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moting Innovation and the Knowledge Economy (PIKE)
Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As a result of the INTERREG IIIC-BRISE project, some of the partners became aware and got first hand experience of other regions good practices and it became apparent that they would be very interested in transferring some of the shared good practices to their own regions. It was felt that an ideal mechanism to get them implemented would be within the framework of an INTERREG IVC Capitalisation project, with a view to develop an Action Plan to be integrated into the regional Operation Programmes. PIKE involves 5 of the former BRISE partners: Donegal, Derry, Olomouc, Cantabria and Bologna.Vasternorrland and Galway, were aware of the work of BRISE and have participated with the lead partner in other ICT projects. They share the same ICT challenges and needs and have endorsed the good practices identified.With the aim of balancing the geographic scope of the project, broaden the partners experiences and test the good practices in different socio/economic contexts, the regionsof Bulgaria South East and Sterea Ellada were invited to participate. The relevant bodies responsible for the regional Operational Programmes in each region were approached at an early stage, have contributed to draft the proposal and have committed in writting to participate in the project. The aim of the project is to improve regional and local Innovation & Knowledge Economy policies through the exchange, sharing and transfer of eGovernment and Wireless Broadband good practices, and through the integration of these good practices into the Convergence and Regional Competitiveness and Employment policies of all the participating regions.In order to do so ALL 9 participating regions will develop an Action Plan to transfer the good practices into the mainstream Structural Funds programmes.Apart from project coordination and dissemination, PIKE's main activities will consist of Documenting and presenting the good practices (Good Practice Transfer Pack, Good Practice Transfer Workshop) ;Transferring the good practices (Study visits/staff exchanges, Good Practice transfer roadmaps, Action Plans) and Ensuring implementation under the regional OPs (Local workshops, presentations to regional OP Monitoring Committees, regional Action Plan launches)OUTPUTS: Project brochure, 4 newsletters; Interregional launch conference; Interregional project closing conference; 500 PIKE Good Practice Handbooks; Interregional Good Practice Transfer workshop; 27 Local workshops; 4 Good Practices made available;18 participants in study visits/staff exchanges; 9 regional Action Plan launches; Project presented at 9 regional OPs Monitoring Committee meetings; RESULTS: 9 Action Plans developed; 3 Action Plans developed by "Objective Convergence" regions further to the lessons learnt from "Objective Competitiveness" regions; €4,500,000 mainstream SF dedicated to the implementation of the 9 Action Plans; 9 regional/local eGovernment and Wireless Broadband policies and instruments improved Achievements: PIKE set out to exchange 4 eGovernment and Wireless Broadband Good Practices (GP), to transfer those GP into the mainstream Structural Funds Programmes and to disseminate information about the project to a large audience. The 4 GP being transferred are: (1) Wireless Cities Flagship from Derry (NI) which consisted on the implementation of a wireless access network in the city and the piloting a number of key mobile services (education, tourism and local authority) to test user demand and business models for deployment of emerging wireless and mobile services. (2) Donegal Online Planning Services ( was a finalist in both the 2007 European eGovernment Awards and the Irish Government awards. It enables citizens and business to access up-to-date spatial planning information via the Internet 24 hours a day using a user friendly map interface. It is the most popular web site in Donegal County and, in addition to providing a better service to citizens/business, has resulted in substantial operational efficiencies for the local authority .(3) Integrated Aid System (IAS),Cantabria (Spain) was also finalist in the 2007 EU eGovernment Awards. It is an eGovernment application that enables the online receipt, processing and payment of over 7,000 applications (worth circa €40 M) a year by businesses to the ERDF, CAP and EAGGF programmes administered by the government of Cantabria. (4) The Model for Introduction of eGovernment in Local Authorities (eLocal),Cantabria, (Spain) is a methodology and tool designed to help modernise diverse areas of the local administrations. Based on open systems, includes modules for shared service centres, management of citizen and business service interactions, exchange of information between local and regional levels of government. Potential to reach 80% of the population. In terms of project's achievements the partners have now completed the GP transfer process which has consisted on the following steps: thorougly documenting the different aspects of 4 GP and compiling them in a handbook; an interregional GP transfer workshop which brought together transferring and adopting partners to present and discuss the GP in detail; study visits to the three transferring regions to gain a first hand experience of how the good practices were being implemented and to directly discuss issues with the key players; development of a GP transfer roadmap which gives a high level representation of how the trasfer and implementation of the GP will take place at a regional level; development of a first draft Action Plan per partner region describing the implementation of the GP in detail. In parallel, the partners have been working towards achieving the mainstreaming the GP into the Regional Operational Programmes (ROP), and they have done so by (1)having regular meetings with the Managing Authorities to keep them up to date on project developments and to ensure their ongoing commitment (2) making a presentation on the project to the ROP Monitoring Committee and (3) hosting a launch of the Action Plan at a regional level. In terms of dissemination of project results the project started off by having a launch conference in Derry which was very well attended; additionally several dissemination materials, including a bi-annual newsletter and a website have been developed and disseminated. The project has also been presented at several European conferences, it has opened up its own community within the EU ePractice portal and hosted a dissemination workshop in Brussels on Sep'09 to present the GP and to discuss the main issues surrounding the Capitalization process.
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  • 77.2%   1 284 668,87
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants