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PROfessionalising DOMestic housekeepers in Europe
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2010, the ILO has published the “Decent work for domestic workers” to setting standards on decent work for domestic workers, stating “in response to the long-standing perception of domestic work as a form of “women’s work” that does not require any real skills, qualifications or training, the ILO and its constituents have asserted the value of domestic work to both the families and the workers involved, their households and the economy as a whole” (ILO 2010). Alongside with the value of recognition, the ILO stressed that “a more contemporary approach to career development that is increasingly reflected in national policies and legislation is to recognize the skills required in domestic work and to offer domestic workers a better future by promoting basic literacy skills and vocational training”. Although the workforce is estimated as 4-10% of the labour force in developing countries (26 million in Europe according to Eurostat), and expected to grow in next decades, the sector suffers both from a lack of regulation and recognition. PRODOME aims at contributing to the professionalization of domestic workers by providing a common European curriculum for the profile of Domestic Housekeeper: the curriculum will be fully developed, both in terms of learning resources and guidelines for its implementation, and will be delivered in two countries. The European Curriculum for Domestic Housekeepers, which will be made available under open licenses, will be delivered together with standards for recognition, and potential pathways for certification.
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