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Find yourself. EVS!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The name of this project is “Find yourself. EVS!” cause we saw that each year the volunteers we host are coming with something to give but also discovering a lot about themselves in terms of opportunities, activities and new skills. Different volunteers, after this experience, change their vision about their future, discover new paths that they were not taking into consideration before, establish ...
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Serve. Experience. Learn

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

People living in social exclusion, children living at risk or foster houses, social isolation of people and children with mental disabilities, limited possibilities of old people’s communities, intolerance among different national minorities, stray animals – these are some of the many severe and painful social problems in a nowadays Lithuanian society. Modern society of ours has created many forms ...
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Action Gallery

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Richter is involved in EVS projects since 1997. Our organization is an active promoter and developer of non formal education and supporter of peer-education. Richter want to bring a variety of artistic European youngsters together in a melting pot of ideas and creativity and offers to the youngster a chance to work in a very (creative) active organisation. The project consists of working in the d ...
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"Make mentoring your super power!"

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

... projects, self-development mentor.In addition, there will be two internships of coordinators of mentors. Coordinator of the Italian organization Culturale Strauss will held a 6-day internship at the Center for Youth Cooperation in Gdynia. Then the employee of Center for Youth Cooperation for 6 days will be learned about the work of organizations Culturale Strauss. Both coordinators will expand kn ...
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Play Revolution

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The European Voluntary Service project Play Revolution will be carried out with our partner organisation SFERA Movement from Russia as part of the Youth Aid Centre Association’s Adventure Playground programme. The playground is a safe place for developing creativity, independence, responsibility, practical and social skills, and exploring the wealth of our natural environment. It is primarily inte ...
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Widening horizons

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project Widening horizons aims at non-formal education of volunteers, mainly young people with fewer opportunities, aged 18 to 30. During their EVS, they will experience a difference in their life, gain skills through non-formal educaation, or in many cases also lead non-formal educational activities to others. This will greatly contibute to the empowerment process of the young people. KERIC w ...
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Zavod O - Kids In Action 3

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Longterm EVS project "Zavod O – Kids in Action 3"will connect five daily centers in the wider area of Škofja Loka, Slovenia: MDC Blok (Youth Daily Care Center Blok), PUM (Project learning of Youth), Daily Care Center DCΩ, Daily center Podlbnik (all in Škofja Loka) and Daily Care Center Škrlovec in Kranj. First two are run by the NGO, DC Škrlovec, DCΩ and DC Podlubnik work under the Center for Soc ...
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Odstiranje zavese / Unveiling the Curtain

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The project Unveiling the Curtain consists of two youth exchanges and involves young people, who are interested in theatre and volunteering. The project, involving sixteen participants, mostly confronted with fewer opportunities in daily life, and four youth leaders, will be taking place in October 2016 in Ivanovo, Russia for ten days and in February 2017 in Maribor, Slovenia, also for ten days. T ...
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Le Créneau 2016

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...ontribute to its revitalization: youth volunteer projects, educational workshops in schools, inter-associative cultural events, discover the socio-economic background.- To animate a host and project center - the castle of Prureaux: home educational social structures in the framework of intercultural stays, leisure centers for agri-rural activities, remobilization of shares (French young people wit ...
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Assistant éducatif et accompagnateur intergénérationel

Start date: Aug 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2017,

“La Ferme des Enfants” is an associative structure that depends on the french law of 1901 (association à but non lucratif) . Its statutes and its purposes are in favor of ecology , child respect and intergenerational relationships development. Many multicultural exchanges were organized in the past, both for school and for the ecological project created to build the “Hameau des Buis”. The location ...
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Where the world meets

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

...ted by eight organisations: Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" (Poland) acting as coordinating, hosting and sending organisation, , Check-In (Portugal), Human Supporters Association (Palestine), The Center of Culture and Tourism of Kirov Region (Russian Federation) acting as receiving organisations as well as Sfera Movement (Russian Federation), Utilapu Hungary ( Hungary), Haus am Maiberg (Germany) and ...
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Turkish EVS for Belarus

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

The project "TR-BLR” will be realized in Hrodna, Belarus during 9 months from October 1st, 2015 till July 1st, 2016. The Belarusian organisation will host 1 volunteer from Turkey. There are several main activities are proposed to the volunteer: • Intercultural Activities (Cultural cafe "Hrodna InterCult") • Journalistic Activities (Blog and Facebook page "UnForeigners in Hrodna") • Non-Formal Ed ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

...ent CEDRA Split – Hr; second stage between 03.11.2016-05.03.2017, involving 8 volunteers – each partner will send 2, Scambieuropei – It, SFERA – Ru, Stella – Uk, ASSOCIATION CENTER FOR INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE – KUMANOVO - Mk. ANTER will be the coordinator and the hosting association for this project. The youngsters will conduct a set of activities, divided as following:Activities inside PMTC• creat ...
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LEACHE – Europa más cerca

