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Rock Art in Northern Europe (RANE )
Start date: Jun 25, 2002, End date: Sep 24, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Rock art (paintings and carvings on rock formations) is the oldest form of human art. The remaining examples of this historical art form are threatened both by a natural development and our modern way of living. The central objectives of RANE were to initiate measures and promote research that would improve the management and sustainable use of prehistoric rock art in the Baltic Sea Region. The project focused both on training in documentation of images and damages as well as actual documentation and recording of rock art. Information and education on Rock Art and promotion of cultural tourism were also important activities of the project. The partnership represented local and regional authorities, museums, as well as organisations responsible for cultural heritage on the national level. Achievements: Documentation and protection of rock art sites was one of the main activities within the project. As a result of the project, a high-quality documentation material recorded at 600 sites in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland constitutes an important long-term resource for management, research and public information on rock art. The documentation is available in a database at the project´s website. A new technique for 3D recording of rock art was used at 11 major sites. Some of the sites in Sweden were measured with laser techniques as a part of the monitoring activities carried out by the project. The results of these recordings are well suited for presentations of inaccessible and protected rock art panels to the public. Archaeological excavations at some of the sites have provided important additional information about the context and historical environment of the rock art objects.A number of training courses focusing on management of rock art has been arranged. The aim of the training courses was to develop best practices in the management of rock art and to make the regional and local bodies more independent of external expertise. Themes covered by the training sessions were for instance field techniques for documentation and recording of damage and use of the databases.Transnational expert groups have elaborated guidelines for sustainable management, design of installations for visitors and public information. For instance, topics like authenticity, reversibility of the installations, material used and the adaptations to the natural environment are to be considered when planning and implementing site installations.In order to promote a commercial and sustainable cultural torism, mainly in remote areas, five new information centres have been established. In addition, 1 DVD, 9 websites, 3 books and 11 information folders have been produced and 63 sites have been provided with direction posts, parking lots, installations and on-site information. Knowledge and awareness of rock art were promoted especially among young people.
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  • 37.5%   1 197 087,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

45 Partners Participants