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Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing sector

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

The Digital Agenda for Europe estimates that the publishing industries employ around 750,000 jobs in more than 64,000 companies in EU. Technology has had an unusual impact and a massive economic change on publishing: it’s changing the traditional business model and it’s giving a key role to new distribution channels such as aggregation platforms. The technological evolutions affect the consumptio ...
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BACKGROUNDFor both the society and the economy, "digital revolution" means an upheaval that is comparable to the transition from an industrial to a service society. This will radically change the automotive industry. Major trends are set by the merging of the two forms of mobility - physical locomotion and internet. The EU education systems (VET & HE) must quickly find solutions in order to adequa ...
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Work Based Learning 2.0

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The project rationale is rooted within the in the objectives of ET 2020, Rethinking Education, the Bruges Communiqué as well as the Riga conclusions of June 2015 that invite companies, social partners and VET providers to promote work-based learning in all its forms and to make WBL approaches more effective and more targeted to the labour market needs. Within this context the project partners, acc ...
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The 2 year Project will gather six European Organizations specialized in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of VET activities and programs. They have strong credentials on cultural competence and convinced of the importance to raise the cultural competences amongst VET mobility programs and those taking part in VET mobility activities.The project context takes into consideratio ...
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Crecemos con la formación en Europa 4

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The IES Cartuja from Granada submits this Erasmus+ project for the internships in companies of its students and for the Training of its teachers.The mobility of the teachers will consist on job shadowing activities and courses in order to know how the “new teaching methodology and the use of ICT in the field of administrative management ” is working in other European Union countries. Eight teach ...
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Digitally crafting new communities of practice

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

A network of stakeholders from 3 different local communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991) dedicated to traditional handwork/artisanship (Sweden: weaving; Italy: textile handicraft (including weaving, embroidering, knitting and sewing); Estonia: textile/metal;) will cooperate trans-nationally to create a bridge between traditional (fading/endangered) forms of artisanship and the communicative/ ...
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Key competences and solutions for the effectiveness of Internships

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...rofessional Associations and 1 Consortium of 3 areas (Umbria, Trentino and Lombardy) representative of 3 strategic sectors of the Italian economy: Confcommercio Perugia, ConSolida Trentino, Confartigianato Lombardy. The Italian part of the team is completed by a Province (PG) which represents promoter organisations and a technical organisation that provides methodological support to the partners ( ...
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Ampliando Horizontes para la Formación Profesional

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This Project has two types of mobilities: one for students and one for teachers. The mobility of students will be mainly aimed at students of Initial Vocational Training (FPGM) and it is also open to students of Basic Vocational Trainining (FPB) for the development of professional internships in companies of Italy. It will include 2 flows of 21 students each for 13 weeks of stay per flow. The mobi ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project consortium, PRÁCTICA LABORAL CON EUROPA DE ALUMNOS DE MADRID (Work based learning in Europe for Madrid students) requested through this call 2016, arises due to the interest shown by schools, and to provide continuity and response from the Directorate General for VET to the one started in 2015. In this call it has been increased up to 30% of the existing centres in Madrid and it is aim ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The values of craftsmanship are based on the excellence of knowledge, its transmission and the passion for the job. That is why the apprenticeship, stemming from the same values is an answer to the needs for the sector in terms of human resources. European mobility allows to optimize the training of the young, future business managers, in particular the actors of the apprenticeship, but also t ...
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Avanti Europa III - von Hessen nach Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The internationalization of the economy creates new demands on employees and employers . The necessary skills to work successfully in a globalized world should already be acquired through internships in other European countries within the initial training period . Only 4% of all trainees complete a stay abroad during their training period. The overall objective of the project is to promote cross- ...
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Mobility in Europe for Vocational Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project aims to implement a European dimension of learning in the vocational training system and in the business system on the territory of Como, through the implementation of mobility for different targets in the catering and hotel sector and in the wellness industry. Objectives - Increase the chances of employment for young people in the local and European labor market through the enhancemen ...
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TER.ME 2014 - Territorio e mercati, le nuove competenze

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The TER.ME Project wants to renew the proposal of 5 weeks mobility abroad in response to the needs of the sending high schools net, territorially expressive of the various souls of Alessandra Province. The beneficiary schools are wondering about how to better prepare their students so that they will be able to read the surrounding reality, recognise and propose innovative ideas as part of an integ ...
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Acceso a un Empleo de Calidad mediante Prácticas en Europa

