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Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (CentraLab)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

The systemic impact on the economy, the environment and the quality of life in the Central European regions derives from the increase in the “innovation attractiveness” of the Central Europe space, as it develops and articulates the innovation demand coming from its citizens and businesses and sets in place the governance mechanisms to ensure policy coherence and optimise the benefits of single in ...
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Support Patients through E-services Solutions (SPES)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The topic of telemedicine offers potential for greater social cohesion in Europe as well as numerous advantages and has already begun to fill a major role in, and to change, the manner in which people interact with healthcare. Transnational cooperation in the respective field may lead to innovative and shared solutions in order to fulfil the goal to move towards a "European eHealth Area", recognis ...
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Background House bricks are often burned from natural clay, a process that consumes large quantities of energy and causes environmental pollution, especially in rural areas, where small brick factories use ovens fuelled by cheap coal, wood, etc. Sand-limestone bricks need only 30% of the energy used to make bricks from clay. Sand-limestone bricks are usua ...
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The ESPONTrain Project is aiming at making ESPON2013 knowledge operational in a coordinated and transnational way for practical use at regional and local level, and translating ESPON Europe-wide information and findings to the regional/local level. Specifically, the project is aiming at: •Stimulating a transnational educational and training ESPON activity facilitated by both an e-learning procedur ...
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Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support (CEBBIS)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

... research institutions to small and medium enterprises in the Central Europe regions making available best practices and pro-innovative services developed or used by its eleven partners from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Poland and Slovenia. The final outcome is the establishment of a network of Competence Centres offering to SMEs pro-innovative services based on Information Co ...
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The European Commission considers the Danube Region as one of the most important areas in Europe and has set up a macro-regional strategy encouraging long term co-operation to tackle a wide range of policy challenges. The capital cities of Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Ljubljana wish to play an active role in this co-operation. These big cities are important drivers of development. The ...
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Integrated Wastewater Purification Management (IWPM)