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Department for Education of the Government of Navarra is responsible for establishing the general conditions and developing general aspects of education in this Spanish autonomous region. In this context, a new structure has been created in the Vocational Training Service in order to provide assistance for the internationalization of VET institutions. These measures try to reach the following ...
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From Disability to Ability

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The project "From Disability to Ability" aims to bring together 28 youth workers from Germany, Sweden, the UK, Greece, Serbia, Turkey, the Netherlands, Poland, France and Lithuania in order to discuss methods regarding the skills development and empowerment of young people with disabilities. Too often young people with disabilities are disregarded as without skills, so this project want to bring t ...
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Get Involved!

Start date: Jun 3, 2015, End date: Feb 2, 2017,

The "Get Involved!" project will take place in Italy , in the city of Forli, involving seven young people from 5 different European countries ( Portugal , Spain , Poland , Romania , Russia ) . The main objective of the project is to promote solidarity and active citizenship among the participants by giving them the opportunity to experience volunteering services in different areas (children, youth ...
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Zavod O - Kids in Action 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Longterm EVS project "Zavod O – Kids in Action 2"will connect five daily centers in the wider area of Škofja Loka, Slovenia: MDC Blok (Youth Daily Care Center Blok), PUM (Project learning of Youth), Daily Care Center DCΩ, Daily center Podlbnik (all in Škofja Loka) and Daily Care Center Škrlovec in Kranj. First two are run by the NGO, DC Škrlovec, DCΩ and DC Podlubnik work under the Center for So ...
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The objectives of the project "Non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work: Subjects - Methods – Exchange” are the imparting of knowledge on claims and causes of diversity and non-formal education within European Youth Work. The core issue for all planned project elements is therefore the term “diversity”. Where does the concept come from? What's behind? What is required? Challenges ...
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Think Dance-4 is 6 weeks EVS project which gathers 30 volunteers from different countries for UNESCO 17.International Bodrum Dance Festival in may 2016. By this project we aim to increase awareness among young people on European Opportunities and increase the visibility of our festival in Europe.Social Media management,dance choreographies,short film making,photography,youth information are some o ...
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Matrix of education

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Training "Matrix of education" will be held in Slavonski Brod in the period 10.09. to 09.19.2016 year. The training will be attended by a total of 27 participants from: Croatian, Denmark, UK, Spain, Norway, Italy, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Slovakia and Macedonia.Learning and teaching, and the whole educational process is an interactive process in which participants with the support of ...
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Be brave - be a Volunteer!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

... and both sided are receiving some new experience. The project involves 9 host organizations (non-governmental kindergarten “Nendrė”, SOS Children's Villages in Lithuania, Antakalnis Open youth center, Lentvaris Open youth center, Open youth center "Mes”, PI “Toys Museum”, PI “Valakupiu rehabilitation center ", Trakai Open youth space and Day Center "Šviesa"). 2 of these HO (Nendrė and SOS Childr ...
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Peers to Peers

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016, to understand the broader youth education system in different countries; - increases the ability to create change in terms of modernization and openness to the international community and learning centers; - improving the quality of the work and efforts of volunteers; - increase the understanding of social, linguistic and cultural sensitivity and improves on it; - support and promote activities ...
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Throughout the 95 years of its existence, SCI has been working to promote peace, non-violence, human rights, social justice & international understanding as an alternative to war. Today also in Europe we believe that this objective is as valid & relevant as ever. The on-going conflict in Ukraine, the rapid deterioration in the relations between the EU and Russia, re-appearance of "enemy images" ...
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Planning Exchange and Arrange Collective Engagement

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

In 'Planning Exchange and Arrange Collective Engagement' two major impulses to the work of IAL will be given.EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE - PLACEMENT OFFICER AT IAL OFFICEA volunteer at the secretariat will give solid bottom to IAL's capacity. The volunteer will help to make the exchange of volunteers to go smooth, offer support, logistically and administratively to create more engaged projects, stu ...
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Look At The World Through Third Eye

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Third Eye Association of Mediterranean will coordinate the project for wildlife protection, especially for the turtles who leaves eggs to Mersin coasts, the protection of the natural environment and biotopes in general. Among the most important aims of the project is to inform and sensitize public concerning threads and problems of wildlife animals, the simplification of scientific knowledge c ...
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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

"10 Years of EVS with VIEWS" is a project organised by VIEWS International, in the form of an Evaluation visit under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme.It will take place from May 30th till June 4th 2016 in Liège Belgium. The activity will gather young visually impaired people, and youth workers with or without visual impairment, all involved in EVS projects. There will be 9 participating coun ...
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Drowned Stories

