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Joint Efforts To Combat Dropout
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Early school leaving is a growing severe problem in Europe which has long-term effects both on the economic growth, the societal developments and on the individuals. Since early school leaving is a very complex problem in the society it, can´t be solved by education providers only. There is a need for functional and permanent networks with effective cross-sectoral cooperation between different stakeholders e.g. enterprises, career counselor, social actors, healthcare providers, youth organisations, family and parental organisations and education providers to combat dropout. It demands a deep insight of the whole cause and effect process, which is also essential to develop comprehensive policies focusing on the entire chain i.e. prevention, intervention and compensation in order to achieve sustainable results. The aim of the project has been threefold: a) to develop a toolbox of successful methodologies and practices to combat dropouts; b) to develop permanent network of actors and stakeholders as well as their working methods in each region to cope with dropout; c) to contribute to future policy developments in the regions through shared knowledge and experiences of the partners. The aim is also to increase knowledge of the target groups to handle dropouts and create long-term effects. The partnership has contained regional authorities and VET partners on local level with various level of expertise in ESL from Sweden, Spain, Norway, Romania and the United Kingdom and in addition, it has a political network organization partner, the Assembly of European Regions which main role is dissemination and exploitation of the results especially within decision-makers in Europe. In order to find long-lasting and comprehensive solutions to counter dropouts, also extended educational concepts have played important role. Outside school actors have added valuable contribution by promoting creativity, new way of thinking, intercultural dialogue and social cohesion. The regional partner organisations in the project have got either existing operation in these different contexts, or have close cooperation with these operative local actors in the region. The partnership together with their regional networks of stakeholders has shared and further developed best practices, tools, methods, strategies which will improve knowledge in this area. The project intellectual outputs are: -Study report on dropout in regional context and about the result of the inventory work regarding best practices for prevention, intervention and compensation measures. - Joint methodology to prevent drop out by cross sectoral cooperation - Joint methodology to detect early school leavers and to identify their needs for re-motivate and re-engage them - Joint methods and solutions for compensation measures to re-enter early school leavers the education - Toolbox of the developed joint methodologies for prevention, intervention and compensation measures from the participating regions - Policy recommendation for combat school dropout The intellectual outputs contribute to the improvement of the capacity of the schools to detect the students in the risk zone, assess their needs and prevent their dropout by cross-sectoral collaboration. They also provide guidance, tools and methods to reengage the early school leavers and to re-enter education. The developed methodologies have been compiled in a joint toolbox. The policy recommendation document has analyzed the dropout situation in the five participating regions and based on the project results and intellectual outputs recommends a course of actions in order to influence future policy decisions for support and capacity building for schools to combat early school leaving. The result has also contributed to build functional and sustainable networks for collaboration between educational providers and other stakeholders and actors in a wider range in the society in each partner region. In order to achieve these results each participating regions has made the inventory of best practices and build the network for cross-sectoral cooperation, arranged international dissemination seminars and workshops for peer learning to utilize each other as resources for support, reflection, critical thinking and feedback in order to develop expertise within and outside the organisation through collaboration. After each multiplier event the partners shared the new learnings and experiences with their regional network to promote the development of their regional joint methodology tailored to the own national and regional conditions but based on the shared best practices and on the results of peer learning activities with the international partnership.

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