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This Project has been targeted to IESVN’s students who pursue studies in Intermediate Level Vocational Training and Basic Vocational Training. The project took place in Italy, in particular in the cities of Palermo and Foligno. IESVN sent a total amount of 38 students and 4 accompanying teachers split between two flows of twelve weeks each. The first flow consisted of 18 students and 2 accompany ...
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BACKGROUND: Vocational training faces great challenges EU-wide (in view of increasing globalization, new technologies and sustainability aspects such as climate change and alternative energies, but also high youth unemployment). New technologies require competencies, which now go clearly go beyond the traditional content of VET professions. The change of motor vehicle companies from repair shops t ...
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The project consortium consisting of the Chamber of Crafts of Potsdam (Germany), Eurocultura (Italy), Confartigianato Vicenza (Italy), Bialystocka Fundacja Ksztalcenia Kadr (Poland) and Liberconsultores Málaga (Spain) is executing the strategic partnership "Home 2030" - New Ways in Vocational Training on the "Intelligent Use of Energy in Residential Buildings". The increase of the percentage of re ...
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promotion de la mobilité européenne dans l’artisanat

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The project "promote European mobility in handicraft " will be built in on Rhône -Alpes by a consortium composed of 6 members : 1 Coordinator ( Regional Chamber of Handicrafts Crafts Rhône -Alpes) and 5 sending partners: Drôme Ardèche Vocational Training Association – ADAFP, CCI Ardèche - André Fargier CFA - CFA AF, CECOF Chamber of Trades and Crafts Rhône CMA69- and SEPR. The organization of 11 ...
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La Mobilite des Actifs de l'Apprentissage en Auvergne

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The values of Crafts are established on experiment of the knowledge, transmission and passion of the job. That is why apprenticeship, is an answer to the needs for the sector in terms of resources human beings. The European mobility allows to optimize the training of the young apprentices, also future leaders of companies, and actors of the learning. The European mobility allows to improve the E ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The context and objectives of the project APCMA accompanies since 2003 Chambers of Trades and Crafts (CMA) and apprentice training centers (CFA) in the development of partnerships and European training projects. In a transition phase APCMA maintaining its grouped project for limited number of CFA who have not yet found a place in a regional scheme. The needs for grants have been identified for the ...
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Personal development and improvment of employability through mobility

