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26 European Projects Found

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Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People (PRO4VIP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Taking into account the objectives of Vision 2020, the WHO's 2006 initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness. When globally people with low vision are increasing as a result of the ageing of the world’s population. Where low vision not only affects the independence but has significant psychosocial and economic impact on the individual, the family and society. Major consequences of visi ...
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Border Uplands

Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The Border Uplands project is a joint venture between Fermanagh District Council and the County Councils of Cavan, Leitrim and Sligo which will create much needed outdoor access, recreational and amenity infrastructure in the scenic uplands of the region, which straddles the Irish border. The project will use the UNESCO Geoparks model as a central design concept in its development strategy for t ...
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Harnessing Creativity

Start date: May 31, 2012, End date: May 30, 2015,

Harnessing creativity to stimulate innovation for a dynamic regional economy based on natural and cultural sources for added value
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Central Border Region Spatial Planning Initiative

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The ICBAN region has a specific and unique nature and a set of common experiences of marginalisation, removal in historical terms from the centre of decision making on both sides of the border, and therefore, significant challenges for the integrated and 'joined-up' development of the region. This initiative will address the need for a co-ordinated and agreed set of future investment priorities f ...
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Sustainable and efficient Energy for Rural Regions (VIS NOVA)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

To fight against climate mitigation and to provide a secure and affordable supply of energy, European regions have to explore new approaches to exploit endogenous renewable energy sources and to improve their energy efficiency. Especially for rural regions, this on-going restructuring of European energy markets represent an enormous opportunity in the creation of own added value. To integrate the ...
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...ative impact on environment and transport sustainability. Moreover, the Adriatic ports lost part of their competitive ground, being the closer point that the freight flows going to the Central Europe area could reach by sea.This has encouraged partners along the corridor to start working together with the aim of raising the awareness and attracting the attention of policy makers on the need of imp ...
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Management & Implementation of the MAP

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Management and implementation of the MAP under the three themes of Enterprise, Tourism and Collaboration
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Higher Attainment through Cross Border Hubs (HATCH)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

To support and develop entrepreneurship in the Border Region. The HATCH project aims to support business growth opportunities to meet the demands of changing economic conditions in the ICBAN region. It aims to do this by providing courses to:1: construciton and engineering employees2: migrant workers3: female entrepreneurs
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Development of Workspace at Enniskillen Airport

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

The project involves the construction of a single stand-alone 37,000 sq. ft. of workspace at Enniskillen (St. Angelo) Airport. The workspace will be used by a fixed-wing aircraft service and maintenance firm to supply a full range of services including aircraft maintenance, piloting services and hangarage. The project will complement the existing helicopter service and maintenance facilities alr ...
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Innovation Enterprise Initiative

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

Innovation Enterprise Initiative
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Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development (MEID)

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The project aims to realize the M.E.I.D. model to plan, build and govern sustainable Industrial Areas (IAs).The model goals to enhance capacities and decision tools of Competent Authorities to integrate environmental friendly solutions into the Regional and Interregional Development Strategies related to Industrial Policy. Thanks to the integration approach, SMEs will be the first beneficiaries, i ...
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Interregional Innovation System (IRIS)

Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: Aug 30, 2012,

Die österreichisch-ungarische Grenzregion erfuhr in den letzten 10 Jahren eine dynamische Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Trotzdem unterscheidet sich die Wirtschaftsstruktur auf beiden Seiten der Grenze weiterhin deutlich. Um versteckte Wirtschaftspotentiale zu fördern ist es notwendig, besonders im Bereich Innovation, gemeinsame Strategien zu erarbeiten und diese in Form von langfristigen Kooperationen u ...
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Centres of Excellence in Traded Services

Start date: Oct 31, 2009, End date: Jul 30, 2011,

The project envisages the creation of two 'Pilot Demonstration Centres' to attract and facilitate Traded Service businesses in the Cookstown/Mid-Ulster and Cavan areas. The aim of the project is to develop a feasibility study which will assess the contribution which the pilot demonstration centres would make to the marketing of the ICBAN region as a location for Traded Services companies, particu ...
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Joined up Food

