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Odstiranje zavese / Unveiling the Curtain
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Unveiling the Curtain consists of two youth exchanges and involves young people, who are interested in theatre and volunteering. The project, involving sixteen participants, mostly confronted with fewer opportunities in daily life, and four youth leaders, will be taking place in October 2016 in Ivanovo, Russia for ten days and in February 2017 in Maribor, Slovenia, also for ten days. The main topics of the project concern youth itself, international cooperation and theatre. Through various methods of non-formal and informal learning (e. g. different workshops, field work, team work...) the participants will carry out activities, that will contribute to youth collaboration between Maribor and Ivanovo, since participants will gather new knowledge and experiences based on good practices. Participants will also improve their comprehension of the knowledge on the local policies regarding self-government in both cities of project partners. This knowledge will then be used as a groundwork for finding different channels for participation of youth in their local community. Main goals of the project:- video about invisible professions, which will later also serve as as a learning tool for further education on the topic,- theatre performance, that will be created and carried out by exchange participants, through which the participants will learn more regarding invisible professions in culture and the creation of the performance as a whole, with its theme we would like to raise awareness of the problems of modern society,- web platform for sharing experiences of participants from various youth exchanges, that will encourage youth to improve their international mobility. Outcome of the project is expected to improve the cooperation between the collaborating cities and increase the interest for the invisible professions in culture and theatre between the participants. It is also expected to raise awareness in the society for refugee crisis and encourage the youth to political participation through the theme of the performance. Through the process of the project, participants will implicitly gain personal socio-academic and professional skills that will improve their employment opportunities.Long term effects of the project will be twinning of the participating cities and encouraging the youth to cultural and political participation.The whole project will take place between September the 1st of 2016 and November the 30th of 2017.
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