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...ject is expected to have a high visibility in the Slovenian community, and it will be shared through such tools as:-Street theater performances on topic of immigrations performed in at least 2 youth centers-Book covering personal stories and experience of immigrants (100 copies)-Media articles (20 articles in national medias)-Professional paper published in about efficiency of creative ap ...
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Jeunes Talents Numériques

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"Jeunes Talents Numériques " (Young Digital Talents) is a project lead by Urban Prod association, which aims to host 5 EVS during 12 months, coming from europeans countries or foreign partners. Sending organizations are already partners of Urban Prod, and were meet during previous seminars : Armenia, Russia, Germany, Belgium and Ukrain. Digital issue is very important nowadays ; rich of its experi ...
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The “Regional Expert Panels” in the frame of the project line “Non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work” are targeted at the members and representatives of the partner consortium from 19 different European countries as well as stakeholders like youth and adults from NGOs, initiatives, foundations, representatives of politics, culture and local civil society in BiH and Macedonia. T ...
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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Aug 1, 2016,

The project 'HELP OTHERS - HELP YOURSELF' was held at the Varstveno delavni center in Zagorje ob Savi and MCT. MCT was the coordinating organization and VDC was the hosting organization. We hosted 2 volunteers from Russia and Spain, between July 2015 - June 2016 for a period of 1 year. Volunteers spent 4 days/week in VDC. Previous experience with volunteers have shown that the presence and interac ...
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EVS-Convergence Point Narvik: EU and neighbours in EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 1, 2016,

Narviksenteret's vision is to contribute to peacebuilding, and we consider youth exchange to be an integral part of this. Interaction and cooperation with, and exposure to people and cultures from various corners of the world have the effect of familiarising an individual with such. Similarly, by adding a new member to a give society – being the EVS-volunteer – we believe that the interaction betw ...
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Euro Youth Citizenship

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

NAME OF THE PROJECT: EURO YOUTH CITIZENSHIP CONTEXT: The development of youth action does not occur in one glimpse and this process should be built with the example of other active young people in community, by learning the importance of their role and a series of competences and tools that allow them to attentively and critically assess reality, aware of potentials and weaknesses, threats and o ...
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Our project concerns an educational visit of 6 trainers from ESTIA to the Swedish partner in order to exchange expertise. The Swedish partner is one of the best and well established, highly developed and scientifically sound organizations in the E.U. In addition it uses innovative tools and methods in life long education with regards to people with intellectual disabilities.The team of 6 trainers ...
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Discovering EVS world in Eastern Europe and Caucasus Region

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Discovering the EVS world in Eastern Europe and Caucasus Region" is an unique project, which gathered representatives of 22 organisations from 15 countries, who work in frame of EVS in/with EECA region. The main aim of the project was to discover, recognise and understand specific features of EVS projects implemented between organisations from Erasmus+ Programme Countries and Eastern Europe ...
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"CULTURAL MAKERS. Intercultures, youth and active citizenship"

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The idea of the project origins from a precise need: involve partners from UE and Extra-UE that works in the youth field to deal with issues of active citizenship, prevention of exclusion, interculturalità and peace. In the project “CULTURAL MAKERS. Intercultures, youth and active citizenship” are involved 7 Programm Countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Finnland and Lithuania; and 3 ...
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Musicted Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

“Musicted Europe” project organized by the German association DBSV and VIEWS International AISBL (VI) from Belgium is planned as a project in the type of a youth exchange under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme. It will take place from August 3rd till August 11th 2015 in Hannover, Germany and will gather young visually impaired and sighted persons from 7 EU countries: BE, BG, DE, ES, GR, IT a ...
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Play Relay

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Project Play Relay was conducted as a part of Adventure Playground, which is one of the projects within Youth Aid Centre Association. Adventure playground is located in forest, in the Mali Betnavski gozd, and it offers variety of opportunities for quality leisure time of children and youth. Adventure playground has different corners, where children can woodwork, make fire, make different crafts o ...
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Talk Shop

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The motivation behind the projects stemmed from our own experience in the field of international youth work. We have had the chance to work on numerous projects with an international team, and we believe that it is possible to prepare for certain language and technical aspects of such work. The objectives of the training were twofold. Firstly, we aimed to deliver a concise and hands-on approach to ...
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The training course (TC) “Do clothes make the man? Reverse the stereotypes and fight against discrimination with theater costume design techniques as a tool for the youth work“ organized by Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V. (MFP) was dedicated to youth leaders and social workers as well as project leaders who intend to improve the quality of their activities by learning new creative educational methods, ...
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(DIS)ability: inclusive volunteering

Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2015,

“I´m really inspired from this training course. Long time I wanted to write a project and I think I maybe will be happen soon.” “I know that disability is not a weakness but only unfair opportunities” The idea of this training-seminar was born during the training for trainers “Plus up your project!”on social inclusion (Projectnr. 14-K16-004) organized by Grenzenlos last October. Participants of th ...
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