Start date: Dec 31, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2009,

This project entailed the production of a report and action plan with the purpose of examining food sector issues of a cross border nature focusing on the North West as aresearch area. It has been compiled by the Irish Central Border Area Network Ltd. under the guidance of an intersectoral and cross-border food Working Group thatengaged many of the main agencies and players in the food sector nort ...
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Functional Food

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2009,

Functional Food is a food that has added health or even medicinal qualities. Commonly known functional foods include probiotic drinks, cereals with added vitamins and spreads with omega oils. These all provide health benefits of one kind which have keen added to the original product. Healthy eating is a growing trend. Increased awareness and knowledge is fuelling the public’s interest and demand f ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: May 30, 2008,

Lobjectif général du projet est didentifier, et de tester dans le cadre dopérations pilotes locales, des réponses efficaces permettant de dépasser les obstacles qui freinent le développement dun urbanisme durable dans la région MEDOCC et de favoriser la construction de nouveaux quartiers durables (Eco Quartiers) plus conformes aux principes et objectifs du Développement Durable (urbanisme maîtrisé ...
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Flood Awareness and Prevention Policy in border areas (FLAPP)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The network is seeking to contribute to common European strategies for flood risk management, especially in border areas where flood-related issues are likely to arise. It intends to achieve this by enabling those responsible for European river systems and their feeders to exchange information and experience. FLAPP also expects that its work will influence a new European flood water directive. ...
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...ject promotes the Information Society (IS) implementation by fostering the direct involvement of the Regional/Local Institutions for favouring the ICT services diffusion particularly in less advanced areas as well as in SMEs which are slower than the Large Enterprises in adopting the ICT innovative models (geographical and dimensional divide). In addition to a large know-how transfer of managerial ...
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 FINISHED 3 different SME sectors) where ICT is not yet a common workplace tool.The first group will undergo re-training in specific ICT applications, keeping in mind their previous training level and study area, with the eventual aim of gaining initial employment for at least 20 of the group.The second group will undergo an initial analysis as regards existing use of ICT and a needs analysis as regards ...
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A means for a better handling of business knowledge : The aim of the project was to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with the means for a reliable and effective way of communicating information and knowledge. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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The E-RACE project will develop a European standard relating to the new competencies required for business support personnel and for managers/owners within SMEs.The development of modern markets for products and services requires that enterprises make use of new skills and tools in carrying out their activities, thus for SMEs this can be more difficult than for larger or global companies.The proje ...
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The eNSTRUCT project addresses the need of the training sector for new and improved training tools/methodologies responding to the training needs of new job profiles associated with new and modern technologies (i.e. such as e-instructor).In this context, the job profile of individual trainers is evolving from 'knowledge agent' to 'manager of resources, technologies and people'. E-learning is compl ...
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Training tomorrow's multi-media wizards : Europe is gearing up for the Information Society but who is going to provide the material to feed the growing appetite for multi-media products that this entails? Help is on hand with this project to train people to be competent to supply the content needed for CD-ROMs, web sites, DVDs and other software. Itself based on ICT and multi-media techniques, the ...
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The STRIKERS project aims to establish new training approaches, based upon existing ethical behaviour within SMEs, to improve knowledge of social and environmental responsibility. In particular, the project aims at structuring existing ethical behaviour in SMEs, in terms of skills and training needs in order to meet identified training and information needs within SMEs in Europe. The main results ...
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...eer growth. Recognizing the learning processes by experiences gained in the workplace leads to an added value for both the employer and the employee.Taking into account the background gained on these areas through the past experiences at European and National level, “InformaLea.Job” project proposal aims at identifying practical solutions finalized to the recognition of informal learning acquired ...
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The aim of the project is to change the management culture of small and medium-sized enterprises. It will develop and set up a distance learning system for entrepreneurs to assist them with the modernisation of human resource management in their SMEs. This implies in particular the delegation of responsibility and authority, training of employees and the use of new technologies. The project will d ...
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