Search for European Projects

19 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Definition and establishment of a new Master Course on “Environmental Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings” in three TN, DZ and MO universities, with affiliation to other three universities. The main scope is the promotion of EU best practices in the terms of educational methodologies and specific knowledge related to the energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. Two are the specific ...
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The MEDiterranean Public HEALTH Alliance (MED-HEALTH)

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

A solid public health system constitutes a pillar of advanced societies, capable of providing their citizens with an enabling environment for development and smart and inclusive societies. All countries in Europe and beyond need to address increasingly global health challenges with the support of innovative approaches and skilled professionals. To do so, HEIs need to introduce programmes with a wi ...
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There is a worldwide consensus today on the relevance of quality human resource management (HRM) for the optimisation of Higher Education Institutions’ performance. HEIs are facing increasingly complex contexts which require HRM models able to respond to new challenges in the selection, development and motivation of their staff. HR approaches focused on staff recruitment, organisation of employmen ...
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In the last two decades, and particularly since the onset of the global financial crisis, providing innovation-oriented knowledge has become a priority at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to address the widespread challenges of high unemployment towards smart and inclusive growth.At the global level, Asia is undergoing rapid changes and integrating into fast-evolving networks but growth is sev ...
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The reason of this project is to assess and describe the need for introducing vocational education at higher and tertiary levels and for establishing a Vocational Centers in Jordan universities and transfer of the EU experience in vocational training system and teaching.This project will focus on developing a vocational training program by constructing a vocational training center in Jordan univer ...
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Bildung: Bouwen aan goed onderwijs in de 21ste eeuw

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...nd use of ICT resources as sub objectives. 1. Education to become a Science and Technology Specialist - The “IPABO” teacher training, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Agora are developing an education to become a Science and Technology Specialist. As a part of this education the subject Study Visit Good Practice (EU Country) is included with training /courses 2. Entrep ...
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The objective of the FIGARO project is to significantly reduce the use of fresh water on farm level through developing a cost-effective, precision irrigation management platform. The platform will be structured for data acquisition from monitoring devices and forecasting tools, data interpretation, system control, and evaluation mechanisms enabling full decision support for end users at farm scale ...
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Financial markets have become increasingly complex and, in consequence, individuals everywhere need to improve their understanding of financial products and services. In addition, individuals today have greater responsibility for their financial well-being. A wide process of financial education is required in order to configure a critical and informed citizenship able to understand and make fundam ...
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Description DON'T WALK ALONE, JOIN THE GLOBAL SCIENCE EXCURSION!Scientists Meet TeachersIt is the vision of the GLOBAL excursion project that students and teachers can explore science in innovative, virtual excursions to science labs where they interact with scientific infrastructure, material and data as well as the scientists themselves ...
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Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links (GLOBAL)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2010,

GLOBAL - Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links will provide a virtual conference center using advanced communication technologies and concepts to support the promotion of e-infrastructure topics around the world.The GLOBAL project can be condensed in 4 objectives:• Objective 1: Providing the "Virtual Conference Center" Collaborative e-Infrastructure• Objective 2: Realising of Global Networking Sessi ...
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In the last 10 years, social media through the internet has grown from a minor tool of interpersonal communication to one of the leading players in mass communication. Advertising in social networks like MSN, Facebook, Hyves etc., has become very effective because of the possibility to precisely measure and reach the necessary audience. Social media is perfect for low-cost marketing! We want to im ...
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Pre- and in-service teacher training has made a big effort in fostering the adoption of innovative pedagogical approaches, such as collaborative or project-based learning. Nevertheless, teachers still find significant difficulties when trying to apply innovations to ICT-based contexts, currently dominated by Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). Although most institutions now have a VLE, these are ...
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The project is aimed at developing a set of curricula for the training of thetrainers/educators involved n the field of citizenship and intercultural education in 5European countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania and Spain). This set will becreated through the European exchange of best practice already developed in this field.In particular, training curricula for educators in formal and info ...
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Using Free and Open Source Software in the development of e-learning can provide higher quality, reduce costs and increase availability of platforms. But very few educational materials are available for use with these systems today. The OpenDock project wants to support the use of Open Content (a platform at which individuals and institutions can share and adapt educational materials) in vocationa ...
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The project aims at producing innovative training methodologies and strategies useful to foster self confidence and self consciousness in the professional lives of people with mental handicap. The partners have a great experience in the field of the individual use and re-use of specific formal and informal competences, know how and communicative skills of mental handicapped people. An independent ...
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Improving the skills of trainers as a means of promoting professional recruitment : This project is intended to equip the various education professionals in Europe with relevant and adaptable tools and methodologies, both as a means of improving their own skills and enhancing the aptitudes of trainees. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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The 3-year JPHES aims at the establishment of a Higher Education Learning Partnership (HELP) and 3 HELP offices in each of the project partner countries in Serbia, Croatia, Hungary and Romania with the objective to facilitate cooperation between HEIs and their local environment. The project foresees the development and implementation of learning and training programmes tailored to local enterpris ...
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COMPETENCIES FOR SENIORS IN ACTION project enriched all the participants both at personal and at organizational level. We've followed Henry Ford's words - "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." and we succeed. The project “Competencies for Seniors in Action” aimed to create a strong part ...
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To help participants in training and in extra training activities to obtain and make use of knowledge, skills and qualifications with a view to personal enrichment, employment aptitude and participation in the European labour marketThe aim of Modeval2 is to transfer tools achieved during Modeval1 to allow trainers of adults in the field of basic skills to create or/and to develop thier own evaluat ...
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