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Implementation of the guidelines for mechanized, orbital and robotized welding personnel
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Welding technology is applied to the most important industrial sectors worldwide: metallurgical, electronic, automotive and civil engineering are examples of economic areas where well qualified welding professionals are fundamental for the quality of the final result. However, despite its applicability, the renewal of specialized welding professionals does not follow the needs of market. (Full-time equivalents in joining technology – Important results: in Europe, there are around 1,9 million full-time-equivalent joining specialists). By one side, experienced welders are getting old and according to the natural cycle of life, are retiring. On the other side, the entrance in the labor market of new welding professionals does not answer its actual needs. In order to maintain the quality level and to prevent future problems of performance it is fundamental to invest in people’s training and qualification. FUTUREWELD aims to improve the performance in the welding area, by implementing the EU IAB-348-13-Guideline: Qualification of Welding Personnel for Mechanized, Orbital, Robot Welding, by organizing of training courses, in which to use appropriate educational materials and specific examination system. New educational tool is proposed to be developed within the project and that is a interactive software specifically made with didactic purposes that aims to deeply involve of the trainees in the practical aspects of the welding. This project joins a diversified consortium with representatives of welding institutes and associations of welders with high recognized expertise in education and training in joining technologies: Romanian Welding Society (ASR), RO as Co-ordinator, The Italian Institute for Welding Ente Morale (IIS), IT, European Federation for Welding (EWF), BE, The Institute for Welding and Quality (ISQ), PT, and The Institute for Welding Technology (ISPL), PL. The objectives: 1. Specific activities to create the training system, according to European Guideline IAB-348-13: elaboration of educational materials (course support+ppt presentations+video+images) in EN and national languages + training staff sessions + elaboration of examination system (database with questions in national languages) 2. Application of the new innovative system in 3 countries: training-courses organizing in IT+PL+RO 3. Quality Evaluation of the implementation of the project, of the obtained results and of the consortium functionality 4. Dissemination of information regarding the program, project, results, sustainability The main results: 1. Educational materials: Course support in 5 languages (EN, IT, PL, PT, RO)+Presentations+interactive software 2. Database with min 100 questions for the Examination session in 5 languages 3. 4 training courses and 3 pilot-seminars organized in 3 EU countries (1 in IT, 2 in PL and 1 in RO) 4. 300 offers for the pilot-seminars will be sent to different companies and VET schools 5. 6 students of staff will be trained 6. 45 students (15/seminar) participating to the pilot seminars 7. 12 women of total of 45 students to participate to the pilot seminars 8. 45 diploma to be issued to the students from the seminars 9. 6 diploma issued for the trained staff who will pass the examination 10. 1 Quality Management Plan + 1 Report on Quality (Interim and Final) 11. 1 questionnaire in 5 languages + 1 survey + 1 report on survey 12. 1 Dissemination:1 website+5 web-pages+1 Facebook+1 on-line forum+12 articles for newsletters+8 workshops+2 papers for conferences+500 fliers+250 posters+1 roll-up+1 logo Estimated impact: 1. Scientific – by introducing the newest research and developments dedicated to the course theme in the educational materials 2. Technical – two distinct improvements: the increasing of the productivity and the decreasing of the number of welding defects. 3. Economical – the decreasing of the expenses related to to the repairing the welding defects, the increasing of the productivity of the welding processes 4. Environment – the experience shows that none of the technologies used/adapted/input inside the project is pollutant. 5. Social Impact – the project will increase the qualification of the welders (45 welders in the project, more than 200 in the next 6 months) Beneficiaries for mid to long term: Industrial companies, VET schools, trainers, welding experts, students Sustainability: After the end of the project, the system will be able to be applied by any VET school or any post-secondary school. The educational materials will be available for any school which will be interested to apply the developed system. In those cases the system will financially sustain by itself. The interest of the potential students in having recognized qualification of welder will be the base of the financially support for the future. The schools which will organize training-courses during the project implementation, they will have prepared infrastructure and low costs will be considered for the next courses.
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