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A Chain of Play from North to South
Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

The main objective of the project was to connect three very distant and different European regions through arts: theatre, dance and music, through sports and outdoor activities to create a long – North-Central-South - chain of understanding among youngsters belonging to a common Europe. The three participant groups represented totally different cultures, lived amongst very different social, economical circumstances. Through this multi-colouredness, by learning about each-others ways of living, traditions, values and everyday problems, the youth groups created a joint performance about advantages of European diversity in the form of a dance or a sports game – in which all significant characteristis was built in. The activities allowed them to use both verbal an non verbal methods for the creative work. At the same time they discovered each-otehrs’ similarities and differences, concerns and problems and identify common European values. The participating 46 people (12-14-14- youth and 6 groupleaders) implemented the programme in Sweden, Sundsvall, between 15-23 August 2009.
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