generation Europa in Vienna from 21st until 27th of April 2013. Its topic is youth empowerment by sharing and learning about experiences and tools in regard to direct participatory possibilities for young people in their respective community and elsewhere. The seminar aims at enabling and supporting youth workers and youth leaders to exc ...
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 FINISHED and stimulating tool, the project has a lasting impact in Vocational Education and Training in both target countries.The tool is assisting in ensuring the high degree of technical quality that the EWF harmonised system of training and qualification for welding requires.
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