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

...yards, cheese and oliv farms and food markets. The Project succeeded very well and developed the whole school. The receiving organisations in the project: Cork Education and Training Board, ECTE and Confartigianato di Ancona.
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Il punto di partenza del progetto è la volontà, condivisa dalle associazioni cherappresentano le micro, piccole e medie imprese delle Province di Udine, Vicenza eBolzano e dall’agenzia di sviluppo ITG Salzburg, di contribuire allo sviluppo equilibratoe sostenibile dell’area di confine, rafforzandone la competitività ed attrattivitàattraverso il supporto alle micro e piccole imprese per la gestione ...
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Research, data collection and provision of information resources on the opportunities offered by the European legislation in the field of SMEs in cross-border area. Expected Results: One conducted cross-bording network for voc ...
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The ICON project aims to strengthening the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the border area between Slovenia and Italy. Expected Results: The main purpose of the project is the integration of ent ...
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Il progetto ha consentito di individuare i principali campi di possibile impiego del fango derivante dalle lavorazioni lapidee in considerazione di reali applicazioni legate a risultati tecnici apprezzabili e soddisfacenti in rapporto alle caratteristiche di detto materiale. Tra le diverse ipotesi analizzate, i campi di impiego che il progetto ha individuato quali possibili applicazioni caratteriz ...
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Genericamente, il progetto OSMATER propone il recupero della coscienza del rapporto intrinseco esistente fra il territorio, le sue risorse intese come fatto culturale e il patrimonio costruito, con particolare attenzione alla cultura transfrontaliera specifica della nostra regione, attraverso la creazione di un Centro di competenza a sud delle Alpi, in grado di documentare e trasmettere la specifi ...
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More persons, losing their job due to the economical crisis, will be asked to get back to the labour market, mobilising their skills and competences in applying for a new job. Our project is linked to the priority 1 of the Call 2009, aiming at integrating “transparency” policies and tools (EQF and ECVET implementation) and the proper use of actual devices adopted by the European Commission, such a ...
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Demographic change is particularly visible within the borders of the EU founding countries. Thus, the living conditions have to be adapted to this changing requirement of an ageing society. Taking into account the demographic trend, residential homes for the elderly are often overcrowded and there is a shortage of professional caregivers in this area. We have to find ways to provide a life in dign ...
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The project aims to transfer an Operators Training Package, tested by various Italian partners, for the integrated management of the training services and active labour policies. This package, inclusive of contents, training and assistance methods, operating and theoretical support media, allows to start up in some Italian regions and in other European countries, a Continuous Training Service for ...
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Poor soft skills are linked to a range of labour market problems: high staff turnover/difficulty recruiting (particularly in the young); lack of ability to compete; inability to cope with change; reasons for staff dismissal & problems in school to work transition. Several European employer surveys endorse the following soft skills as essential but often missing: team working, communication, proble ...
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The main aim of this project is to establish networks of cooperative ventures which exist at regional, national and European levels in order to create good quality European careers in the crafts and trades sector. In order to ensure that these networks become permanent, the project aims to put in place a platform for pooling expertise and exchanging know-how. This will be used to develop and disse ...
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Identifying the need in SMEs for synchronised operations within IT : ASSADH is a project designed to research educational and vocational needs throughout Europe in the sector of ICT, particularly in the sector of automation and synchronising information procedures achieved by means of scheduling programmes. The purpose is to identify the professional competencies needed to create the new professio ...
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The 'Training and Apprenticeship' project aims to develop a model for the improvement of job training in craft enterprises and SMEs. The project will focus on the pedagogics of work-linked learning and on cooperation between different categories of institutions. The project will notably produce a comparative analysis of European work linked learning systems (which will also be tested). This will r ...
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The purpose of this project is to finalise schemes and tools for comparing national and regional systems of qualification in the metal engineering sector. The proposal is to analyse, compare and possibly redraft occupational and skills profiles for a limited range of jobs – selected on the basis of their importance in various manufacturing contexts – in the engineering sector. There are also plans ...
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PROTEIN will consider the issue of the recognition of competencies of SME personnel in order to both develop levels of individual employability and the potential for workforce mobility and to improve the competitiveness of individual enterprises.The project will initially undergo the exchange of analyses and existing experience across the range of partner organisations with regard to the eventual ...
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The COUNSELLING project will develop a range of shared tools for use on a European level, to improve access to quality counselling systems focusing upon education, training, re-qualification and employability. To achieve this objective, the project will define a professional profile for the counsellor outlining the skills required in order to develop the concept of counselling focused upon the use ...
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Encouraging business creation among young people : Provided that they can overcome the numerous pitfalls involved, creating their own business can be a winning option for some young people. CREACTIVA raises the awareness of young people and career guidance professionals by providing a range of tools which will support the process from start to finish. This project started in 2001 and lasted 36 mon ...
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Promoting sustainable development in the management of small craft enterprises is the aim of this project. It will design training for heads of companies, employees and mentors and ultimately for the apprentices to whom company know-how and skills will be transmitted. Results will include pedagogical tools, testing of the accompanying methodology, CD-Rom, a website, conferences and an evaluation r ...
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The aim of the project is to construct a Training Development Plan (TDP) for the staff of micro-enterprises. This will entail creating common tables for the definition of the TDP (i.e. technical tables and consolidated tables defining priorities and levels of accreditation), identifying the areas and departments to which the TDP will apply, planning and testing personalised training-by-doing packa ...
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The Europastage project aims at creating a European model for the organisation and management of transnational placements. A particular focus will be upon developing the skills of individual tutors having a role the development of in-company placements. In addition to the development of the European model for the organisation and management of transnational placements, two CD-Rom will be produced, ...
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The project very specific contents are of a particular nature: the role of managers in SMEs is always recognised and his / her leading responsibility / position hides the significant role that sometimes their wives / husbands play in the enterprises management and forgets the juridical, social recognition of their competences and expertise. The professional sector of artisans is particularly inter ...
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