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CONTINUED - Continuing Education of Welding Engineering and Welding Inspection Personnel

The CONTINUED project aims to establish a unified system of continuing training for welding engineers and inspectors, to supplement the unified system of initial education in this field and to contribute to the continued implementation of European standards.An important contribution to the project partnership will be that of the European Welding Federation (EWF), which takes an active role in education and standards promotion and whose member associations act as examination bodies. Actual project activities will include: preparation and agreement upon a list of key skills/competencies to facilitate in-company skills assessment; development of a new three-day course for the upgrading and maintenance of skills for practising engineers and inspectors (with steps towards establishing a common standard) and development, agreement and introduction of an assessment method for skills enhancement as a step towards certification with appropriate bodies. All products will be produced in EN, as a publication for traditional classroom teaching, as well as on CD-Rom and internet compatible format.Both individual companies and educational bodies will be kept informed of development by EWF and its members across Europe. National workshops in each partner country will promote the end project results and will be supported by mailings (a package of information on assessment for certification will be circulated to the welding sector and specialist media) and articles to relevant press and journals. Educational institutions within the project partnership have undertaken to offer the new course as an addition to existing curricula.

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7 Partners Participants