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22 European Projects Found

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Smarter Energy Communities in Northern and Arctic Regions (SECURE)

Start date: May 11, 2016, End date: May 10, 2019,

Description (EN): The aim of the SECURE project is to transfer and implement innovative energy solutions for housing and public infrastructure across NPA regions with different maturity-levels. Knowledge transfer will be demand-led, supported by a quadruple helix approach, and impact will be maximised by focusing implementation in small smart energy communities and building up local ...
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Involving the coMmunity to co-PROduce public serVicEs (IMPROVE)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Description (EN): IMPROVE aims to increase the level of innovation in six NPA peripheral regions in the field of technology-driven public service solutions. It adapts a novel living labs-driven approach to maximise knowledge transfers between regions and stakeholders. Real communities will  demonstrate the approach by using it to co-produce six services, and develop tools and method ...
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Joint Efforts To Combat Dropout

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Early school leaving is a growing severe problem in Europe which has long-term effects both on the economic growth, the societal developments and on the individuals. Since early school leaving is a very complex problem in the society it, can´t be solved by education providers only. There is a need for functional and permanent networks with effective cross-sectoral cooperation between different sta ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...sory Centre (PL) / ERNACT (IR) / City of Iasi (RO) ;- Missions, budgets and training for intermediaries to public e-services :Computer Technology Institute (GR) / Cambridgeshire County Council (UK) / OTEN (FR) / Gironde County Council (FR)- Co-building e-services with users : WPRED NLtd (HU) / Barcelona Provincial Council (SP) / City of Terni (IT) / City of Jyväskylä (FI).Philippe Cazeneuve, a fre ...
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 FINISHED generation capacity, energy efficiency measures) in their territories.The partners in this project are Flevoland province (NL, lead partner), Norrbotten and Västernorrland regions (SE), Maramures County and Prahova Energy Agency (RO), Abruzzo and Lazio regions (IT), Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (ES), Patras SciencePark representing Western Greece region (EL), Euro Perspective ...
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North East Cargo Link II - NECL II (NECL II)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

...stments, development of transport solutions and a continued development of a logistic ICT solution (Portal). The partnership in the NECL II project consist of Transport Authorities, Fylken in Norway, County Councils and Counties Administrative Boards in Sweden and Regional Councils in Finland, municipalities in all countries, the non-profit organisation (NECLA). The project has political support f ...
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Cooperating 2 Foster Renewables and Energy Efficiency (CO2FREE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

CO2FREE stems from the need identified by the partner regions to address the problem of climate change and the dependency on fossil fuels, and to seek ICT-based solutions for energy challenges and new approaches to make transport more sustainable; the partners have decided to tackle these issues through the exchange of good practices and their transfer into their Regional Operational Programmes. ...
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Rural Transport Solutions 4.5 (RTS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Aug 29, 2012,

The overall aim of this project is to develop innovative and sustainable rural and coastal transport schemes and services reducing social exclusion and enhancing the vitality and sustainability of sparsely populated areas in Northern Periphery. The rationale of this project is also that community paid or subsidised public transports are a considerable financial burden for small and rural/costal mu ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

To reduce the effects of climate change and prepare for the decline of the oil-age, European regions play a key role in promoting, developing and implementing renewable energy sources (RES) combined with energy efficiency strategies. Many EU regions are taking action in this field, defining specific objectives and action plans to improve the use of RES and energy efficiency in their area. More tha ...
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Connected Mobile Communities in the Northern Periphery 2.3 (CMC@NP)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

The aim of this project is to use broadband mobile communication services to promote the competitiveness of rural communities in the NPP area. Specific objectives are to: 1. Develop the capability of rural area communities within the NP to incorporate emerging broadband mobile services into their community development strategies. 2. Use the capability to develop a number of broadband mobile servic ...
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moting Innovation and the Knowledge Economy (PIKE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2010,

