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Mediterranean Eco Industrial Development (MEID)
Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to realize the M.E.I.D. model to plan, build and govern sustainable Industrial Areas (IAs).The model goals to enhance capacities and decision tools of Competent Authorities to integrate environmental friendly solutions into the Regional and Interregional Development Strategies related to Industrial Policy. Thanks to the integration approach, SMEs will be the first beneficiaries, in terms of fostering eco-innovation, competitiveness and transnational cooperation. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startThe project and its activities have started in July 2010. The first step has been the conduction of a SWOT analysis which points out the main risks and difficulties of the development of Sustainable Industrial Areas (IAs) in the project partners countries. The results of the analysis has been the base for the following outputs of the project, specifically the MEID model definition. In the meanwhile, it has been set up a database of the Best Available Techniques in terms of environmental, social and economic solutions for Sustainable Industrial Areas. Thanks to information gathered, the MEID model and Sustainable Industrial Building trademark have been developed and presented in 2 important meetings in Rome (Regione LAZIO) and Bruxelles (European Parliament). Training activities with consequent testing of the model in the pilot areas have been performed. All the relevant information and other project news can be found on the project: www.medmeid.euLatest project activities and outputsThe main activities of this semester have dealt with the development of MEID model and of the guidelines for Sustainable industrial buildings, which have been presented to public in two meetings in Rome and Bruxelles. In the project meeting held in Sophia Antipolis the content of the trainings has been defined and developed. It was decided to prepare a set of standard modules which can be adapted and aggregated depending on the industrial areas characteristics and on the interests of the stakeholders. Several meetings (Nice, Padova, Thessaloniki) have been organized with different stakeholders such as Industrial Areas managers and Local Authorities in order to disseminate the results, collect remarks and gain consensus on the modelNext key steps for the projectThe work of the next semester will be concentrated on the organization of the trainings in seven industrial areas of the associated countries and on the test of the model in three areas (Ragusa, Padova and Valencia). The aim of these meetings is to disseminate the first results of the project to relevant stakeholders and to gather comments and suggestion on some technical aspect of the model. It was decided to focus the pilot test of the model on the specific characteristics of the areas.

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  • 71.9%   958 532,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants