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SME-TIC - New Applications for Innovation and employment

The SME-TIC project will design, experiment and validate the feasibility of an intervention model to both encourage increased usage of ICT within SMEs and to increase the skills and access to the labour market of unemployed graduates through the provision of ICT training.Initial groups will be selected for the two phases of the project to include thirty recent graduates (with multidisciplinary degrees) currently seeking initial entry to the labour market and thirty SMEs (across 3 different SME sectors) where ICT is not yet a common workplace tool.The first group will undergo re-training in specific ICT applications, keeping in mind their previous training level and study area, with the eventual aim of gaining initial employment for at least 20 of the group.The second group will undergo an initial analysis as regards existing use of ICT and a needs analysis as regards the potential use of ICT to save both time and money within the enterprise itself. An eventual aim here is that 20 personnel from within the selected SMEs would have staff qualified in ICT, a particular focus being in qualifying female personnel, to re-address the gender balance, in areas where they are currently under-represented.Support materials will be developed to support both phases of the project (CD-Rom, paper and internet-based) for end production in a range of partner languages. A dedicated website will be developed to act as a host platform for the products and results of the project. A further specialist leaflet will be designed and circulated in 5 languages to raise awareness of the achievements of the project and a final 'dissemination day' nominated towards the end of the project whereby all partners will focus upon national awareness raising.

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8 Partners Participants