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Corporate Social Responsability - CSR Matrix

Our Europe is recently emerging from an international crisis and trying to move forward to a better sustainable and inclusive society until 2020 (see European Strategy 2020 and 8 key competencies for Lifelong learning 2006/962/EC) In this sense Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is understood as a management tool to all kind of organizations to promote European sustainability and social cohesion, where 3 pillars are based in CSR with specific dimensions, indicators and skills (smart, green and inclusive). We need that employers, employees and adult jobless people learn how to use CSR in organizations and in their own life. CSR is the best practical way, in organisations, to foster life long learning attitudes, social and civic competencies (ethic, transparency, respect diversity, life conciliation, etc) and green transversal skills as well as sustainable development, totally encouraged and supported by companies and organizations, including green and HR inclusion attitudes. We can not dare to think about achieving 8 key skills only during formal training: it’s really important that in European working culture, the 8 green skills and even the new transversal skills may stand a goal of HR development and economic and social added value of all organizations (public, private and non profit NGO).CRS can gather in its whole dimension all 8 key competencies and green transversals ones and it must be used as a management tool in all organizations with benefits for EU citizens and workers and for the organizations it selves .

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