...s. It enables citizens and business to access up-to-date spatial planning information via the Internet 24 hours a day using a user friendly map interface. It is the most popular web site in Donegal County and, in addition to providing a better service to citizens/business, has resulted in substantial operational efficiencies for the local authority .(3) Integrated Aid System (IAS),Cantabria (Spai ...
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...production sites in the Norwegian region of Nordland to the consumption area in Poland. In effect of the project, an action plan for seafood transport will be endorsed by the Nordland county authorities. Further, following the discussion in the cluster of seafood producers and seafood processing industry, the train services between the origin and destination areas for this chain are envisaged for ...
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Spatial Planning in Northern Peripheral Regions (Spatial Planning)

Start date: Feb 28, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Spatial planning and development have been developed as a method in the EU over a long period, and have resulted in the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). However, the specific conditions in the NPP area make it important to develop methods for spatial planning and development that are adapted for the region. In orderto achieve this, exchange of knowledge and experience in the field ...
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Sustainable Development in the Mid Nordic Region (ProMidNord)

Start date: Aug 5, 2004, End date: Oct 4, 2007,

County Councils from Norway, Sweden and Finland being the members of the 25 year old Mid Nordic Committee (MNC)-covering the Mid Nordic Region (MNR)-are facing great challenges such as an ongoing decrease of the population and a tendency towards centralization of the whole society. The cities in the MNR have difficulties in balancing the increasing impact from the big cities. The population densit ...
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North East Cargo Link (NECL)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Dec 2, 2006,

Rail and road transports in the Northern Europe and the southern part of the Nordic Countries are presently hampered by congestion, causing traffic infarcts, high pollution, slow transport speeds and a threat to economic competitiveness. These problems are becoming more severe with the increasing traffic load.North East Cargo Link (NECL) is aiming at promoting and marketing new, speedy and safe in ...
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Broadband in Remote and Rural Areas - BIRRA (BIRRA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2006,

Telecommunication and access to information society services are factors of great importance for the future development of the Northern Periphery. ICT helps to overcome certain disadvantages caused by long distances and peripheral locations characteristic of the NPP area. The BIRRA project recognises that there is great disparity across NPP regions and also internally between the availability of b ...
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European Network of Women Resource Centres - W.IN.NET. (W.IN.NET)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Jan 30, 2006,

W.IN.NET aims to create a network of local, regional and national Women Resource Centres in order to support them in promoting the role of women in local and regional development. The network wishes to improve the efficiency and transparency of these organisations and consequently the policies and tools for equal opportunities between women and men. Five thematic sub-networks will be set up within ...
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Culinary Heritage Europe (Culinary Heritage)

Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2005,

This cooperation wants to create new and improve existing strategies relating to regional development within the small-scale food sector. The partners aim to raise the level of economic activity within their regions by combining small-scale food production and culinary experiences. Culinary experiences add value to the products by focusing on cultural, historical or other interesting aspects of th ...
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Rock Art in Northern Europe (RANE )

Start date: Jun 25, 2002, End date: Sep 24, 2005,

Rock art (paintings and carvings on rock formations) is the oldest form of human art. The remaining examples of this historical art form are threatened both by a natural development and our modern way of living. The central objectives of RANE were to initiate measures and promote research that would improve the management and sustainable use of prehistoric rock art in the Baltic Sea Region. The pr ...
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Rural youth takes on the media : The Grassroots project targeted rural young people wishing to make a career in the media. The young people learnt the practical skills required to make films, but also developed a sense of self worth by seeing that their own lives were rich in content for documentary films. The interactive handbook provides an Internet platform for international dialogue and reflec ...
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The Innovative Exchange (INEXTEX) project focused upon the sharing of knowledge, experience and learning approaches highlighting, in particular, the diversity of cultural heritage in Europe and the potential that this affords in terms of new, non-formal learning opportunities for adults. Citing existing museum textile collections as a source of inspiration for the creation of new products, partner ...
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A Chain of Play from North to South

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

The main objective of the project was to connect three very distant and different European regions through arts: theatre, dance and music, through sports and outdoor activities to create a long – North-Central-South - chain of understanding among youngsters belonging to a common Europe. The three participant groups represented totally different cultures, lived amongst very different social, econom ...
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