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Health and Safety in Electromagnetic Fields in Welding
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REASON FOR THE PROJECT: The risk of failing to implement the requirements of the new Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Directive will have a negative impact in companies accross europe. This is foresseen to lead to an increase of costs for SMEs and consequently to an increasing number of internal difficulties in order to conform with the Directive. It will be applied to all sectors without exception, however our focus will be on the welding sector, and will stipulate mandatory exposure limit values established on the basis of the recommendations issued by the International Community on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection. The Directive itself underwent revisions in 2008 and 2011 and is set to be transposed into national legislation until July 1st 2016 ( So the need for qualified personnel in this area will increase considerably in the following years. AIMS & OBJECTIVES: The project aims at avoiding unfulfillment of the stipulated mandatory limit values of the Directive by European companies. This will be done by developing an harmonized training course of personnel involved in the risk assessment of EMF in industry, focusing not only in large enterprises but also in SMEs in different European countries, and to create the profile of a Electromagnetic Fields Health and Safety Officer in Welding (EF-HSOW). This objective will be achieved through the definition of educational materials for the training of personnel involved in EMF risk assessements based on the the upcoming Directive and on the creation of a Professional profile for EF-HSOW. CONSORTIUM: The consortium is constituted by five partners. SZA will act as Project Coordinator, in direct contact with the National Agency from Austria. EWF is the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, with a Training and Qualification network covering 31 member countries that will be essential in the implementation and dissemination of HS-EMFW results. EWF is an official campaign partner of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Two of the partners are the welding institutes of Portugal (ISQ) and Italy (IIS), which have strong knowledge and expertise in training and qualification at a sector-based level. HighSkillz is an innovative company focused on user transformation using ICT technology, namely serious games, gamification and social media. All partners also have plenty of experience in the implementation and training of European Directives. OUTCOMES: The objectives will be achieved through the definition of a harmonized curriculum for the training of personnel involved in the risk assessment of EMF in industry. For this purpose, at the start of the project, a study will be carried out in order to understand the specific requirements in terms of EMF Risk Assessement in different countries and in different industries, where welding plays an important role. This will allow the development of an harmonized European training curriculum. IMPACT: The EMF Directive will supress mandatory demands for all companies involved in welding. This will have impact in the European metal working sector which accounts for over 87€ billion of value added to the European economy, as well as over 2 million jobs.
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4 Partners Participants