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25 European Projects Found

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PROfessionalising DOMestic housekeepers in Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

In 2010, the ILO has published the “Decent work for domestic workers” to setting standards on decent work for domestic workers, stating “in response to the long-standing perception of domestic work as a form of “women’s work” that does not require any real skills, qualifications or training, the ILO and its constituents have asserted the value of domestic work to both the families and the workers ...
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e-CF COUNCIL will build a stable network of reference stakeholders in the ICT sector to foster ICT professionalism at European and international level. There will be employer and professional associations, social partners, companies, Small-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), public authorities, training institutions and certification bodies. The development of recognised and joint ICT VET programme ...
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Deine Chance - Lerne in Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Background and project objectives (aims):Globalisation and internationalisation increasingly shape our education, our economy and our society. The vocational training must respond to this development with its interface (function) role bitween the education and employmentsystem. Therefore, the internationalisation of our three vocational colleges (1550 students) is an important goal in the school's ...
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l'Europe comme territoire de Paie

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"Europe as a territory of peace": a single theme for three exchange projects, allowing 3 youth groups of Nantais go to meet other young people from the cities of Saarbrücken, of Ineu and Tbilisi.These three exchanges are part of a project that is to be more comprehensive and will include, in a reciprocal commitment and continuity of our exchanges, reception of Nantes for all partner groups in 2017 ...
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Deine Chance - Lerne in Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Background and project objectives (aims): Globalisation and internationalisation increasingly shape our education, our economy and our society. The vocational training must respond to this development with its interface (function) role bitween the education and employmentsystem. Therefore, the internationalisation of our three vocational colleges (1550 students) is an important goal in the school' ...
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NEgotiating for Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The NE.T. - NEgotiating for Training project runs from the needs ascertained in these years by training centres and trade unions. Tables of negotiation, piloting, monitoring and evaluation of the lifelong learning and VET of the Inter-professional Funds have been the place where these actors have been affected by the shortage of knowledge about activities and needs represented by the other, and hi ...
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Agricultural Skills Go Sustainable

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project proposal “Agricultural Skills Go Sustainable” (AgriSkills) is based on various local, regional, national and European debates and development processes - The ongoing structural change in agriculture that requires new forms of vocational training and further education, - A critique of today‘s vocational training in combination with demands for a stronger orientation in the political sph ...
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Jeunes pour la paix

Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Apr 17, 2015,

Into the context of partnership between ACCOORD and CEMEA, and CEMEA and Keffiyeh Center, and due to the will of ACCOORD to develop international projects to allow the youngs of Nantes' social centers to experiment interculturality or a first mobility experience, ACCOORD is looking for new international partners. the exchange with Palestine is not meaningless, as it will arouse committment and mob ...
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OBJETIVOS: Continuar avanzando en la integración y en el fortalecimiento socioeconómico e institucional a través de la cooperación intersindical transfronteriza Andalucía Algarve. ACCIONES: Realización de acciones formativas (idioma, necesidades detectadas). Estudios. Encuentros temáticos-sectoriales-transversales. Reuniones sectoriales. Análisis global situación socioeconómica (derivada de la cri ...
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OBJETIVO: Avanzar en la integración y en el fortalecimiento socioeconómico e institucional a través de la cooperación intersindical transfronteriza Andalucía-Algarve.ACCIONES: Las acciones que dan cuerpo y desarrollan nuestros objetivos se resumen en la realización de actividades formativas e informativas, estudios que apoyen al Observatorio de Cooperación Transfronteriza y encuentros y reuniones ...
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Background Many regions in Europe, especially those with a long industrial history, have a high density of industries and employees in particular zones. In the majority of cases, these industrial estates were developed without public transport access. In order to reduce both the pollution caused by private car traffic and mortality rates from road acciden ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2004,

The Teatrodentro Project stresses the need to keep an open dialogue among subjects working with non-formal education within the prison context, so that good national and transnational practices can become an element of comparison and stimulate successful educational practices. The risk of depletion of the operators working in various capacities in detention facilities and the fragmentation of educ ...
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SMEs do not have sufficient choice in the field of ITC-based training. The aims of this project are therefore to identify good practice and to disseminate information about the keys to success in implementing ITC-based training in industry. The main tools produced will be an index of good practice (including 50 examples) and case studies (15 in all) as well as a manual of strategic recommendations ...
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The competitive strength of the machine-tools manufacturers of Asia (and not only of Asia) is challenging the world leadership of the European firms: 14.000 companies, with 1.500.000 employees. The challenge should be faced through an improvement of innovative capabilities and surely in the field of design, safety and usability there are opportunities of innovation: in order to produce more suitab ...
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The project has the innovative role of creating training for a category of workers –the footwear sellers- whose number is estimated in 600.000 throughout Europe. The lack of training in that sector has two consistent consequences. The first is that foot-wears, as the majority of the current products, have been submitted to deep change: they incorporate technologies in order to be lighter, to let t ...
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New Skills for Workers' Representatives : The project has designed 6 courses in different areas of competence of trade union representatives. With the help of these courses, workers' representatives can make effective use of new forms of communication and learn about workers' rights. The objective is to improve the efficiency and quality of workers' performance, which will benefit the people they ...
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The project is targeted to teachers, trainers and pedagogues in continuous training in any professional area and aims at adaptation of educational and pedagogical methods based on Emotional Intelligence skills to the continuous training. Emotional Intelligence includes personal skills (as adaptability, reliability, self-control, adaptability) and social skills (as leadership, team working, conflic ...
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The project is based on four previous national and international projects’ results, which are mainly training needs analysis and training material in various forms. Target groups are theatre technical professionals and training organisations in the professional area. The project aims at developing an industry-based competence analysis tool for locating professional profiles in EU –level. The aim i ...
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The project intends to create two educational programmes promoting better integration of workers in the international labour market in terms of mobility. A training programme on worker mobility will be devised and disseminated in CD-ROM or printed format. The focus will be on preparing workers to go abroad and provide them with information on relevant EU legislation, labour protection principles, ...
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Effective exploitation of trade union training throughout Europe : PECS provides a single document recording the training and experience of trade union officials, in order to highlight their skills for the purposes of professional career development. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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This proposal was created to take advantage of the achievements got in the training materials developed in the framework of the project 'Formagri' and the experience that has been got in the development of the previous educational materials. By this way the contents have been transferred and updated using a visual methodology based on signs and symbols. The contents have been transferred to the op ...
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Le projet Lalera TOI ( Language Learning by Radio transfert of innovation) se propose de transférer en Espagne et d’adopter dans deux Régions italiennes et en Roumanie les cours de formation linguistique-professionnelle élaborée dans le projet Lalera. (
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In the European Council in Lisbon in 2000, we came to the conclusion that the improvement of transparency in qualifications and permanent learning should be two key elements in the adaptation of education and training European systems to the demands of the knowledge society and the need to improve quality and quantity of employment. At present, the wood and furniture sectors are in a continuous pr ...
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The project e-NEEDD follows several of the objectives proposed in the EuropeanStrategy of fight against drugs 2005-2012. In accordance with this strategic document,to cope successfully with the drug consumption prevention within the scholar field, it isconsidered indispensable to develop research and to implement training programmesfor teachers and other professional working in the educative envir ...
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A growing shortage of jobs in Europe makes the possibilities of developing new jobs in the social economy sector more relevant than ever. In LLP, as well as in many other policies driven actions, there have been good attempts to stimulate the sector by providing training material about the possibilities of the sector. However, most of the training material is aimed at multipliers. In InoTool the i ...
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