Start date: Oct 1, 2006, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

...nnecting the two plants in Germany reduced costs by €3.3 million, so would soon offset the necessary investment. Project partners conducted transferability studies for five countries - Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Croatia. However, these highlighted a preference for new WWTPs in these countries rather than modifications. There was more interest in transferring the system to oth ...
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The European Learning Network (LNet)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The five partner cities of LNET – Amsterdam, Hamburg, London, Milan and Prague – are unlocking the commercial potential of deprived urban areas. They are achieving this by identifying the most effective ways for regional development agencies and local authorities to support innovation, social enterprise and entrepreneurship in deprived areas, focusing on business support, investment and skills and ...
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REPUS focuses on new EU Member States and addresses the challenge of a more balanced and sustainable urban development. The European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) points out that urban polycentric systems are essential for a balanced and sustainable economic development of Europe. The main aim of the project is to build a Regional Polycentric Urban System (REPUS) in Central-Eastern Europe ...
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CER² is a valuable activity to boost regional development and to increase local economic growth and regional employment by promoting environmentally friendly energy technologies and the rational use of energy. The project supports the regional resource management and reduction of CO2 (Kyoto protocol and EU-"White Book of Renewable Energy", 1999), because its activities assist the realisation and u ...
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The project addresses the promotion of skills required for the re-use of urban land, known as 'brownfield site redevelopment'. The project will facilitate an exchange of expertise amongst its partners and knowledge on this topic will be developed into versions of a generic educational package that can be used on a cross-thematic and cross-professional basis. The project will build upon previously- ...
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No substitute for practical experience : The principal resource produced has been a white book promoting the principal of work placements as a vital part of chemistry training and looking at how education can adapt to the labour market. A project website has been developed and links for practical exchanges established. This project started in 2001 and lasted 37 months.
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A Certification System for Small and Medium Enterprises : Developing a European-standard common certification system for SMEs would greatly enhance the opportunities for workers to obtain employment in the eight participating countries This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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A truly European training edifice : The project has created training for the implementation of European standards in the construction industry. Seminars and courses will be held and supported by handbooks, manuals and CD-ROM and web-based training activities. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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A novel engineering course : The course provides flexible learning material for the study of the dynamics and control of engineering systems. It promotes the use of new technologies for simulated training exercises. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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To enhance the competitiveness of SME's in the textile sector and further assist in adjusting to technological change, the EuroTT project will design and test two interactive CD-ROMs, each containing learning modules, at technician/craft worker level, specific to the hosiery and carpet manufacturing sectors. Research reports will also be produced to better explore links to systems of qualification ...
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Although there are no exhaustive figures on mobility in IVT, the number of apprentices undertaking training in another Member State is nonetheless estimated at 1% on average, even if the number of opportunities for mobility doubled between 2002 and 2005 thanks to the European Commission’s incentive policy. An in-depth study (Move it) has identified several obstacles to mobility, including legal ...
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The present project involves the implementation of mobile learning (m-learning) technologies in foreign language teaching to enhance language learning facilities of students coming from lower socioeconomic backgrounds (ages 16-17) in vocational high schools. Thus, this project is both innovative – e.g., use of technology in foreign language education, and inclusive – i.e., designed for young peopl ...
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The EQUESTA project will culminate in the delivery of 12 e-training modules ready for autumn 2009. In addition to EN 1993 (design of steel structures) e-training modules covering basis of structural design (EN 1990) and actions (EN 1991) will be developed. Modules covering the design of steel structures for fire and seismic situations will be included.The project will also review frameworks in p ...
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The project prepared a study program for VET schools with the main emphasis in the areas of renewable energy resources, basic procedures for reducing energy intensive farms and the theory of climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Educational methods was used to include blended learning supported by WEB 2.0 technologies as blogs, wikis and forums. The main attention was focused on ...
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The continuous development in the different areas of ICT brings lots of benefits into everyday life of modern society, with many different applications. However, the same phenomenon causes that the professional knowledge is becoming obsolete very quickly. There is a strong need for a learning tool that would help the engineers, technicians and other specialists (but not only them) to overcome the ...
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The major objective of the present project is to extend complex multilingual study materialcovering the area of industrial automation and telematics, supplemented by a multimediadictionary of key terminology. These instruments will help the employees and specialists in the respective area who need re-qualification or knowledge update to keep and/or improve their position in the job market by the m ...
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... Priority 4 of the Leonardo da Vinci programme – “skills development of adults in the labour market”. The consortium of partners under the leadership of the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague includes research institutions and universities from five CEN Member States (CZ, ES, DE, NL, IT). They are represented by senior researchers, experienced teachers and lecturers ac ...
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Good English: The key to success : The project has reacted to a need for better job-related foreign language skills in the chemistry sector by producing a chemistry-based English language course together with internationally recognised certification. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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The eASTANA (euroAsian Starter for Technical Academic Network Application) programme can be considered as an element of common Euro-Asian collaboration and partnership of European Union and Central Asia Universities.The eASTANA program is focused on engineering, technology, business and management fields of study. In the case of business and management science we offer specialisations only close c ...
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The project’s wider objective is the establishment of a sustainable / operational network for academic exchange between Central Asia and European countries with a view to creating centres of excellence in CA Region. The CASIA project aims at the following specific objectives: - To enable a larger group of talented CA students to study at EU universities and benefit from already established educati ...
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East-West European Network on higher Technical education - EWENT – project can be considered as an element of common Europe vision, especially in view of introducing former Soviet Union countries. The project aims mainly at launching a research and education network comprising HEIs from the European Union, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. The development of engineering has been one of the priorities ...
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The proposed programme will bring together 6 universities with teaching and research expertise in the fields of economics, business, and sustainable development. The exchange programme is designed to create an interdisciplinary masters educational, research mobility program in sustainable management for students in masters coursework programs.Over the duration of the project, the European Union (E ...
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The project brings together a consortium three universities to implement the Dual Master Degree Program in Transportation and Logistics Systems. The goal is to have 24 U.S. graduate students and 24 E.U. graduate students to participate in this program from 2010 to 2014. Each student is expected to attend courses and conduct research in one U.S. institution and two E.U. institutions. Graduates of t ...
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On the base of the new legislative for higher education in R. Macedonia, R. Croatia and Kosovo and the Bologna Declaration, new regulation and procedures for Ph.D. studies as well as new curricula for the third cycle of studies-doctoral studies in the field of metrology will be created. It will be a multi-country project with participation of R. Macedonia, R. Croatia and Kosovo for further introdu ...
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PERL (Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living) is a partnership of researchers and educators, aware of the urgent need for individuals and society to significantly rethink and reorient the choices they make and the manner in which they live their lives in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and financial instability, ensure more just distribution of resou ...
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...the quality of structures, used technologies and methods of implementation. Manuals complete standards ISO, EN (ISO 13006, CSN EN 11441, CSN EN 53 3451). The proposed project has the support of the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians (CCAET), the Association of Building Entrepreneurs, Association of small and medium-sized businesses, the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic, ...
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This project will address the results of a training and information needs analysis carried out by a previous project for the meat sector in pre-accession countries. That study identified that continuous in-service training was required for workers in the industry, especially those in middle management. Many enterprises, especially SMEs, need up-to-date technologies and skills. A training system w ...
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The REPLIKA project aims to facilitate the tailoring of e-learning programmes to language, sector or individual need through the creation of a virtual repository of learning materials, which will also allow access to an on-line a re-authoring tool for the creation, storage and retrieval of adapted learning programmes. The project focuses particularly upon e-learning materials for ICT and upon Mana ...
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Atlantic Caucasus Technical universities Initiative for Valuable Education – ACTIVE - project can be considered as an element of common Europe vision, especially in view of introducing former Soviet Union countries. The project aims mainly at launching a research and education network comprising HEIs from the European Union, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. Most of partners have exp ...
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The DEQU project aims at developing elements of quality assurance in selected “key processes” for practice and professional field oriented higher education under the outlines of the Bologna process as well as the Bruges-Copenhagen process.The focus is on practice oriented higher education institutions with an outlook to their integrative role between vocational education and training and higher ed ...
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I C Training as the answer : Hardware and software platforms have been developed with an accompanying methodology and two modular training courses. These courses will help train company staff in the applyication of ICTs to a variety of areas of business activity. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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The FORCREST project aims at improving the employability of highly qualified young people in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market. To do that the project will develop a set of innovative training tools focusing upon key technical skills particular to the environmental sector. The end results of the project will comprise a training needs analysis of the targeted group, a serie ...
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Improving awareness of plant protection : This project will produce training tools to increase awareness of the need for plant protection amongst the agricultural workforce and will help give workers wider access to life-long learning. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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